Need advice about venous leak

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Joined: Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:17 am
Location: Nashville area

Re: Need advice about venous leak

Postby Growinjim » Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:56 am

I also have venous leak. I won't go into a long discourse about
pills, injections, etc. But I Do find the Giddy device works for me.
It's an oval open-bottem cock ring with tension-band at the
bottom. Being oval, it doesn't constrict the arteries but DOES
constrict the dorsal vein with nubs at the top.

Sizing is Critical. I ended up with 2 sizes; one for use without
Trimix (smaller) and one for use with Trimix (larger).

It's expensive but works very for me.
78 yrs, ED for 4-5 years, currently using Trimix, Giddy

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