Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Seeking » Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:25 am

Gollam - could you give us the name of the UK penile implanter? Was it an NHS doctor? 4 years of this has been hard enough for me, so it really pains me to hear you've experienced two decades of this. But hey, your consultation (and I assume, penile doppler) with London Andrology is on the horizon, so I wish you the very best.

It's easy to forget that my procedure was only about 50 hours ago...! My sexual response (e.g. psychogenic erections) is still improved, but it's very bruised and tender down there and I have mild pelvic pain presumably because alot of the leakage for me was into my pelvis so I'm assuming alot of veins going through there have been collapsed by the sclerosing agent. I got hard earlier and it was borderline agony, so I'm trying to keep sex off the brain until the little chap is in better shape.

I overthink things alot, and currently I can't shake the feeling that this is temporary and one day the issue will return, but on the flip side if I heal well and function is restored even for a number of months, I'll make sure I get DAMN good use out of the little chap during that time and make the most of it - I could be run over by a bus next week, so constantly fretting about 'x' days into the future is pointless.

It's painfully ironic when I hear my friends complaining about not being able to get laid or chat up girls...if I could go back having experienced what I have in the past 4 years, my confidence with women would be beyond stratospheric. I guess life is the one place where you learn your lessons AFTER the test is given.

One day at a time.


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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby gollam121 » Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:04 am

Hi Seeking - Yes it was a NHS doctor based at the Leicester General call Mr Timothy Terry. The other prominent implanter in the UK is Mr David Ralph who is based in London.

I don't feel sorry for myself but at times its got me down, PD5's have work reasonably well over the last 5 years however and of late for whatever reason I've had 3/4 failures to perform. I guess it might be just be about getting older, stress or I'm building up a tolerance towards them. Either way I need to try something else and this procedure seems my best bet before going bionic! Hey I'm confident it won't make me worse but it might be hard to reconcile the cash outlay if I'm back where I started!

Like you I tend to overthink things but I do try and be positive and I think you will get back to rude health and better erections in no time at all. Unlike when I had ligation surgery back in 1997 and knew the chance of it being a success over 12 months and beyond was less than 40% but I was young and desperate. I saw an improvement over 2 months to which 6 weeks of this was recovery, things then started to then decline although it remained slightly better than before the opp it was very upsetting at the time. Then Viagra came onto the market so as you can see I've managed things over the last 20 years.

London Andrology quote a total success rate of 64% which I guess means total cure? With another 14% saying things had significantly improved and they were able to lower the dose of PD5 drugs. At 40 I'd be happy to be in the 14% bit to be honest!

I will support you and others in getting the word out there to the so called professional field, lets shout about the condition know as 'Venous leak' as loud as we can because its about time it came to the fore so that future generations of men don't have to suffer like we have.

42 years old, Venous leak all my life. Pills worked but not so much then I foolishly did Scerothreapy (See young guys thread). Now totally impotent and just want an implant to stop me from completely crazy.

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Seeking » Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:44 am

Gollam - can I ask what your ligation surgery entailed? 6 weeks is a long recovery time, does this mean it was a long/invasive operation? Was there a large incision into your penis?

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Echegollen » Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:08 pm

gollam121 wrote:
In my case PDE5 work 0/10 of the time and the supposingly extremely powerful injections (caverject) work 5/10 of the time. I am only 31 years old by the way and I have been suffering from venous leak all my life.

Really sorry to hear that Echegollen none of us should have to endure this however there are options available. Would / could you consider what Razor and Seeking have had done? I live in the UK so if both of the aforementioned have what I would consider successful outcomes then I will take the plunge myself. I'm not rich by any stretch but will pull the money together because aside from hit on my finances I don't think I have anything to lose medically.

I hope you find your end game soon and are able to look forward in life without the curse of the VL. Like everyone on this fantastic forum I'm here to help others through my own experiences. This particular thread has given me some hope and I trust its helping you as well.

All the best.

Don't worry my friend. You can be sure that I will give this new treatment a try. I've got nothing to lose. I just wanted to do a little more research on the subject before jumping in. I was planning to have it done by the end of the year. Since I live in Canada you can understand I really need to plan ahead of time. Thanks to Razor and Seeking, I now have the blessing to know from reliable source if this operation if worth the investment.

If this doesn't work. I am planning to get implant within the next years.
I'm 39 years old. Never was able to maintain my erections for more than 1 minute. Pills don't work. Had sclerotherapy by Dr. Kuehhas in Austria in 2016. Didn't work. Injections (Caverject) are the only things that gave me acceptable results.

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Echegollen » Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:10 pm

gollam121 wrote:
It makes me angry to think how I have been treated by NHS and private urologists over the last 20 years. As I have said before on this thread I was told by one of the UK's top penile implanters not that long ago that he questioned if a venous leak actually existed which for someone who cuts inside men's tackle quite regularly is staggering !


I totally understand your frustration my friend!!!
I'm 39 years old. Never was able to maintain my erections for more than 1 minute. Pills don't work. Had sclerotherapy by Dr. Kuehhas in Austria in 2016. Didn't work. Injections (Caverject) are the only things that gave me acceptable results.

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Echegollen » Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:13 pm

Seeking wrote:
I overthink things alot, and currently I can't shake the feeling that this is temporary and one day the issue will return, but on the flip side if I heal well and function is restored even for a number of months, I'll make sure I get DAMN good use out of the little chap during that time and make the most of it - I could be run over by a bus next week,

You are funny bro! :lol:
I'm 39 years old. Never was able to maintain my erections for more than 1 minute. Pills don't work. Had sclerotherapy by Dr. Kuehhas in Austria in 2016. Didn't work. Injections (Caverject) are the only things that gave me acceptable results.

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Echegollen » Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:16 pm

gollam121 wrote:I will support you and others in getting the word out there to the so called professional field, lets shout about the condition know as 'Venous leak' as loud as we can because its about time it came to the fore so that future generations of men don't have to suffer like we have.

I'm 39 years old. Never was able to maintain my erections for more than 1 minute. Pills don't work. Had sclerotherapy by Dr. Kuehhas in Austria in 2016. Didn't work. Injections (Caverject) are the only things that gave me acceptable results.

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby razor1 » Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:17 pm

I understand everyone's frustrationa and anger after dealing with this myself for 15 Years. However, blaming medical specialists for not knowing the latest surgery options is not beneficial for anyone.

The main reason I posted my experience is so that anyone suffering what I have, could maybe benefit from my experience. I had looked so hard for options myself and felt so frustrated.

I went back to my original dr that was treating me yesterday & explained I had had the surgery etc. he was very happy and had actually already referred someone to see dr keuhhas, based only on my explanation of what he offered and why I wanted a referral (need for insurance purpose) before I had even gone.he is now looking at bringing it into the country where I live.

Drs are also human, and some want to learn and help others.

Sorry just my 2cents.
45yr old, ED for 20ys in one form or another
Implanted by Dr Eid on 22.02.18 - titan 22cm (left no RTE, right 1cm RTE)
Happy with recovery so far

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Domino » Sat Aug 08, 2015 10:09 am

Hello Guys,
at first let me introduce myself. Iam 26years old an have Primary ED (since birth).
I have this diagnosis since 2010, and ive done a lot of exeminations, seen a lot of specialists and doctors.
2012 i had an Arterial Revascularization which failed. This Operation is only performed in very small cases Doctors assumed i have too narrow Arteries inside the Penis. Its like an Arterial Malformation.
Well, what confused me was, that i failed the Cavernosography, in which the Arterial Inflow is simulated, so i assume its caused by the Venous Outflow after all.

I gotta say,i dont think the Sclero is something new, its just an other form of a Ligation/Embolization. I consulted my Doctor(Which also did the Operation), who knew the procedure. Well he said, the sucess rates for this therapy can be compared with those of an Embo/ligation, cause it has a similar effect on the veins. That pressure will sooner or later produce collaterals, and the whole problem will occure again. No Wonder why so less doctors are performing this operation. But hey, its a nice way to fool people and get some extra cash.

I gotta say i blame Herwig for ripping you off. I just dont think any of those Operations will work, they just treat symptoms.
But yeah, to me it seems that know one really knows what the origin of Venous Leakage is (Except poor arterial inflow).
And i think no one really cares about it, cause its a rare disease and the Pharmaindustry is happy when they can sell their pills.

A times iam trying EWST, pelvic floor training, supps and Electrotherapy for the Smooth Muscles.

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Domino » Sat Aug 08, 2015 10:23 am

Ya all:
Can you describe when your leak occured first and if there was some special occassion going with it (injury etc?)
Find this really interesting cause mine is from birth. Maybe we will get a little smarter about the issue...

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