Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Echegollen » Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:14 pm

Seeking wrote:

Now my holistic overview:
- In my opinion, until me and Razor are off the Cialis daily, there is no way in hell of telling whether this has worked or not. Therefore, I'm gonna leave it a full month before I formulate any kind of viewpoint on efficacy. Although, I was impressed by the X-rays.
- Mr Kuehhas said there would be a follow up in 4 - 8 weeks; however, I will request specifically one for 8 weeks precisely for the above reason - I don't want someone assessing my baseline erectile function if I'm on erection-enhancing drugs! I was rather baffled by this.

Good thinking! Can't wait to hear from you again!
I'm 39 years old. Never was able to maintain my erections for more than 1 minute. Pills don't work. Had sclerotherapy by Dr. Kuehhas in Austria in 2016. Didn't work. Injections (Caverject) are the only things that gave me acceptable results.

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Seeking » Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:35 am

Before starting my course of Cialis daily, I wanted to give this update as its probably the purest measure of the results of the operation so far before the PDE5 medication starts clouding things.

I 'tested' my psychogenic erections this morning by doing the following:

I.) Fantasising about a girl who I've got the hots for
II.) Fantasising about a girl I haven't got the hots for

In both cases, I acheived a 70 - 80% erection in about 20 seconds. Before the op both cases would have been impossible without direct physical stimulation. I stopped when I felt myself getting too aroused as my penis is heavily bruised today so I don't wanna give the little guy too much of a workout.

Once I stopped fantasising, the erection did fade quickly - quicker than before I developed ED, but I wasn't expecting things to return to 100% either so I can probably live with that, although maybe my fully healed penis will perform better.

Mindset-wise, I'm still not getting my hopes up and I'm still seeing this op as a 'time buying' exercise and not a functional 'cure', but one thing is for absolute certain - although I don't know how LONG the effects will last for, penile sclerotherapy has directly addressed the cause of my ED and immediately given me better erections.

This was also acheived after I emptied my bladder, which to me is very significant - a full bladder seems to boost both night and day erections significantly so doing this on an empty was important.

I'm about to pop my first Cialis now, so Im putting the 'experimental' stage on hold for now and will try to take it easy for a month whilst the little guy heals.

Any questions please fire them my way.

P.S Once again Razor's initial account has paid dividends - penis was very bruised this morning and had I not been expecting this from his initial account I'd have freaked the fuck out. A big thank you again.

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby gollam121 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:11 am

Seeking wrote:Before starting my course of Cialis daily, I wanted to give this update as its probably the purest measure of the results of the operation so far before the PDE5 medication starts clouding things.

I 'tested' my psychogenic erections this morning by doing the following:

I.) Fantasising about a girl who I've got the hots for
II.) Fantasising about a girl I haven't got the hots for

In both cases, I acheived a 70 - 80% erection in about 20 seconds. Before the op both cases would have been impossible without direct physical stimulation. I stopped when I felt myself getting too aroused as my penis is heavily bruised today so I don't wanna give the little guy too much of a workout.

Once I stopped fantasising, the erection did fade quickly - quicker than before I developed ED, but I wasn't expecting things to return to 100% either so I can probably live with that, although maybe my fully healed penis will perform better.

Mindset-wise, I'm still not getting my hopes up and I'm still seeing this op as a 'time buying' exercise and not a functional 'cure', but one thing is for absolute certain - although I don't know how LONG the effects will last for, penile sclerotherapy has directly addressed the cause of my ED and immediately given me better erections.

This was also acheived after I emptied my bladder, which to me is very significant - a full bladder seems to boost both night and day erections significantly so doing this on an empty was important.

I'm about to pop my first Cialis now, so Im putting the 'experimental' stage on hold for now and will try to take it easy for a month whilst the little guy heals.

Any questions please fire them my way.

P.S Once again Razor's initial account has paid dividends - penis was very bruised this morning and had I not been expecting this from his initial account I'd have freaked the fuck out. A big thank you again.

Hi Seeking, Early days but I'm reading all the threads with great interest and from Razors early reports post opp, things look encouraging. One thing that's taken me by surprise is the pain and bruising and like you I was told at my initial consultancy that it was pretty routine surgery and that I'd be on a plane back home from Vienna the same day and back at work within a couple of days, doesn't sound like this is the case?
42 years old, Venous leak all my life. Pills worked but not so much then I foolishly did Scerothreapy (See young guys thread). Now totally impotent and just want an implant to stop me from completely crazy.

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby razor1 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:29 am

Hi seeking - that's really good news ! Hope your healing goes well.

Gollam - there is bruising, swelling and some minor pain, but I was ok to fly 15hrs the night I was operated on. And you could go back to work the next day if you had to. I would suggest a day or 2 off though so you can rest and let it heal a bit. I tried to avoid walking too much for the first few days to minimize any further bruising.

My bruising has almost gone now, there is still a bit on the sides and base.
45yr old, ED for 20ys in one form or another
Implanted by Dr Eid on 22.02.18 - titan 22cm (left no RTE, right 1cm RTE)
Happy with recovery so far

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby wolfpacker » Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:50 am

This thread is gold... ive never heard an experience from anyone who's had sclerotherapy, much less two people.
Early 30s with ED for years from penis enlargement stretching and jelqing. Implant by Dr Eid on 24 June 2021 with a Titan 24cm with +1cm RTE on one side and -1cm cut off on the other side

My journal: viewtopic.php?t=17202

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby gollam121 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:37 am

wolfpacker wrote:This thread is gold... ive never heard an experience from anyone who's had sclerotherapy, much less two people.

Hi Wolfpacker,

Hopefully 3 if all goes to plan with Seeker and Razor. Early days but I remain positive for both.

In my view the more people that read this post the better and it can only help promote the surgery that is as far as I know is only done by Dr
Herwig and colleagues in Vienna. I read about sclerotherapy about 5 years ago from an old medical paper written in the late 1980's therefore this type of treatment for a venous leak is not new however these guys appear to have developed things further which even though they quote a 77% general success rate is still light years ahead of most across the world.

For me I have been on this site since 2011 and so far this is the most excited I've been with regards to a potential treatment for the condition I have had to deal with for over 20 years. I now need to keep following the progress of the 2 pioneers I have mentioned above but need to keep some perspective because although they may get the cure they are looking for it may not work for me as I had vein ligatation surgery back in 1997, hence I no longer have a deep dorsal vein as this has been striped away. This said I'm told by the London Andrology clinic I'm still a good candidate for sclerotherapy and so long as the vein / veins that are leaking route back into my prostate I should see a reasonable improvement with my erections even if I have to still have to use PD5's. I'm older than Seeker and Razor so this outcome would be more than acceptable to me even if it only lasted 5 or 6 years; at least I can then fall back to the final solution (implant) knowing that I tried everything.

I'm happily married to a very understanding women and with PD5's I'm able to have successful intercourse at least 8/10 so as you may understand this is all about improvement more than total cure.......I 'd obviously take total cure all the same :D

42 years old, Venous leak all my life. Pills worked but not so much then I foolishly did Scerothreapy (See young guys thread). Now totally impotent and just want an implant to stop me from completely crazy.

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Echegollen » Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:58 am

gollam121 wrote:
I'm happily married to a very understanding women and with PD5's I'm able to have successful intercourse at least 8/10 so as you may understand this is all about improvement more than total cure.......I 'd obviously take total cure all the same :D


In my case PDE5 work 0/10 of the time and the supposingly extremely powerful injections (caverject) work 5/10 of the time. I am only 31 years old by the way and I have been suffering from venous leak all my life.
I'm 39 years old. Never was able to maintain my erections for more than 1 minute. Pills don't work. Had sclerotherapy by Dr. Kuehhas in Austria in 2016. Didn't work. Injections (Caverject) are the only things that gave me acceptable results.

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby gollam121 » Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:30 am

Echegollen wrote:
gollam121 wrote:
I'm happily married to a very understanding women and with PD5's I'm able to have successful intercourse at least 8/10 so as you may understand this is all about improvement more than total cure.......I 'd obviously take total cure all the same :D


In my case PDE5 work 0/10 of the time and the supposingly extremely powerful injections (caverject) work 5/10 of the time. I am only 31 years old by the way and I have been suffering from venous leak all my life.

Really sorry to hear that Echegollen none of us should have to endure this however there are options available. Would / could you consider what Razor and Seeking have had done? I live in the UK so if both of the aforementioned have what I would consider successful outcomes then I will take the plunge myself. I'm not rich by any stretch but will pull the money together because aside from hit on my finances I don't think I have anything to lose medically.

I hope you find your end game soon and are able to look forward in life without the curse of the VL. Like everyone on this fantastic forum I'm here to help others through my own experiences. This particular thread has given me some hope and I trust its helping you as well.

All the best.
42 years old, Venous leak all my life. Pills worked but not so much then I foolishly did Scerothreapy (See young guys thread). Now totally impotent and just want an implant to stop me from completely crazy.

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Seeking » Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:35 am

Seeking's Pelvic Venograms - Before and After

Ok, so after Razor mentioned he didn't receive prints of all his venograms from the Austrian team, I made sure I got mine.

Here is a venogram taken with the contrast dye before the procedure. I assume the forceps are holding my Deep Dorsal Vein in place. You can see there is alot of blood leakage into my pelvis, I've pointed to the most significant leak with a pen but there are other leak channels to the left also.


Here is the venogram taken after three rounds of valsalva (straining) after the aethoxysclerol was injected. You can see that the pelvic leakage has been significantly reduced. Interestingly, you can still see significant blood outflow to the sides of where the forceps are - I assume/hope these are 'normal' leakage channels which you need to basically stop yourself from having a 24/7 erection (as remember - my penis was flaccid during this procedure). When I have my follow up with Dr. Kuehhas in 4-8 weeks, I will absolutely enquire with him what these leakage channels signify.


If these images do nothing else, they give me a sense of liberation knowing that there were ORGANIC, PHYSICAL causes of my condition and that no urologist can now bullshit me saying it was all in my head. Having a serious condition that is diagnosed is distressing enough, but for nearly 4 years I've had a condition which was undiagnosed - in the last month Dr.Kuehhas' team have both i.) given me a diagnosis and ii.) a treatment. This leaves me with a mixture of emotions - grateful that I've been able to have this treatment, but some bad memories being sat in urologists offices being spoken down to. If this treatment benefits me enough, I will absolutely be writing to the heads of sexual dysfunction in our health service suggesting that they monitor the results of Dr. Herwig's study (as I assume these treatment outcomes will eventually be published) and use this to inform their treatment of ED patients. If nothing else, a venogram of the pelvic area should be taken as a diagnostic measure and not everything riding on a doppler ultrasound.
Last edited by Seeking on Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby gollam121 » Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:57 am

Seeking wrote:Seeking's Pelvic Venograms - Before and After

Ok, so after Razor mentioned he didn't receive prints of all his venograms from the Austrian team, I made sure I got mine.

Here is a venogram taken with the contrast dye before the procedure. I assume the forceps are holding my Deep Dorsal Vein in place. You can see there is alot of blood leakage into my pelvis, I've pointed to the most significant leak with a pen but there are other leak channels to the left also.


Here is the venogram taken after three rounds of valsalva (straining) after the aethoxysclerol was injected. You can see that the pelvic leakage has been significantly reduced. Interestingly, you can still see significant blood outflow to the sides of where the forceps are - I assume/hope these are 'normal' leakage channels which you need to basically stop yourself from having a 24/7 erection (as remember - my penis was flaccid during this procedure). When I have my follow up with Dr. Kuehhas in 4-8 weeks, I will absolutely enquire with him what these leakage channels signify.


If these images do nothing else, they give me a sense of liberation knowing that there were ORGANIC, PHYSICAL causes of my condition and that no urologist can now bullshit me saying it was all in my head. Having a serious condition that is diagnosed is distressing enough, but for nearly 4 years I've had a condition which was undiagnosed - in the last month Dr.Kuehhas' team have both i.) given me a diagnosis and ii.) a treatment. This leaves me with a mixture of emotions - grateful that I've been able to have this treatment, but some bad memories being sad in urologists offices being spoken down to. If this treatment benefits me enough, I will absolutely be writing to the heads of sexual dysfunction in our health service suggesting that they monitor the results of Dr. Herwig's study (as I assume these treatment outcomes will eventually be published) and use this to inform their treatment of ED patients.

It makes me angry to think how I have been treated by NHS and private urologists over the last 20 years. As I have said before on this thread I was told by one of the UK's top penile implanters not that long ago that he questioned if a venous leak actually existed which for someone who cuts inside men's tackle quite regularly is staggering !

How are you Seeking? Are things improving? I'm going to contact London Andrology today to obtain some dates.

42 years old, Venous leak all my life. Pills worked but not so much then I foolishly did Scerothreapy (See young guys thread). Now totally impotent and just want an implant to stop me from completely crazy.

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