3 Days Post-Op, Frustrated Because of Length

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Re: 3 Days Post-Op, Frustrated Because of Length

Postby thereishope » Tue Feb 04, 2020 3:33 pm

mr.henry wrote:Sure,

It was on 01.02.2020, which means 3 days ago.

My surgeon is named Ates Kadioglu, who served as the head of the Turkish Association of Urology for 10 years, and still is the honorary president. So he's experienced enough. He also has an infection rate under %0.5, which is impressive.

I did my research, and talked to him enough(i guess). He knew about my concerns about penile length and warned me that I'd lose around 1 cm because the glance wouldn't get blood anymore after the surgery (although he told me I wouldnt lose ANY length at our first appointment). But 1cm was OK.

When I wanted an estimation of length, he just grabbed my flaccid penis and stretched just "a little". It was 13.5 cm, which is close to what it is now after the surgery. I heavily reacted. As far as I knew, the best estimation was to stretch the flaccid penis AS MUCH AS you can, which gave me 15.5 cms.

So he noted down our expectation as 15.5 cms and I was OK with it.

But now, I'm 2-2.5 cms below that limit with an CX which is said not to expand in length. All my hope relies on the forum members that claim cycling works on a CX.

That's my expanded story.


The amount of red flags here is, insane, on your doctors part. If you are sure you are undersized, and, you have a lot of loose skin you should get in contact with either Dr Kramer or Dr eid, to address properly if you need a revision or not. Don't wait it out, so, you don't loose length!

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