Sharing info from ED specialist

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Sharing info from ED specialist

Postby hallfighter4 » Thu Dec 21, 2017 7:19 pm

Last edited by hallfighter4 on Sat May 25, 2019 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Sharing info from ED specialist

Postby Larry10625 » Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:12 pm

hallfighter4 wrote:Hey guys,

Been lurking on this forum for a few months now but this is my first post. I’m 21 years old and I have had a venous leak since I was 19. I just had my second visit with a local urologist who specializes in ED. He is trying to find a solution to venous leak ED (besides the penile implant) which I know is relevant for a lot of guys around here.

Since seeing a specialist can be difficult (they are always booked months in advance plus we have busy lives of our own – to say nothing of medical costs) I’ve decided to share all of the information I’ve gotten from him so that it’s publicly available.

But first, a few warnings/disclaimers.

1) I’m not here to give you false hopes of a miracle ED cure that’s “just around the corner.” Put your faith in the proven treatments – pills, injections, VEDs, and implants. I am only making this post to share objective information that is otherwise difficult to find. Personally, I’ve already come to terms with the fact that I will, in all likelihood, be getting an implant someday.
2) Please do not ask me to share the name or location of my doctor. Even if you knew his name it would be months before you could see him and even then your visit probably would not be that productive – his appointments are brief and he tends to dominate the conversation making it difficult for you to ask specific questions. Just read my post instead.
3) I am not a doctor and therefore I am not qualified to give you medical advice. Again I am simply sharing objective information for you to do with as you see fit.

Anyways, here are a few things I’ve gleaned from my doctor.

1) A standard practice for treating venogenic ED (AKA venous leak) is to take 20mg of sildenafil (AKA Viagra) each night before bed. The reasoning here is that this small dose of PDE5 inhibitors will improve one’s nocturnal erections, thereby rehabilitating the penis over time.
-- I’ve been doing this for a few months now and the results were fairly promising at first. But pills have largely lost their efficacy
for me over time so I am no longer as optimistic. I am going to stick with it anyway since generic sildenafil is now available at a reasonable
price. Everyone is different so other guys might have more luck with this approach.
2) Using a Viberect for 5 minutes twice a day can help rehabilitate the penis. He quoted a study that said after a few months of this treatment, erectile quality of patients returned almost to baseline. The pseudoscientific explanation I got was that the Viberect causes very minor damage to the nerves, skin, tissues, etc, of the penis. The body’s natural response to small injuries is to heal (think of a minor cut on your arm), so you are basically trying to force the penis to heal itself
-- If I’m being honest, this sounds like bogus. But I’m probably going to try it anyway since my ED started after an injury so it’s pretty obvious
something didn’t heal right.
3) He is currently doing clinical trials on stem cell therapy for venogenic ED. He did not tell me too much about it but he seemed pretty excited about the results he was getting. I’m going back to see him in May 2018 and he is going to update me on the remainder of the clinical trial then.
-- The discouraging thing here is that if you Google search “frank talk stem cell” you find posts from 2012 about guys having no luck with stem
cell treatment but that it could be “just over the horizon” so to speak. Here we are 5 years later and still no widely accepted stem cell
treatment exists. Given the amazing things doctors have done with stem cells, it seems promising. But at the same time, I’m not willing to
let my life pass me by waiting for some cure that might come
4) He is a member of a society for sexual health/medicine (I’m not sure exactly which one) and is going to a conference in May 2018. At this conference a bunch of the big brains of sexual and reproductive medicine get together to compare notes and share their findings. He said at this conference he hopes to present the results of his stem cell research and also learn of new treatments from his peers in the field. I’m going to see him again in May 2018 after this conference, so if he has anything new he’s going to share it with me then

I’ll be sure to share the results of our next meeting in case he finds any more promising leads. But that will be months from now so don’t hold your breath.

As for me, I’m pretty sure I’ll be getting an implant sometime in the next few years, but I’m willing to wait a little longer to see what happens. In the meantime going to start experimenting with injections.

I hope this post is helpful to you guys, especially if you are having a hard time finding a doctor who specializes in ED.

Best of luck to everyone trying to fix their piece of sh%* penises. ;)

Welcome to Frank Talk. Your post was very informative... thank you. :)


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Re: Sharing info from ED specialist

Postby ED2013 » Sat Dec 23, 2017 6:11 pm

How bad is your vl ?

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Re: Sharing info from ED specialist

Postby hallfighter4 » Tue Dec 26, 2017 3:00 am

Last edited by hallfighter4 on Sat May 25, 2019 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sharing info from ED specialist

Postby jelquinginjury » Fri Dec 29, 2017 6:42 am

How did you get injuried?
Injury that caused venous leak.
In my 20s thinking about implant

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Re: Sharing info from ED specialist

Postby Echegollen » Wed Mar 14, 2018 2:28 pm

Very interesting post!

I was also looking into getting stem cell therapy, but wanted to read some feedbacks before... It is a brand new procedure so not much feedbacks yet.

Looking forward to read your posts in May 2018 my friend.
I'm 39 years old. Never was able to maintain my erections for more than 1 minute. Pills don't work. Had sclerotherapy by Dr. Kuehhas in Austria in 2016. Didn't work. Injections (Caverject) are the only things that gave me acceptable results.

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Re: Sharing info from ED specialist

Postby Trust-Jesus » Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:27 am

Thank you for sharing hallfighter4

My opinion ... you still very young to think about implant.

My advise : retrain your pens to hold the blood inside . I mean try to masturbation but without reaching orgasm . Do that on daily basis ( 5 days per week ) for at least 20 minutes per session ....

You can also try pelvic floor exercise and legal....

L.argenin with pegnocenol would help you slit.

Good luck
39 years old married since 2007. I will keep fighting against my ED . I believe I can reverse it. Just pray for me. 8-)

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Re: Sharing info from ED specialist

Postby hope794 » Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:02 am

no news?
26 yo from Italy.Peyronie's disease probably since 2015.Since then,penis bends of about 20-25°. PD keeps progressing. Moderate ED since 4 years and things getting worse.From pornstar-like to depressed, but still fighting for a solution.

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Re: Sharing info from ED specialist

Postby naginati » Tue Sep 04, 2018 6:46 am

Last edited by naginati on Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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