36 5'9" 270lb w/ moderate ED

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36 5'9" 270lb w/ moderate ED

Postby that_username » Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:33 pm

Hey all,

This is my second post on this forum (my first can be found here)

Hello all!

I'm a 35 year old male who over the course of this last year developed some erection issues. I gradually lost both regular spontaneous and morning erections and now I am no longer capable of maintaining an erection unless I am being directly stimulated. I also seem to lose my erections frequently during sex. I am about 250lbs and I'm working on losing weight. I use to be on 0.5mg of Ativan three times daily (1.5mg in total) for a couple of years until I felt it wasn't effective anymore so I quit taking it. I have a pretty stressful home life (married with three boys) yet my wife is very supportive and claims this isn't that big of an issue even though I think about this developing problem almost non-stop and am a little dreadful before and during sex.

Thanks for having this great resource and I look forward to reading these forums!

Despite my best efforts I have actually gained more weight but have joined a gym and go every night for at least 30 minutes, I have also switched from a sitting desk at my job to a standing one in the hopes that it helps. My PCP is suggesting that if I work harder (no pun intended) to improve my overall health this problem should go away.

I have pretty significant anxiety and attention deficit issues, which I medicate with 0.5mg Xanax (as needed) and 30mg Adderall (daily) but my issues started before I began taking those so I don't really attribute it to them. Although, I mentioned above that I use to take Ativan fairly regularly before my problems began.

My erection issues have stayed pretty much the same. I rarely get morning or spontaneous erections anymore (they gradually went away over the course of year). I am capable of having sex but it's very hit or miss. I have noticed that I have no problem getting hard but if we wait too long (Like during foreplay or if we move from the shower to the bed) there is good chance it'll soften and not get as hard as it was initially.

When I approached my doctor about it and he said he'd give me a prescription to whichever oral ED medications I'd prefer but he suggested that Viagra would be a good start. They are roughly $30 a pill with my insurance (Yikes! we try to have sex as often as possible.) so I waited for a free sample coupon on their site and ordered it. Once I received them I cut them all in half and had great success. Everything worked just like it did a year or so ago.

I have noticed that my penis, when flaccid, is regularly sore (more on the underside near the base) the sensation reminds me of the times I'd get "too erect" to point where it was kind of sore or like it was pulled on too hard while soft. Does this soreness possible indicate anything? Also, I know anxiety and depression can lead to ED, does the fact that Viagra was so effective for me potentially rule out organic issues and point more to a psychogenic one? Finally, as I mentioned I have history of legal and controlled benzodiazepine use -- Is it possible they may have caused this? I have heard they can cause protracted side effects and withdrawal symptoms for months or even years after discontinuing them.

Thanks for reading all of this. As you guys know being younger and having this problem is pretty hard to take. I just need some opinions on my questions and perhaps some advice about what to do next.

Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:26 pm

Re: 36 5'9" 270lb w/ moderate ED

Postby that_username » Wed May 06, 2015 3:20 pm

Welp. This is disappointing. I'm the only guy under 40 on the internet with ED symptoms?

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Re: 36 5'9" 270lb w/ moderate ED

Postby ED2013 » Wed May 13, 2015 11:30 pm

Does the Viagra still work for you?

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Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:26 pm

Re: 36 5'9" 270lb w/ moderate ED

Postby that_username » Wed May 13, 2015 11:38 pm

Yes. 25mg works incredibly well. The pills are like $30 for 100mg on my insurance plan.

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Re: 36 5'9" 270lb w/ moderate ED

Postby ED2013 » Thu May 14, 2015 12:59 pm

that_username wrote:Yes. 25mg works incredibly well. The pills are like $30 for 100mg on my insurance plan.

There are several legit online pharmacies that sell generic Viagra which work just as well as the originals, and at a fraction of the cost. Keep going with excercise and weight loss

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Re: 36 5'9" 270lb w/ moderate ED

Postby dirtman1993 » Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:44 am

Try "Jan Drugs" out of Canada as they as great and sell generic and brand name.
Implanted March 2nd by Dr. Kramer with AMS/LGX. Had a problem lower left (scar tissue) and he placed a larger (thicker) implant as you can here on the YouTube video. Got all back, ED over 10 years before Implant.

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Re: 36 5'9" 270lb w/ moderate ED

Postby hypogonadal » Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:26 pm

I hope you're not offended, but given your height and weight, you are incredibly obese. I wouldnt be confident in believing the cause of your ED is anything short of being related to chronic obesity. I could recommend blood tests and what not, but it would be an illusion to believe obesity isn't a key factor here.
31 Years old. ED since I was 15/16. Diagnosed with hypogonadism/venous leak at 31. On Clomid/Arimidex mix for HRT. Cured for a week then it stopped. In process to find a solution. Lifelong nightmare but I waited a decade + to get help.

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Re: 36 5'9" 270lb w/ moderate ED

Postby Bjones » Sun Mar 19, 2017 2:25 am

38 years old here, I just got clean from benzos and it has helped my ED but I still need Cialis and even that has stopped working as well..

Your adderal could be a huge problem as it causes vasoconstriction..I know I used to take it for several years, it boosted sex drive but caused "stim dick" ..I know you said you had ED prior but may want to reduce adderal

Hmm since you take benzos and adderal you don't have reduced sex drive due to the meds?if I were to take adderal/benzos daily sex wouldn't even be on my mind ever lol

Im in same boat as I need to take certain medications that are notorious for causing ED..I've tried stopping medications or switching them with others but it doesn't help..now im forced to go beyond cialis..

Be very thankful Viagra still works for you as it poops out on a lot of guys...definitely find a generic online do it's cheaper..ever heard of pt-141?its supposed to boost sex drive and erections!


Re: 36 5'9" 270lb w/ moderate ED

Postby Larry10625 » Mon May 29, 2017 8:37 am

that_username wrote:Hey all,

This is my second post on this forum (my first can be found here)

Hello all!

I'm a 35 year old male who over the course of this last year developed some erection issues. I gradually lost both regular spontaneous and morning erections and now I am no longer capable of maintaining an erection unless I am being directly stimulated. I also seem to lose my erections frequently during sex. I am about 250lbs and I'm working on losing weight. I use to be on 0.5mg of Ativan three times daily (1.5mg in total) for a couple of years until I felt it wasn't effective anymore so I quit taking it. I have a pretty stressful home life (married with three boys) yet my wife is very supportive and claims this isn't that big of an issue even though I think about this developing problem almost non-stop and am a little dreadful before and during sex.

Thanks for having this great resource and I look forward to reading these forums!

Despite my best efforts I have actually gained more weight but have joined a gym and go every night for at least 30 minutes, I have also switched from a sitting desk at my job to a standing one in the hopes that it helps. My PCP is suggesting that if I work harder (no pun intended) to improve my overall health this problem should go away.

I have pretty significant anxiety and attention deficit issues, which I medicate with 0.5mg Xanax (as needed) and 30mg Adderall (daily) but my issues started before I began taking those so I don't really attribute it to them. Although, I mentioned above that I use to take Ativan fairly regularly before my problems began.

My erection issues have stayed pretty much the same. I rarely get morning or spontaneous erections anymore (they gradually went away over the course of year). I am capable of having sex but it's very hit or miss. I have noticed that I have no problem getting hard but if we wait too long (Like during foreplay or if we move from the shower to the bed) there is good chance it'll soften and not get as hard as it was initially.

When I approached my doctor about it and he said he'd give me a prescription to whichever oral ED medications I'd prefer but he suggested that Viagra would be a good start. They are roughly $30 a pill with my insurance (Yikes! we try to have sex as often as possible.) so I waited for a free sample coupon on their site and ordered it. Once I received them I cut them all in half and had great success. Everything worked just like it did a year or so ago.

I have noticed that my penis, when flaccid, is regularly sore (more on the underside near the base) the sensation reminds me of the times I'd get "too erect" to point where it was kind of sore or like it was pulled on too hard while soft. Does this soreness possible indicate anything? Also, I know anxiety and depression can lead to ED, does the fact that Viagra was so effective for me potentially rule out organic issues and point more to a psychogenic one? Finally, as I mentioned I have history of legal and controlled benzodiazepine use -- Is it possible they may have caused this? I have heard they can cause protracted side effects and withdrawal symptoms for months or even years after discontinuing them.

Thanks for reading all of this. As you guys know being younger and having this problem is pretty hard to take. I just need some opinions on my questions and perhaps some advice about what to do next.

I know it has been a long time since you posted this. I am very much like you, except a lot older (50). I am over weight (5'10, 209lbs), have type 2 diabetes, and take a lot of meds for this and that. First, start by researching the side effects of your meds. You must continue to lose weight. I cut my portion sizes by half and drink lots of water. The water fills you up and then you don't feel like eating as much. When in a parking lot, park as far away from the store as you can. Take a friend and go for a walk. Don't bring the junk food into your house. If you have to snack, snack on things like nuts and popcorn (no added butter). Get your testosterone levels checked... if it's low, you can have a whole lot of other health issues. I got the implant and then lost it to infection. In 6 very long months I will be getting another one... can't wait. The more weight you lose, the bigger your dick gets (or looks anyways). Good luck and feel free to ask me (or anyone on here) questions. Please post an update for all of the readers.


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Re: 36 5'9" 270lb w/ moderate ED

Postby Howling8 » Sun Mar 07, 2021 7:05 pm

Where you able to orgasm/ejaculate when you were on Ativan or Xanax? Thanks
67 yr old, married 20 yrs,
Cialis, Trimix since 2004
MIA in 2004
Implanted by Dr Guise on 10/28/21
Pre-op: 6.3" length 6" girth
14 mos post op: 6.5" lento and 5.75 girth on shaft and 6" at the base

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