Completely impotent at the age of 22.

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Completely impotent at the age of 22.

Postby tryfied » Wed May 22, 2013 1:59 pm


I'm 22 years old. 3 years ago I did something, that I (and many others) thought was impossible. I damaged my penis with a techinque called jelqing attempting to straight a curved erected penis.

The damage has caused that my penis is now bigger and curved when flaccid. It used to be numb, but this numbness has luckily dissapeared. I'm now completely impotent and my life is basically a mess. Nothing happens in the morning.

This is so hard for me to deal with mentally. I'm a very empatic being, but this mess is ruining the people around me and my own life.

There is nothing the doctors, andrologists or urololigsts can do to help me. This is supposely scar tissue, which causes this. Pills don't work. Nor do injections.
I can ejaculate, but it happens in an erectional quality state that would be physically impossible to ever work for anything. I won't think of a prothesis now, as it would kill all future hope for a long term solution for this problem.

I have tried several alternative treatment options - ie. acupuncture, magnets, magnetic field therapy and shock wave therapy. I gained nothing.

I go to work everyday even though it's fucking difficult. I try to maintain my social life. I often try to be around girls by going to the clubs. I eat healthy and excercise. I don't smoke and have never done so. I don't take any drugs what so ever.

It is hard for to comprehend, that a (maybe rushed) decision to do this very thing is going to ruin my whole life. My life has turned into self-hatred, stress, anxiety, fear, depression, shame and so many other harsh things in that league.

I have considered going to a prostitute, but I know, that I shall be unable to fullfil her sexual excpectations. I barely watch TV, Movies or read book or magazines. The media-World is so focused on sex, which constantly reminds me of my own lack of power.

I have visited a psychologist prior to and after the damage. The initial treatment was very helpful for me. On my way to cure my low self-anxiety, this ironic thing happened reverting everything further down, than where we started.

Being 22 and feeling like this is terrible. I'm sure some of you know these feelings.

How do you suggest that I cope with this?

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Re: Completely impotent at the age of 22.

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Thu May 23, 2013 5:10 pm

Wow. you have been through the mill. First, I would get a therapist to help sort out the feelings that must overwhelm you at times. Second, you need a better uro. You must find a men's sexual medicine specialist. Uro's get NO training in ED treatments. Most of them would rather not deal with it at all, frankly.

Who told you that you were too young for an implant? We have a lot of young guys who have implants. you need to get a real diagnosis. A total blood workup to make sure it's not something else. you need to find a doctor who will work with you and not try to get you off his schedule. Where do you live?

You also might want to talk to a sex coach, educator, counselor or therapist in all this as well. There are TONS of things for you to do wtih a girl that will not involve intercourse but will still make her think you are the world's best lover.

I would NOT wait until some cure comes along in twenty years. Why? You need a working penis now! You are too young to be sitting on the sidelines. Let's get you a good doctor and get a gameplan in place. If your uro does not want you back every couple of weeks, you have the wrong doctor.

Let me know where you live, we can try to find a doc.

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Re: Completely impotent at the age of 22.

Postby JimStars » Fri May 24, 2013 2:26 pm


That is a tough story .. for anyone at any age .. at 22 even more so.

I am not sure if this would be a good idea or not after a jelqing injury but how about the use of a VED Pump? It has been 3 years you said tho .. whatever was gonna heal has probably healed and that is that.

Even if a pump might be awkward to use with a new potential partner, it could do LOADS of good for your self esteem even using it solo to see that big bad boy back up to and even beyond his old size.
Makes it much easier for masturbation of course.

Read up a little here on them. The simpler pumps are like the Encore Impo Aid for $108 which just is a pump and rings. (ANd if it works you can get various Special Modifications to soup it up better).

Hopefully with careful use you won't break anything worse -- and if you are getting no erections now, a pump would be the only way to get things stretched and at least some extra blood flowing on a regular period.

Report back if you have any luck.

RP 2008 ... MUSE 2008-9 .. TriMix Gel 2009 .. Trimix 2009-2015 ... PGE-1 2016-2019 ..Misoprostal 2019 Onward. All worked.

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Re: Completely impotent at the age of 22.

Postby rschweiger » Tue May 28, 2013 11:42 pm

Hey tryfied,
What you describe in your story is the EXACT reason I got an implant I couldn't take the mental abuse from ED any longer(I was 37 and implanted at 41, 9mos ago)
By all means get a good dr. Try every method to fix it you want before deciding you would get an implant, but srry my friend if everything else fails an implant is the miracle we have available now adays. Why would you wait if nothing else works?
You are to young and sorry noone is garanteed a tomorrow so be in the game while you can......get a proper diagnosis and go from there, but don't wait for a miracle that may never come.and don't wait for ED to take you to the same dark places it did me and many others and rob you of everything. If need be get an implant,I know mine has given me back everything ED robbed from me and more and they have done the same for countless others.
Best wishes, Rich.

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Re: Completely impotent at the age of 22.

Postby JDavid » Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:22 pm

Yes you used jelqing and you have an impotence problem. This may be a coincidence, not cause and effect. The reason I am pointing this out is that it seems like you may be beating yourself up for "causing" this when, in fact, that may not be the case. It does sound like you have tried most of the conservative treatments without good results. There are several guys about our age with organic ED who have had implants. The member going by "Minnesota" is one and he has established a Youtube channel called implant guy. You might consider sending him a PM as it is my impression that he is eager to help. I agree with those that you need a solution now, not one that MIGHT be coming down the pike in twenty years.
I am sixty-six years of age and dealing with gradually worsening ED for twenty years. At sixty-three I wanted something that worked reliably. I got an AMS 700 LGX implant in 6/25/13. I am entirely pleased with the outcome. My surgeon was Dr. Karpman.

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Re: Completely impotent at the age of 22.

Postby fnrldir07 » Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:41 pm

I am 28 and I just got my implant a little over a week ago. I have had ED problems for years. My partner was as supportive at first but we worked thru it. We tried pills which my partner wasn't to keep on wanted a natural non drugged penis as I was told. Then after years of going to the doctor my primary care said if the 20mg of Cialis quit working you need to go see a Urologist and I called one and that is where i first learned after talking to the uro that I could have a condition from what i have described is a venous leak and he gave me options and I said I am not injecting my penis with a needle and he said well only other option is an inflatable pun and you take this information home and talk to your partner. I went home and talked to my partner and doctor and doc told me I wouldn't inject anything into my penis and I agreed also it wasn't FDA cleared. So I went back to doc in 2 weeks and said I wanted implant and it was scheduled but had to wait on insurance and was told most insurance wont cover this procedure. Well a couple weeks later I got an approval letter from BCBS and had surgery scheduled and other than the pain I love it. My dick when it was soft you could mostly only see the head it looked like a turtle in its shell then when I would get hard I would grown to about 7 1/4 inches and about 5 inches thick so I was a big grower. Now that I have the implant my dick is about 3 inches on soft and i am a little longer as my doctor put a little longer implant in my dick. I can't wait to try it out neither can my partner. I am told I can't wait to use it i'm horny we may have to have an understanding till you can use it and I said ah no. You can wait. If you can't get an erection at 22 I would seriously look at the implant. There are a lot more men under 30 who are having ED problems I think its something like 40% now. The implant is great it makes you feel like a man again. You get to where you don't care about anything when you can't get an erection or maintain one. If you are with someone who don't want to sleep with someone with an implant they are the wrong person because at least you admitted you had a problem and did something to try and correct the problem.

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Re: Completely impotent at the age of 22.

Postby tryfied » Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:05 am

Thanks for the input guys.

I might go ahead trying the pump.

Glad to hear all those success stories about implants. I have seen the videos from TheImplantGuy at YouTube and like how he describes, that it doesn't impact his abilities to do sports activities. I also like the fact, that some of his sexual encounters didn't even notice the implant.

It is a huge decision to get an implant. Definitely not one, that I will just rush into. I have to consult a lot of people specializing in this, prior to deciding anything. I have mailed with one of the specialist, that consulted me a while ago. I was afraid that my injuries were to big to even have an implant. He said they weren't. I have to take his word for that, so that I know, that there shall be an eventual solution for this.

Due to privacy, I prefer not to mention my location. I can only say, that I live in Europe. If you know any good doctors in Europe (or even outside), I'm eager to consult him or her. I'm willing to literally take a journey to the moon for this to be solved - but you know how that is. Furtunally my economical situation isn't going to be a show stopper.

What does an implant do to coldness of the genital parts? After sports activities one would normally expect warmness of the penis. Mine would now be cold, which is freaking me out. Does an implant and the increased frequency of erections (albeit un-natural) help with this?

How is the libido/drive of you, who have implants? Does it increase, knowing that you are able to "perform"?

How does it feel for you mentally, knowing that you need to pump yourself up? Isn't it a bit awkward to use the pumpt? Is it actually like pumping an air mattress?

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Re: Completely impotent at the age of 22.

Postby venousleak1990born » Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:38 pm

how is going on with the implant?
Implanted with Coloplast Genesis MALLEABLE on Jan 2024.
I have had venous leakage.
I didnt like the side effects of PDE5 inhibitors.
So far, I am very happy with the Coloplast Genesis.
I am from Türkiye.

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Re: Completely impotent at the age of 22.

Postby fnrldir07 » Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:27 pm

Still having problems with mine I am about half the length that i use to be and the pump is still sitting at the base of my shaft and i am tugging and pulling on it and nothing.

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Re: Completely impotent at the age of 22.

Postby venousleak1990born » Fri Aug 23, 2013 2:53 pm

irishguy has the simular trouble
Implanted with Coloplast Genesis MALLEABLE on Jan 2024.
I have had venous leakage.
I didnt like the side effects of PDE5 inhibitors.
So far, I am very happy with the Coloplast Genesis.
I am from Türkiye.

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