ED due to covid?

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ED due to covid?

Postby Gavalar09 » Thu Oct 20, 2022 6:18 am

Anyone experienced ED getting worse after contracting covid?
I'm 10 days into an infection and it's has triggered my ED to coming back.
Things has started working fine for a while but I can't get it up at all again now. It's really killing me mentally which of course won't help either.

Wondering if anyone has experienced the same at all?
28 years old. VL symptoms. No morning wood for years.

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Re: ED due to covid?

Postby s7utty » Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:55 am

currently experiencing the same. I started TRT and it was still shit, limited to certain positions but then since 5 days i have no smell and no taste in mouth and even in my specific positions i still cannot get a stiffy...................
fucking venous leak
28 years old. some form of ED always with me entire life.
19th May 22' - doppler, 10mcg PGE1, good inflow, terrible outflow (EDV) of 15cm/s.
Currently about to visit Paris to dr Allaire seeking for further help.

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Re: ED due to covid?

Postby phliptrip » Wed Mar 08, 2023 12:27 am

This is actually something my urologist asked me- did ED start or worsen after covid infection or vaccinations? In my case it was already in a pretty downward spiral at that point so, no. I don't believe it was made worse by either *in my case*.

That said they are studying it and there is some indication it is a potential outcome, "Research shows about a 20% increase in the incidence of erectile dysfunction, or ED, in men with a history of COVID-19 compared to those who haven't had COVID-19." Which isnt terribly shocking since covid has vascular and neurological effects. My wife still can't taste anything but salty, sweet, bitter, & sour... Been multiple years now. She's done research studies at the monell chemical senses center in philly and everything. notta.



As with anything, do some research and see what is out there.
46yo, Venous Leak, Diabetic, ED 2016, VED/Cialis till ~21, Needle phobia. 20cm Titan implant w/3.5cm RTE (pump location) 03/02/23 by Dr Aram Loeb (HVS) at University Hospital, Ohio. PED 7"x5.5", PO 5.5"x5.5", CS 6"x5.5".

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Re: ED due to covid?

Postby steamfitter » Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:37 am

All controversies aside, both covid and the vaccines have been associated with blood clots at least in some cases. With that in mind, it is possible that you have experienced some kind of blood clotting to some degree after having either contracted covid, getting vaccinated, or both. Based on that, and the common knowledge that blood clots can cause or at least exacerbate ED, then yes.

As for me, my ED has gotten worse since covid.

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Re: ED due to covid?

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:25 pm

I had the virus, and yes it does affect your body in many ways. For me I was feverish and I could feel burning heat in my scrotum. Felt hot and looked kind of red in the skin. After about two weeks I felt a lot better all the way around. In my opinion any ED I may have, did not get worse after having the virus. During the virus YES it does have an impact, but your body is kind of busy with trying to fight a virus. I think in due time you young guys should bounce back.

One thing which I doubt will ever happen. I think all men should be given semen analysis or some kind of complete fertility check. I have read that the virus reduces male fertility, and I can certainly see how it might considering the heat I felt. I have had fevers before, but never felt like my testicles were overheated. This was different and has me wondering. As I said, I feel I recovered, but I certainly do not know if my sperm cells have been destroyed.

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