Viberect and the VA

A very new area of interest is penile physical therapy. From exercises to stretching to vibrational therapy, it's all new and still being studied. This is where we can share techniques, exercises and successes.
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Viberect and the VA

Postby bobmielke » Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:47 pm

This is my first post on this forum so forgive me if this particular question has been asked. Does anyone know if VA medical benefits will cover the Viberect? Living on Social Security and a small pension I can't afford the $300 cost for one. The next opportunity I have I'll be sure to bring up the question. It's extremely difficult to obtain an erection. I've had 2 prostate surgeries and take a number of prescription medications that are noted to contribute to ED. especially Furosemide, Fanasteride & Naproxin Sodium. Thanks for your help.

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