Pelvic Floor Therapy Session #3 went well..

A very new area of interest is penile physical therapy. From exercises to stretching to vibrational therapy, it's all new and still being studied. This is where we can share techniques, exercises and successes.
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Pelvic Floor Therapy Session #3 went well..

Postby Rnmhrd1718 » Tue Feb 01, 2022 3:57 pm

Well Third session in the Books.
Started off asking how I was feeling I’ve been doing my exercises I told her yeah and then walking on the treadmill for 10 to 15 minutes a day twice a day little sore and tired. She started me off with 8-min on the bike, Then about 35-40 minutes and six different exercises and stretching. Then into a private room , were she explained she wants to get a little bio feedback information from my pelvic floor. Explains to me what she’s gonna do. Said she’ll leave the room for a minute while i get undressed from the waist down, lay on the table and cover up with a sheet. Couple minutes later she comes back and explains to me how the biofeedback device works tells me to bend my legs up so she can put Three sticky pad/sensors on.
One on left side of my abdomen. Then she pull sheet up and over lays it down on my hips on both sides. Then puts one Sensor on each side of my Perineum just about my Anus.
Then she has me lay my legs flat to get a baseline to see if my pelvic floor muscles are in a relaxed state. They were closed too relaxed laying Flat.
And she had me bend knees again And they were reading a little more i’m halfway up on the meter reading. Had me lay one leg straight what’s the other bent. Still fairly tight on the bent leg is on both..Then she had me lay my leg straight
And said she was gonna check The external muscles around the hips, Groin and pelvis.
So she starts massaging/needing pressure on my stomach and lower abdomen
Then across my left hip pelvis area. Then she checks the top of the pelvis/pubic bone , From my belly button to just at the top of my Penis shaft..
Slowly kneeds around and under my left Testicle down to the center of my perineum. Then she walks around the table to the right side and starts doing the same on that Side. As soon as she got to the inside Hip pelvis area that’s where my Penis way laying at the moment. When she politely said we’re gonna have to move this guy over so she picked it up and moved it over to the left. Then she Finished the same way as the other side.Of course by then i was partially Erect. I could not help it. Tells me to bend my legs again, Then Walks back around to the left side and remove the sensor from my abdomen. And then she pulls the sheet back over my knees laying it down on Groin Area . Then walks almost to Foot of Table Grabs The Sheet between my legs and lifts it up with her right hand With her left hand She reaches up and slowly peels of the Left sensor off my perineum.
And she walked around to the right side of the table and does the same thing with right side
Sensor. And she told me to lay my leg back straight, thank you poster blanket down back over covering my legs. She leaves the room for a minute and tells me to get dressed and open the door im done. Opened the door she comes back in asking about my frequent urination issues. Tell her I’m still getting up to three times a night to pee. Then she asked me if Had Sex since Last Visit. I told her yes Saturday night with the wife. I had already mentioned the urologist put me on Trimix injections for ED/erection issues. She asked me if there is any pain or discomfort with Sex or ejaculation. I told her the sex part No other then a little Sore after about 45-minutes. And just a minor pain
After ejaculating the first time.
But not after the second Time..
She did give me kind of a funny curious
But I explained to her as PG as possible the Trimix me like im 19 again but can last longer now. She said well that’s Good I assume your wife is happy about it. I told her yes and no.
Because my wife suffers from RA so we don’t get to be intimate as much as I would like And our Sexual Positions are limited by her RA pain in certain positions.
I didn’t go into very much detail. She diggs through her folder of paperwork and hands me a paper that has Different Diagrams/explanations of 15 Sexual positions. Called “Orthopedic Considerations for Sexual Activity.
She says read over these and see what works for you both. I Said thank you the scheduled me for an appointment on Friday at 11am. She said to plan on probably doing the internal rectal pelvic Floor exam Then..
A little Tired and Sore but pleased overall with this Session..
53 Type 1 diabetic For last 25yrs. Married 23 years.
ED last 10 years, BPH, hypertension.. L 6.0” x G 5.25”
Trimix 22.5/0.83/8.3

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Re: Pelvic Floor Therapy Session #3 went well..

Postby bldoink » Tue Feb 01, 2022 10:21 pm

Did you ask her what happened to the happy ending?
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: Pelvic Floor Therapy Session #3 went well..

Postby Rnmhrd1718 » Tue Feb 01, 2022 10:39 pm

bldoink wrote:Did you ask her what happened to the happy ending?

Not that kinda of Therapy..
I have a Local Asian Regular for that if
53 Type 1 diabetic For last 25yrs. Married 23 years.
ED last 10 years, BPH, hypertension.. L 6.0” x G 5.25”
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Re: Pelvic Floor Therapy Session #3 went well..

Postby vajim1 » Wed Feb 02, 2022 11:01 am

Please let us know how the next visit goes... :D
76 year old fart. Prostate removed Oct. 9, 2017,Psa 30 days after .15 next Psa .2. 37 Radiation treatments for recurrent cancer, 1 year out Psa .033 ZERO ERECTIONS, implanted Sept 5 2019 Dr. Lentz Duke Raleigh N.C. Titan 22cm.

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Re: Pelvic Floor Therapy Session #3 went well..

Postby Rnmhrd1718 » Sat Feb 05, 2022 11:11 am

vajim1 wrote:Please let us know how the next visit goes... :D

Pelvic Floor therapy session #4

PF Therapy Session # 4
Started as usual, 8-min on Bike
Then about 35-minutes of Stretching and Exercises, a couple new ones. She said time to go into a Room, then asked if i was ok if The other Therapist she is Training for Male PF sits in on the Session. I said of course I don’t mind.
I’ve Never Had Any Issue with Nudity/modesty in a Medical Environment since my First Mandatory Employment physical with Female Doctor back when i was 18.. plus my Mother and Older Sister both worked at Different Doctors office’s for Years so i was Familiar and comfortable around the Medical Environment. She Said It’s Time to go Back into the Private Room. She asked me to Get undressed again from Waist Down she wanted to do another PF Biofeedback Test. To test for improvements.
She & the other Therapist leaves the room and i get undressed and under the sheet.
She comes in and explains she will be Repeating the Same Biofeedback Test we did Tuesday to see if any improvement in relaxing my PF muscles after a couple more days of Exercises.
The other Therapist pulls up a chair and sits next to my shoulder on Right side.
My Therapist starts by pulling up sheet to my bellybutton on the Left side to one sensor on my lower left Abdomen. Walks around Table to the Right side and has me bend my Knees & spread my legs apart a little bit .
Then pulls the sheet up over and lays it on my lap/Groin.
Takes the second Stick on Sensor and places it on the left side of my Perineum . Takes the Third sensor a place it on the Right side of my Perineum.
She Hands the Meter to the other Therapist and said to watch what she was doing and keep eye on meter. She says to Try and relax. I do my best.
She start on middle of my Right thigh feeling for any Tight sore spots working slowly down to my Groin/right side pubic bone.. then from Top of my Hip down to my Right butt check. Very Tender/Sore and Tense at inner hip pelvic area. Meter showed about a 4 off of Relaxed position. So she takes a few Fingers pushing on pressure points and holding there while having me pull my Knee/Thigh against Her other Hand. Then checking meter for tension release. Down to a 2.
While Holding light pressure on Right inner Pelvis.
She tells me take a deep Belly breath in and out then do a Kegel(penis Flex) i call it.
Had me Do that 3 Times to check Readings from low to high. Relaxed it was at a 2 with a Kegel squeeze it was up to 12 on meter. By this Point im Feeling an Erection starting.
She walk around to left side and Starts again. Starts checking middle of thigh , front to back fir Tight muscles/sore spots. A little tender/sore in a couple spots. Back to middle of thigh checking pressure points down Slowly Towards my Groin.
Since i was already Starting to get about a 50% erection. From Right side work , And my Penis was laying against my left Thigh in crease of my Hip/groin Area. she slowly moves down my inner thigh checking pressure points looking for sore tender muscles. Until her Fingers push against my Semi erect penis shaft. I was expecting her to move it to the Right side like she did Tuesday.
But instead she wiggled her Fingers Under the Shaft until reaching my inner Groin. So my Penis is pretty much laying on the Back of her hand now. Lots of Tender Tight muscles there. Couple deep relaxing breaths the meters reading a 5 in Relaxed position. She moved her fingers in a couple spots doing trigger point pressure 30-seconds to a minute in each Tight location. Buy now with my semi erect Penis laying on back of her hand for like 2-3 minutes im Trying to get my Erection under control. Not
She say take a couple deep breaths then relax and meter was reading a 2 relaxed.
She then says take a Deep Belly Breath in and Kegel/(Penis flex) when you exhale.
Im probably 80% hard Now laying on her hand still. I take the deep breath in then the exhale and Flex as hard as i can And Holding for 5-seconds. Which in turn pulls my Hard Erection Tight against the back of her Hand. Had me Repeat it Three Times. I can’t help but getting Harder each time. She then Slides her hand out from under my Penis . She Never mentioned anything at this point.Meter Ranged from 2 relaxed to 20 Flexing/Kegel.
She said it looks better, from last check.
She pulled the sheet up on left side and removed the sensor on my Side. Pulls the sheet back down . Walks around table on Right side towards end of table and grabs sheet between my Legs and pulls it up to me knees and reaches in and carefully removes the Second sensor on the left side Perineum, then the Third sensor on the Right side.
Says everything is progressing in a positive manner with the Exercises and walking on treadmill at home.
I asked if we will have to do Any Internal Work, she said Probably but wants to see how things improve for next 1-2 visit after more stretching/exercise. Then she Mentions she can Feel improvements because when i did the Kegels on the Left side (in her words) “I could feel your Penis shaft press hard against the back of my Hand so movement is slowly improving.. Good thing i was wearing a mask because i know my Face was Beat Red.. But she wants to wait till after my Urologist appointment next Tuesday. To see what the urologist has to say about possible Peyronies.
And let them know im Doing Pelvic Floor Therapy now.
To be 100% Honest I’ve Read up a lot prior to First visit as what to Expect During a Male PF Therapy Session. It’s A lot More Intimate then any Medical Therapy I have ever had including
My Female Urologist..
But after meeting my therapist and feeling comfortable explaining all my Issues and Concerns. On one hand she’s Sweet/kind and a Great listener. But once she gets started she Very Matter of Fact medically. Always Explain exactly what she Need to do to me or what i need to do. Then Always Asks my Permission Before Doing Anything. Nothing has been Said or Done i have Found to be inappropriate,
Given how Intimate this Type of Therapy can be. Now I apologize if anyone reads my Description of events as something you would read in penthouse
But I’m a fairly healthy
I just Try to remember To Breath and Think of baseball or other things. Being Touched in a Intimate way weather it’s by a male or female
Can a will occur that is out of your control.
Although getting an erection can be a bit embarrassing that is one of the reasons why I’m going to therapy. She Explained it’s Normal and in my Case shows that my Exercises & Therapy is starting to Help.
It’s a little Odd doing a Visit like this Half naked with Two women in the Room. But i do feel little improvements every Visit. So to those Guys with ED/pelvic pain/urinary Issues just Suck it up and Go see a PF specialist..
Appointment #5 next Tuesday morning before my afternoon appointment at Urologist..
53 Type 1 diabetic For last 25yrs. Married 23 years.
ED last 10 years, BPH, hypertension.. L 6.0” x G 5.25”
Trimix 22.5/0.83/8.3

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Re: Pelvic Floor Therapy Session #3 went well..

Postby WyoMan » Sun Feb 06, 2022 10:56 am

Your pelvic floor sessions were much different than mine. Never any bike time. And my therapist just had me doing various exercises. She used the large round ball to do movement on it and many lying on my back lifting legs etc.
So I'm wondering what home exercises you're doing that improvement can be measured in 5 days time.
I had green light laser procedure two years ago and still have times of urge incontinence, poor stream and stopping and starting. I have been doing exercises -not religiously because of viruses. But I see little difference.
I am scheduled for prostate scope in two weeks. The doctor mentioned possible scar tissue might could be a problem.
I hope your therapy is successful.
80; married 57 years; HBP well controlled, overweight. Prostate Arterial Embolization Jan 2017: No indication of cancer. Injections failed. Implanted Nov. 2, 2018. Dr. Karin Dolan, Billings, Mt. AMS LGX 15 cm+2 2.5 cm RTE. 65 ml reservoir.

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Re: Pelvic Floor Therapy Session #3 went well..

Postby Rnmhrd1718 » Sun Feb 06, 2022 3:57 pm

WyoMan wrote:Your pelvic floor sessions were much different than mine. Never any bike time. And my therapist just had me doing various exercises. She used the large round ball to do movement on it and many lying on my back lifting legs etc.
So I'm wondering what home exercises you're doing that improvement can be measured in 5 days time.
I had green light laser procedure two years ago and still have times of urge incontinence, poor stream and stopping and starting. I have been doing exercises -not religiously because of viruses. But I see little difference.
I am scheduled for prostate scope in two weeks. The doctor mentioned possible scar tissue might could be a problem.
I hope your therapy is successful.

My At home exercises are the same stretching ones as therapy plus Two added for home
Minimum of 3 Sets of 5 each Twice a day..she said a couple more sessions before Internal Exam and possibly Therapy..
53 Type 1 diabetic For last 25yrs. Married 23 years.
ED last 10 years, BPH, hypertension.. L 6.0” x G 5.25”
Trimix 22.5/0.83/8.3

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