Gainswave and P-Shot Journey

A very new area of interest is penile physical therapy. From exercises to stretching to vibrational therapy, it's all new and still being studied. This is where we can share techniques, exercises and successes.
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Gainswave and P-Shot Journey

Postby Mustang64 » Sun Sep 09, 2018 3:54 pm

Went last Tuesday and got my first Gainswave treatment, and my first of two P-Shots. My regular urologist has been recommending it for a while to improve performance of my system. For those of you not familiar either, you can learn about the procedures at their websites: and

I’m not pushing this, just relaying my experience. Talk to your doctor.

I was ushered into the treatment room and told to remove everything below the waist, hop up on the table and lay back, covering myself with the paper drape provided. The PA treating me put on gloves and began applying BLT cream (Benzocaine/Lidocaine/Tetracaine Cream) to the skin of my shaft, the inguinal area on both sides of my groin and my perineum. He explained that this cream would numb the skin and would take about half an hour or so to achieve full effect. When he was done, he flipped off the lights (windows high up on the wall provided light) and told me to relax until he came back. I admit that i probably slept a bit. I woke up as he came back in the room and asked if I was ready, realizing that the paper drape that had been over my legs had slipped far from the mark as I napped and I was very exposed.

He explained that they were going to draw my blood for the p-shot so it could be spun down and treated while he did the gainswave procedure. He used a butterfly needly and a huge (100cc?) syringe and filled it more than halfway full. A quick piece of gauze and tape and that part (the only real pain during the whole procedure) was over and nearly forgotten.

He took a squirt bottle of ultrasound jelly and from the noises I heard I infer the he applied (too much?) some to my crotch. I didn’t feel this because of the cream from the previous step. He took the wand of the Gainswave machine out and turned the machine on. He pressed the tip against my shaft, and the machine begin making clicking/thumping noises. It didn’t hurt, but i could feel the pressure in my cock. As the treatment progressed, I became aware of cold “splashes” on my thighs or stomach at the end of each pulse. I mentioned this and he got the drape back up from where it had fallen and put it over my thighs (mostly) and then another over my abdomen with the edge just above my pubic area. Now, covered but still exposed (if you see what I mean), he continued with the pulses. He moved the wand up and down each corpora, across the inguinal space and down under my balls, pointing the device at the base of my cock buried there. While he treated the perineal area, I thought about how my prostate was also being zapped with the ultrasonic energy and what that might do.

Shortly he announced that the treatment was over. I had had 10,000 pulses. He wiped off most of the ultrasound jelly and told me the doctor would be in shortly do do the p-shot procedure.

My regular urologist came in and told me that he was going to apply a ‘dorsal nerve block’ to my penis. This procedure was new to me, since my skin was already numb from the BLT cream applied earlier I thought I’d need nothing else, but I didn’t feel the two (I think?) injections in my pubic area just above my penis. The medicine stung a bit, but that’s the only way I knew something was going on.

The doctor said he was going out to get my PRP syringes and let the injection further numb the area. It was odd feeling what I thought was numb before (it was, but only on the surface) get really fully numb and heavy feeling.

The doctor returned a few minutes later and asked me “can you feel this?” Clearly not. I could feel spots of pressure in my corpora as he injected me repeatedly but nothing very strongly. There were several injections in the glans as well. I felt nothing.

“OK, Stand up.” I looked down at my dick. The surface of the skin was red, and there was a drop or two of blood (pinpoints) from a couple of the injection sites. Overall, my penis was thicker and longer than it had been. The glans was a different shape. I was told that the block and cream would wear off over the next few hours and not to have sex today.

The doctor then produced a VED pump (I learned later it was a Pos T Vac battery operated pump) from a zippered black pouch on a side table. He applied KY jelly to the mouth of the tube (which he had selected based on my anatomy) and asked me to put a little coconut oil on the glans of my penis. This would let it slide in the pump, he said. I inserted myself into the pump and held it tightly to my abdomen, standing there in the treatment room. Press the button, the pump whirrs, and my penis begins to get larger and harder. To you this may be old hat, an everyday occurrence, but while I had done this at home, it was never in the doctor’s office or around anyone else. Before long I was FULLY hard (probably bigger than I’d ever been) and could not feel it at all. I suspect that it would have hurt had I not been numb. He pushed the ring from the opening of the tube onto the base of my penis, trapping everything there and leaving me erect in the middle of the room. He took a couple of “after” pictures for documentation and I noticed the pinpoints of blood were dripping a bit more. Removed the constricting ring for the VED and then he wrapped me in gauze and a little tape. I dressed.

I was instructed to use the VED (he gave me the one he’d used on me) daily at least twice for 10 minutes. More if I had the time to do it. I quipped that if I was spending the time and effort on the procedures, the least I could do was the homework.

I go back for more gainswave treatments at about weekly intervals, and another P-shot at about 2 months out. I’ll try to keep up with progress and procedure descriptions as they occur.
Last edited by Mustang64 on Sun Sep 09, 2018 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Married 25+ years. Have had lots of urological procedures. Trimix made me ache, and bimix seems awesome. Castrated but on Test Cyp 260mg/week. Usually naked but kilted if not. Ask me anything.

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Re: Gainswave and P-Shot Journey

Postby ETGuy71 » Sun Sep 09, 2018 4:07 pm

Good report. Since I’ve been down this road already I’ll be interested in keeping up with how well your penis reacts to the treatments.
Diagnosed venous leak. Going with injections rather than implant for the time being.

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Re: Gainswave and P-Shot Journey

Postby Bob1974 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 3:16 pm

Thank you for taking the time to share this experience with us Mustang64! I'm sure many franktalk members including myself are curious about this therapy, what is involved and if it works. Keep us updated!
Age 47. Married in 2005. Tampa Bay Florida USA. Got ED 24 years ago from being paralyzed. Made a 90% recovery. See profile for more info...

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Re: Gainswave and P-Shot Journey

Postby Mustang64 » Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:28 am

Had the second gainswave procedure a week following the first. This time the number of pulses, the depth and the frequency were adjusted upward. I had a bit of trouble at first with pain, but another application of the BLT cream (see the first post) and a little waiting soon numbed it up properly.

After the additional wait, the procedure was painless and quickly over, much as the first had been.

When I went to put my shorts on afterward, I noticed my cock felt 'heavier' than usual. It appears to be a combination of the numbing and the treatment. On the way home I started getting an erection (and I was numb) so I guess my body was reacting to the treatment. I was maybe 2/3 hard for a good while.

I took advantage of the remaining 'numb' time to do a little pumping. I was able to get very very hard in the pump since I couldn't feel it. Spent a little longer than usual too.

Next appointment in a week. Will keep you up to date.
Married 25+ years. Have had lots of urological procedures. Trimix made me ache, and bimix seems awesome. Castrated but on Test Cyp 260mg/week. Usually naked but kilted if not. Ask me anything.

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Re: Gainswave and P-Shot Journey

Postby Mustang64 » Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:15 am

Third gainswave treatment this week, unremarkable now that we know the sequence required. Much BLT cream applied, wait 45 minutes, perform procedures as above increasing depth, frequency and count.

The downside is that my penis and scrotum (most of it) were numb until almost bedtime.

The upside is that several times to this point I've woken up with very very hard 'morning wood.' By very hard i mean that even performing the Kegel maneuver while in this state i was unable to force more blood into it. Solid, hard erection. Of course, as with most 'morning wood' it went away with little fanfare once i started moving around.
Married 25+ years. Have had lots of urological procedures. Trimix made me ache, and bimix seems awesome. Castrated but on Test Cyp 260mg/week. Usually naked but kilted if not. Ask me anything.

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Re: Gainswave and P-Shot Journey

Postby Mustang64 » Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:07 am

Fourth session essentially same as the third.
An emotional upset in the last week (death of a friend) caused lack of libido for a while but that seems to be coming back now. Otherwise same comments as previously.
Married 25+ years. Have had lots of urological procedures. Trimix made me ache, and bimix seems awesome. Castrated but on Test Cyp 260mg/week. Usually naked but kilted if not. Ask me anything.

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Re: Gainswave and P-Shot Journey

Postby David1973 » Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:56 pm

A really interesting post! You are exploring two innovative treatments. It sounds like you are getting some early results as well. I do not know how long it takes to get the optimal effect. I look forward to hearing your ongoing reports! Thanks for sharing and good luck.

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Re: Gainswave and P-Shot Journey

Postby Mustang64 » Sat Oct 06, 2018 11:52 am

Fifth session same as the third. Number of shocks and intensity and depth increased as before...

only one more to go, and another p-shot. That combined session is scheduled for next Friday.

Although the changes in my libido resulting from the death of a friend are not quite back to normal, the doctor observed visible vascularity in my penis that was not previously present. He says this is encouraging. I asked about how long the results take to manifest, and his answer was that everyone is different, but the fact that i'd already had some early positive results (at only a couple weeks in) was a significant indicator of how well things would ultimately go for me.

Still watching and waiting. This is a long-haul, not a puddle jump.
Married 25+ years. Have had lots of urological procedures. Trimix made me ache, and bimix seems awesome. Castrated but on Test Cyp 260mg/week. Usually naked but kilted if not. Ask me anything.

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Re: Gainswave and P-Shot Journey

Postby Mustang64 » Sat Oct 06, 2018 11:54 am

I haven't been mentioning the pumping sessions that I've been keeping up with. Daily, at least 10 minutes, two different times were the original instructions. Of course, being an overachiever, I've elected to do 3 sessions when time permits, and I almost always do 20+ minutes each rather than only 10 minutes. It all adds up.
Married 25+ years. Have had lots of urological procedures. Trimix made me ache, and bimix seems awesome. Castrated but on Test Cyp 260mg/week. Usually naked but kilted if not. Ask me anything.

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Re: Gainswave and P-Shot Journey

Postby Figarot » Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:59 pm

Please, can you explain how do you use your VED ? How much pressure do you use ?
I think for VED there is a border not so definied between something positive and dangerous.
29 yo, mild to moderate erectile disfunction

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