Why do you call her knee??

Sometimes ya gotta laugh.
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Why do you call her knee??

Postby Gt1956 » Thu Dec 14, 2023 2:26 pm

So my life has many funny stories that filter through from my wife. She developed a rather unique sense of humor. I think she got it from me but she disagrees with me. Imagine that! I already shared her cum story. I'm going to slowly share some others. Check this space occasionally.

Some setup is required. My wife learned early in life that she doesn't like working with women in general. Doesn't like their snide bitching & nice to your face shit they do to each other. She'd be more likely to say to your face that she didn't like you. Helps that she was a bit of a tomboy growing up. So she moved into more male dominated fields. Funny thing is both our daughters came to the same conclusion about working with women but preferred to work alone in female dominated fields.

Her last employer was the same as mine. Her job meant that she had to attend frequent meetings where she was generally the only woman in attendance. She was aware that her presence likely kept some of the meeting banter under control. Her boss had worked with her & I several years earlier. She went into managing the inventory of the places equipment. They had a lot of stuff & believe it or not huge machines could be misplaced. Her boss helped her transfer to his division to help manage his equipment. This division worked two shifts. Of course the swing shift liked to avoid the day shift scrutiny. But both shifts bosses had to meet regularly to keep everyone in the loop. The swing guys DID NOT KNOW about my wifes loose mouth. Around 10 men were usually there.

During part of her presentation she mentioned a woman by the name of "knee". Of course her boss knew why she was called knee. He hung his head. Several swing guys perked up, finally one asked why do you call her knee? Boss is now shaking his head in the "no" fashion. Wife gave the warning that is wasn't a good reason. Boss is even more afraid, sees his career ending. She kept declining to say until she got a unanimous "we won't be offended" agreements. By now her boss is beside himself because he knew this train wreck was unavoidable.

So she tells the group. "What is 3 feet lower than a cunt"?. Laughter broke out, one guy slipped off his chair. Now they understood how much my wife didn't like this woman. At least around here cunt is the worst thing to call a woman & my wife had came up with a name "lower" than a cunt.

As time progressed. A different woman became disliked by my wife. She became knee & the original knee was renamed to ankle.

This woman had been in my division & had a kid. She had world class crooked teeth. After coming back to work she had crappy fake boobs as a mommy make over. I told my wife the girl should of spent the money on her teeth rather than on fake boobs. So my wifes first nick name for her became "fake tits & bad teeth". Slowly moved to knee then ended at ankle. Yes women can be brutal. But my wife reserves her insults for those that truely excel at being shitty people.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

Old Guy
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Re: Why do you call her knee??

Postby Old Guy » Thu Dec 14, 2023 5:26 pm

Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
Married 36 years to my beautiful young bride
Always here to answer questions if you PM me

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