Teaching College Anatomy

Sometimes ya gotta laugh.
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Few things are as funny as unintentional phallic references or phallic symbols that no one noticed. If you find a funny picture, send it in. This is NOT the place for dirty jokes - there are lots of sites for those!
Old Guy
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Teaching College Anatomy

Postby Old Guy » Wed Dec 07, 2022 1:50 pm

When I was teaching Anatomy II in college my class was a mix of female and male students aged 20 to 45. The next section of study was the reproductive system. Of course, many of the images in the textbook were pretty detailed, as was the text. Numerous times class had to be stopped due to silly giggles and comments whispered between some.
I finally snapped at them for being so immature since they were studying for a medical career. That kept them quiet for the rest of that day, but I asked what to expect the next day when the material flowed into the act of sex itself. That got a laugh and a see if you can shock us reply. Like there was nothing about sex that they didn’t know. One small fact I wondered if any of them knew is that one's anus involuntarily contracts during a climax.
So, the next day I started the class with this question “Do you know what your asshole is doing while you’re having an orgasm?” Got giggles and laughter on that but in the back one female spouts out “He’d be at home watching the kids!”
Nov. 8, 2019
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