Erection Sound

Sometimes ya gotta laugh.
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Few things are as funny as unintentional phallic references or phallic symbols that no one noticed. If you find a funny picture, send it in. This is NOT the place for dirty jokes - there are lots of sites for those!
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Erection Sound

Postby gjmjoe017 » Thu Sep 08, 2022 5:49 pm

71 yrs.old married,ED for 7 yrs.Pills for 3 yrs,TriMix for 21/2 yrs.6 1/2 inches flacid,71/4 inches erect,6 inches girth.Coloplast Titan put in 11/13/20,Dr.Bozeman,Arkansas Urology,Little Rock.22cm + 2 RTE.

Posts: 498
Joined: Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:21 am

Re: Erection Sound

Postby jn1421 » Sat Sep 10, 2022 1:45 pm

One of the best feelings of being a man is getting a boner! Now we have a sound associated with the process. Feels/Sounds good to be a man!

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Re: Erection Sound

Postby Bigdave » Sun Feb 26, 2023 6:27 pm

Now that was funny. Lol
Age 59. AMS 700 LGX 21cm + 2cm RTE.
Peniscrotal, 2/23.
6.25" OEM with Cialis, about 5" post-op. (11/01: Length 6.75" and girth is up to 4.75" mid shaft.) Still growing, albeit slowly. :D
Cycling daily. Hoping to get to 7". ;)

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