Water under the bridge...

Sometimes ya gotta laugh.
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Few things are as funny as unintentional phallic references or phallic symbols that no one noticed. If you find a funny picture, send it in. This is NOT the place for dirty jokes - there are lots of sites for those!
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Water under the bridge...

Postby 3rd-Nut » Sun Aug 08, 2021 1:38 am

Bob and Jim were walking across a country bridge over a stream as they were bragging about each of their own new implants. Bob was extolling the virtues of his expandable AMS 700, while Jim was listening and trying to get a word in about his Titan, when he suddenly stopped in the middle of the bridge and said, "I have to take a leak." and promptly turned, pulled it out and hung his over the edge. Bob said, "Me too." and did the same, then exclaimed, "Wow! " That water is cold". Jim nonchalantly, but firmly said, "And deep...".
PC 2006, AMS 700 LGX implanted 18+3, 2012, Dr. Paolone in Madison, WI- Married 47 yrs.

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