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Hello from SR

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:33 pm
by Sriley01
Hi Guys, this is my first post. I am 58 and I have had some issues with ED for about 10 years. Pills work great! However, I was diagnosed with low risk prostate cancer about 2 months ago. This news devastated me at first. I have been working through treatment options and their side effects. After talking with doctors and researching the Internet, I have made a decision on radiation rather than surgery or waiting and monitoring. My cancer is low risk (Gleason 6) and doctors have told me that I would do well with either of the two treatment options. In researching these options, I feel that radiation could possibly leave me with a better quality of life. No incontinence and pills are more affective with achieving erections. I am interested to here from others that have gone this route to see how satisfied they are with their sex lives after treatment.


Re: Hello from SR

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 5:46 am
by Donnie1954
Radiation finished me off. Nothing worked but VED :x sex terrible. Happily bionic now. Love to discuss this with you.

Re: Hello from SR

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:11 pm
by Woodicould
Sorry that I have just now seen this and perhaps you have made your decision. I had a Gleason 7 and went the radiation and seeding route. My uro also put me on Lupron. He wanted me on it for a year, but my radiation guy said 8 months was enough, so I just did the 8 months. Glad to say good bye to the hot flashes and other results of low T. The key is to keep the penis working. Get John Mulhall's book on Saving your Sex Life. Another great book is Prostate Cancer: Asking the Right Questions by Thomas Leih.
After the Lupron got out of my system, I started getting erections enough for sex again. I now take 50mg of Stendra, which is the minimum dose just to keep me hard during sex. I get less side effects from that than Viagra or Cialis.
Best of luck and many prayers for you.