Another Newbie

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Another Newbie

Postby sargpatterson » Tue May 17, 2011 8:12 pm

I'm a 58 yr old PC surgery Nov. '10. Positive margins so I'm currently undergoing adjuvant radiation. Outlook is fairly positive but I take nothing for granted anymore. Recovered well from surgery (continence is good) but the usual ED problems and the radiation will only make that worse. Tried daily Cialis (5mg) about a month after surgery with no effect so I stopped after a couple of months. Vacuum pumps work but still experimenting to get the best result. Recently tried bimix (papaverine / phentolamine) and it worked but the erection wasn't as thick as it used to be. Haven't tried Viagra yet.....anyone find Vigara working where Cialis didn't? Really learned a lot from reading everyone's posts.....tks guys!

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Re: Another Newbie

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Wed May 18, 2011 7:36 pm


Welcome to the clan. Also a PCa victim with robotic surgery. I will keep my fingers and everything else crossed the radiation has minimal side effects and they get any little cancer sh-ts still running around!! You are in a good place and the guys here are supportive with a mean sense of humor, understanding and compassion that is even wider than the Mississippi right now.

I have not heard of anyone having much success with daily Cialis right after surgery. Now, since you are just 6 mos. post-op do not be too disappointed with a lack of penile function recovery just yet. Regardless of what the docs say- this is a slow and long journey. I had no issues before surgery and was largely assured I would have no real issues after. Right. I'm, like most surgery guys, still fighting to get back to my pre-surgery function level. But I am doing better, much better since I joined this place. I did not need any radiation so I can not speak to that issue and its impact on penile rehab. But I would suggest you talk with your doc about the pills. At your stage of recovery the aim of the pill is not to really achieve an erection but to help awake the nerves and "stuff" down there and help them remember what they are suppose to do. Rather than the daily dose at 5mg consider a 20mg pill cut in half and take every other day or so. My insurance covered a few but if yours doesn't remember this is war; so consider going for it.

Also, keep working him and stretching, especially in the shower and as you wake up and he is warm and limber. This may prevent any loss of length and keep him interested in his duty! The pumping will help with everything. I started pumping after I joined FrankTalk- no one told me before that. I love the activity and continue to make progress; besides it's fun.

I started on Cialis. I now move from Cialis to Levitra as the change seems to help! My Uro is a great guy and also a PCa victim. He give me a prescription for each and I change on occasion. I have also gotten some samples of Viagra from the doc when I had an appointment and was very impressed with the result. This change, as the pills are a bit different, has helped. Feel free to take charge of your rehab and move around a bit. Again, I don't know the impact of radiation so talk with the docs as you move forward. Sarge- anything I can do I will try. Feel free to contact me if I can help. I assume you are/were military. I am a Nam vet. so again welcome!


PCa-surgery 10/06

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Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:01 pm

Re: Another Newbie

Postby padraig1001 » Wed May 18, 2011 8:28 pm

I can only add my 'Amen' to Dick's comments. I would have given anything to have had this site available after my surgery 13 years ago. The pump wasn't even mentioned and when other options didn't pan out, I simply gave up. It was only a few months ago that I purchased a pump only to realize that for today's patients it appears a given that you'll use one immediately. If you can imagine what 13 years of virutal inactivity does to one little guy, well . . . now he's not longer little, he's a midget! :evil:

Actually, since I've begun using the pump, things are looking up (pun intended). Don't let others take charge of your health . . . it's your body. If you're disatisfied with a doc, find another one.

God bless . . . you'll enjoy this site. Be prepared for 'frank talk' on Oh, and having a sense of humor won't hurt! :D


Cajun Jeff
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Re: Another Newbie

Postby Cajun Jeff » Wed May 18, 2011 10:23 pm

Sarg: Dick is correct and on point. I am an open radical PCa guy. 2.5 years ago. Nerves speared and at 1 year nothing was happening at all. Started injections and Jr decided to start a slow wake up. At 2 year better but still dependent on injections. At 2.5 year I probably could do with just the pills now but the injections work so good Im afraid to give up on them.. It is so difficult to be patient in this area. We fully understand your journey. I do pump every day!

Good luck in your quest for an erection.

Cajun Jeff
68 years old, Married 48 years. Prostate Cancer surgery 11 years ago. Tried Pills, VED, moved to injections (EdEx) for past 6 years. Implanted with AMS 700 LGX by Dr Hellstrom in New Orleans at Tulane Medical. 1/13/20

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