OK..Just joined yesterday

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OK..Just joined yesterday

Postby Dext971 » Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:40 pm

Just as a start, i just joined after browsing several sites as recommended by my urologist. Found this one to be most interactive. I am a 49YO gay man with Onset T1 Diabetes at 30 and ED problems since 15 yrs ago and just about getting worse. Very depressing and takes a huge toll on my esteem. I have been married for 11 years but together 14. Pretty much I am not going to complain but have not had sex in over 2yrs and have not taken any meds. These do not work and with all the side effects. Well...most of you know. The last was the ti mix but went to bi mix because it hurt too much. He gave me the option of the implant for the Titan because of my size and asked me to set an appt in 2 months time. I started seeing some Utube operations and really has meet thinking if I want to go thru this. I LOVE my DICK but it does not work well. My husband said NO. I did not discussed it as he is not the one that has diabetes and all these problems. I am starting road of inquiries and appreciate any comments. I have had minor plastic surgery before so going under the knife is not an issue. MY issue is that it just looks super rough and a lot of cutting inside there....I have 2 months of a headache to make up my mind. I am still young. I turn 50 this year and have missed so much not just with my partner but myself. I love masturbating and sometimes just beat the crap of of it cause I want it to be hard like it used to. Okay Im sorry for bailing but I finally wrote it down besides talking to my Uro...thks for reading

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Joined: Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:26 pm
Location: North Vancouver BC Canada

Re: OK..Just joined yesterday

Postby bclogan1 » Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:44 pm


I can relate to your story in many ways and good on you for seeking advise on which way to go with your treatment.

I am also gay and have been experiencing ED since age 40. I went through the Viagra and Cialis route and as with most it stopped working. Next came the injections with Viagra. Talk about complicated sex, “just a sec while I inject myself so we can have sex” scenario. My problem was the dick was dead and it was really frustrating me as I could not show any arousal. Jerking off was getting harder and the depression was winning. I spent the last 15 years as a bottom because of ED. It made it even more difficult that my partner does not want to bottom as he thinks he’s a full time top. Through discussion with my doctor I went through with the AMS implant against my partner’s advice. Would I recommend this route of treatment….I’m really not sure? Under implants you can read my thread about my experience. Size reduction seems to be a constant problem experienced by most. It’s a very painful operation but in saying that you also have a new woody, which you have to adjust to your body. And don’t think its going to look the same because it won't . You will walk around with a permanent woody, which really stays in the same shape when inflated, just gets harder. Thoroughly read every thread on implants and the complications. The only real difference between the AMS and Titan is the size of your penis, which dictates the product. I believe AMS by research papers is a better product but do the research. Medical videos are designed for people interested in the procedure but remember you're put to sleep and wake up stoned. The aftermath is reported on this site and that to me is more important. Good luck on your quest and keep the dialog open with your husband.

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