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Howdy Badger Here.

Postby BionicBadger » Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:35 pm

Howdy guys Badger here.

I’m 48 year old gay man, from Sacramento California.

I suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). I was repeatedly abused and molested over an over at the age of 16. Night Terrors and Panic attacks are still challenge for me to this day. This changed my world forever.
Therapy has helped me cope and heal over the years but any treatments for sexual normalcy has failed over and over.

I’ve been dealing with ED for the last 10 years. I have no problems getting erections when I am alone but when it comes to being with a partner I’m dead below the waist.

30 years of therapy, vacuum pumps and cockrings, every pill, every type of injectable have all failed me in the end. My cock just will not perform with a partner. Implant surgery is my last hope for a “normal” sex life.

I have tried every alternative, and this is my last resort. I’m scheduled for the surgery on October 6th at Kaiser Medical center in South Sacramento, CA. My insurance covers the implant and I’ll be receiving an AMS/LGX-700 model. (Exact model specification will be determined at the time of the surgery)

I have a various sexual appetite and a nice sized cock when it is fully erect. My testosterone levels are more than adequate. This surgery will hopefully allow me to be the man I was born to be. Hard, horny, and hung not just by myself but with others.
This is my last option.

If I can gain anything in length, girth or both that is just a happy bonus. I would be willing to sacrifice a ½ inch or so in order to share my sexual prowess with a partner.

At the same time I will also be having a ventral phalloplasty while doing my implant as my peno-scrotal webbing has hindered the maximum penile shaft length I could have had my whole life, if it were not for being circumsized as a baby.

Next summer is going to be balls to the wall non-stop fuck-fest. Will keep up to date on my implant surgery experience, healing, and personal sexual progress with my new tool. (I will documenting my experience privately and will share experience and findings. I will also be taking pictures throughout my experience).

Feel free to contact. I’m very open and willing to share my experience if it can help someone else in any manner. (I will documenting my experience privately and will share experience and findings. I will also be taking pictures throughout my experience). I will share if asked through this discussion forum or privately from my profile page. Hit me up.
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Soon to become
Bionic badger
48 yr old gay guy from Sacramento California

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