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Postby fourkeys » Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:00 pm

Hello everyone, my name is Art and I'm new to this group. I'm on day 13 of my recovery from receiving a Coloplast Titan OTR implant. So far the initial experience has been not unlike what I expected or what I have heard described by members of this group except that I have been fortunate to have been recovering fairly well and quicker than I have heard some describe. The one thing that the group has made clear is that there is a wide range of differences in the individual experiences from the implant procedures and products to the recovery and outcomes. As such, I am somewhat anxious about how my own experience will ultimately compare to everyone else.

An example of that is in regard to the discharge instructions I received stating, "One week after surgery, sit in a shallow tub of warm water and gently massage/pull the IPP pump downward toward the bottom of the scrotum. This will prevent scarring of the pump too high in a position where you cannot use it. Do this for 15 minutes twice a day until your follow-up appointment".

I'm anxious to hear if anyone else received this instruction and how they fared with trying to do it. At this point the scrotum swelling has reduced significantly but it is very difficult to get a good feel for the pump bulb and release valve to tell if I'm accomplishing anything or not. Maybe that will change in the coming 4 weeks before my follow-up appointment but until then my confidence level is very low. Any insight from the members will be appreciated. Thanks, Art

Posts: 273
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Postby Ronn1708 » Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:20 pm

I am scheduled for surgery Nov 13. Could you tell me if you chose the titan or did the doctor?
Can you tell if you lost any size? I am trying to decide which one. My doctor mentioned the titan
Because of my girth but said he would use the one i want. Im only like 5.5-6 erection.
Nks for any help. Also good luck on your recovery. I am very anixous and nervous well scared might be a better
Word :(
Revision 2/13/24 Dr Tariq Hakky, Atlanta (Great Doctor) Titan 24XL no Rte’s. I’m 62 married. I have had numerous revisions due to product and body failures. Always had a Titan ipp.

Posts: 449
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Postby bob1138 » Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:40 am

Art and Ron,
I was implanted with the Coloplast Titan in December 2007 and it completely corrected my Post-Prostatectomy ED and
restored both my sex life and the emotional bond with my wife.
Be patient during the recovery period and follow your Implant Surgeon's instructions.
Once the tissue in your body grows around the components of the Implant, it just becomes a part of you.
Personally, my Implant does not interfere with any of my physical activities, e.g., weight lifting, swimming, biking, etc.
Also, I can get a rock hard erection 24/7.
I would do it again in a heart-beat!!
Wishing you both a lifetime of enjoyment with your new Implants.

Posts: 273
Joined: Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:33 pm


Postby Ronn1708 » Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:58 am

Hey Bob
Thanks for your encouragement !!! Did you lose any length or girth?

I read the following on a post
Titan Implants use different girth cylinders according to cylinder lengths:

14cm & 16cm length = 17mm girth
18 cm length = 21mm girth
20 cm length = 21mm girth
22 cm to 28cm length = 22mm girth

AMS700 LGX cylinder girths are 12mm, inflate to 18mm

14cm is 5.5 inches which is approx size when erect now or was i should say.
Is that 14cm referring to the length of penis(base to tip) or the total length
Including whats inside the body?

Hope that makes sense.

Thxs again!!!!!!
Revision 2/13/24 Dr Tariq Hakky, Atlanta (Great Doctor) Titan 24XL no Rte’s. I’m 62 married. I have had numerous revisions due to product and body failures. Always had a Titan ipp.

Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:40 pm


Postby franklambe » Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:42 am

Hi Ronn,

I just had an AMS700 MS/LGX put in on 10/24/13. I am starting day#5 of recovery and it is going quite well. My biggest worry was pain and I mostly worried for nothing. I am sore and had some minor pain the first 2 days, but now it's like a mild ache. You'll be fine!!! I read so many posts on here that reassured me, but it only took one negative/bad post to put me off track & scare the shit out of me. Its not as bad as I thought and I have a low pain threshold.

I see all these guys on here wondering which unit/model to get and I don't understand that. My Uro implants both and said he doesn't have a favorite. He installs what will work best on the patient based on size, girth, stretch and dexterity. He told me he would install whatever would work best after he had the internal measurements. He would have different models on and decide in the OR. I read so much on the Coloplast Titan and was sold. I also read about the different models of the AMS models, but I had to trust his judgement.

Before my ED caused by diabetes, I was right at 6" inches on a great day (more like 5 & 3/4) and I was thick. I lost size over a period of 4 years with a partial erections at 50% capacity. I tried pills, shots, vacuume and finally decided on the pump. I missed the intimacy and ability. I felt incomplete and was secretly going into deeper depression and despair. Anyways........ I never thought that I would have an LGX put in because all of the posts on here for LGX implants were guys who were 8,9 and 10 inches. My doc said he put it in for some additional girth & length that I had before and my expectations were realistic. Before surgery I was 4 3/4" inches erect with vacuume and less girth than before. My doc said an inch or slightly more in gains over time was realistic and would get me back to my normal length. If I stayed at 4 3/4" inches fully erect/hard, I'll take it!! Before I wasn't able to get hard for sex... I was without!! I think this will be great when operational and I'm thankful for the second chance. My wife thought my size before was perfect and if I was left with 4 3/4"inches she would still be happy.

Good luck with your journey and I wish you the best!!!! I'm here if you need to ask any questions.

Posts: 449
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Postby bob1138 » Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:34 pm


My penile length is about the same as before my Titan Implant but I definitely gained girth.
Best of Luck,

Posts: 173
Joined: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:47 pm


Postby franglais » Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:36 pm

Hi, Art,

Got my AMS LGX in early 2010 and was given similar instructions....tug on it occasionally to keep it pulled down toward the scrotum. I did it in the shower each day after I was able to take a bath again. That initial swelling will greatly subside after the first week to ten days, and you'll still be avle to tug on the pump. So not to worry. Relax, heal up, and enjoy your new toy! :-)


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