20 Years Suffering Silently with PE

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20 Years Suffering Silently with PE

Postby downindumps » Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:11 pm


I am a 42 year old orthodox jewish married man who suffers with life-long PE.

I am terribly embarrased about this and desperately need help.

My wife of almost 20 years does not complain. I am able to satisy her with my fingers, etc..., but I know that real intercourse involves thrusting which I am not capable of doing and
as a result feel terribly horrible about myself.

This began all the way in the beginning from day one and greatly impacts our relationship because I feel like a nothing. I also tend to avoid intimacy with her since I know I will
invariably feel let down afterwards.

Enough!! 20 years is enough!!!! I am now coming out and once and for all, want to heal this illness. I want to be normal and have real intimacy.

Any and all guidance would be greatly appreciated!!

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Re: 20 Years Suffering Silently with PE

Postby thephenix » Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:17 am

Down .....

This is the place to be.

I got tired of nothing working and went online searching ED. Here I am. After learning what is available, I am getting a referral to a urologist.

You have taken a good direction out of the dumps. Read what others say about the alternatives available so when you go see a doctor you know what you want to try.

73, ED for 15 yrs or so, no prostate problems, pills only partially effective

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Re: 20 Years Suffering Silently with PE

Postby Dave48003 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:46 pm

Hello Down, welcome to FT, the greatest bunch of friends you will probably ever find.

We are all here for the same reason. You mention you are an orthodox Jew. Here, we are all men with a common problem, a penis that will not perform as we want it to. I am personally friends with clergy who are Catholic and protestant, straight men, gay men, bi men, young men, and old men. All of that is secondary here. We tend to not use medical terms, we're a bit "crude" like a bunch of guys in a locker room. We tend to use terms like balls and dick unless something more descriptive is needed, so I hope you won't have a problem with that. I like to think we all are here to support one another, and when one of us achieves that prize erection we so want, we will all be standing and cheering together as one. What he does with that erection then becomes his business. But we're all in it together until every one of us has a boner!

You need to find a doctor who will share in your quest to be a complete man again. Do not accept a doctor who does not share that vision or the importance of it. There is a lot of information to be gathered here, so read away and find that doctor. Maybe a blue pill is all you need, but don't stop trying until you are satisfied with the results!

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: 20 Years Suffering Silently with PE

Postby bw1951 » Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:00 am


I am assuming you have already tried the sprays and products in the drugstores in the area where condoms are displayed. If so and they haven't worked, you should definitely see a urologist. There has been a lot of work done using SSRI anti-depressants to slow down ejaculation. The urologist would be able to prescribe them for "off-label" use to treat the premature ejaculation.

Good luck,


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