New member from Ontario Canada
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New member from Ontario Canada
I started with Viagra 20+ years ago. It worked well for a while until I used it 3 days in a row but caused an irritable stomach issue that I still have today. Went on to Cialis which was a little easier on the stomach but became less effective. So, 15 or so years ago, I moved on to Trimix and it worked very well. Usually erections lasted a good two hours. My dosage started at about 0.2 ml. As time went on the dosage increased but I found that I needed Cialis too. Maybe the day before to allow it to work its magic. But, I had to up the Trimix to Double strength and then finally Quad strength and the use 5 mg daily Cialis for 7 days. Talk about having to plan ahead.
The big advantage of my ED history was that it made it very easy to decide on an implant. I was truly out of options. The rest of my story will be in Implants.

I am 72, ED for 25 years, Viagra then Cialis, then Trimix, then Trimix + daily Cialis. AMS 700 LGX installed June 6, 2024-21cm + 3 RTE
Re: New member from Ontario Canada
Welcome and most of us have made the same journey. Best wishes.
IPP on 6/22/2018 by Dr. Perito, Miami, FL.
22cm Coloplast Titan, 2 RTE
Testosterone therapy
Cancer free eight years, married fifty one years, wonderful sex life
22cm Coloplast Titan, 2 RTE
Testosterone therapy
Cancer free eight years, married fifty one years, wonderful sex life
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