New bloke about to go bionic.

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New bloke about to go bionic.

Postby BundyBear » Tue Aug 08, 2023 1:31 am

Hi everyone. Have just joined FrankTalk and found this site full of very helpful information. A bit about myself. I am 60 and suffered from ED since my early 40’s. In February this year, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, after a lot of discussion with my urologist it was recommended I undergo Robotic Radical Prostatectomy which went ahead in March this year. The surgery went well and I was fully continent at the eight-week mark. The only problem is ED is now well and truly in effect. Pills were not working and neither were injections, well they sort of did. After a post-op appointment, and a discussion with the urologist who performed the prostatectomy he agreed to referee me to another urologist that specialises in penile implants. I had that appointment last week. I thought I might have gotten some pushback from him as it is only five months since surgery, but he agreed the chances of me getting natural erections again are very slim. So, the date is set for September this year to go bionic. I am having the coloplast titian implanted as that would be the best for me due to the very large girth I have. Looking forward to joining the bionic club as well as never having to worry about if I was going to get a hard or the ability to maintain it.
ED since my early 40's. RARP March 2023, Zero erections since then. Pills not working, Injections hit and miss. Titan Implant September 2023

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Re: New bloke about to go bionic.

Postby GoodWood » Tue Aug 08, 2023 3:04 am

Welcome and good for you for pursuing the solution to your ED.
Lots of satisfied guys here who can get as hard as they want, for as long as they want, whenever they want. It’s a bit like a super power. LOL

Once again, Welcome.
55yo, NYC. ED started at 40. 50 units BiMix + Atropine (Pap 30/Phen 6/Atr 0.2). Prostaglandins caused aching. Doses increasing. A cock ring helps. Phallosan Forte tension devise to maintain size. Eager to talk about implant experiences.

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Re: New bloke about to go bionic.

Postby bldoink » Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:44 am

Welcome to the forum.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

silver daddy 1960
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Re: New bloke about to go bionic.

Postby silver daddy 1960 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 11:15 am

Hi BundyBear,

Welcome, FrankTalk is a great place to learn so much. I was in the same situation post prostate cancer. The implant truly is the best solution. Yes, as Goodwood says it is a Superpower! I also have a titan for the same reasons. I add some trimix gel (inserted into the urethra) so my head expands (post prostate I had absolutely no engorgement response) but it also plumps up the shaft some too. Less of the oval shape. You might want to do a Show and Tell with a FT member if one is nearby as it does help understand what the new dick is going to look like. Good luck and keep us informed on your progress. You can PM me if you have any questions.
63 yrs old, NYC, DR. Eid Titan Coloplast Dec 10, 2021

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Re: New bloke about to go bionic.

Postby BundyBear » Tue Aug 08, 2023 2:15 pm

Thanks fellas for welcoming me on here. I will end up putting up pics of presurgery, my cock after prostate removal and when I am healed u[ after the implant. I have loss a little bit of length from the prostatectomy. Even if i lose a little bit of length from the implant (hopefully I won't) but by getting the implant the goal is to return back to full sexual function, which I don't have now.
ED since my early 40's. RARP March 2023, Zero erections since then. Pills not working, Injections hit and miss. Titan Implant September 2023

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Re: New bloke about to go bionic.

Postby android912 » Fri Aug 11, 2023 10:57 pm

Hey Bundy…welcome aboard. I’ve only been here since May and have learned so much from the brave brotherhood. I had a RP in May of 2021. Went from having raging teenager-like hardons with crazy libido to no natural erectile function. Pills don’t work. VED will get me up but constriction makes me lose sensation and temperature…my dick cools as it slowly starts to die from lack of circulation. Plus you only get a quick 20 minute window to use that thing. I have been injecting bimix and it is losing efficacy….and it really is a pain to do….it’s like excuse me honey….I know you are turned on right now but I have to go shoot up right now….Alprostadil (third ingredient in trimix) made me ache so bad it was a mule kick to the groin….no pleasure going on with that. After tons of research I, too, am scheduled to go bionic in September. I just want to fuck a woman hard anywhere, anytime and not have to endure the anguish of all the associated problems with ED. A good lover knows that the biggest sex organ is the brain…I’m certainly not engaged mentally with my lover with all this other stuff rattling around. The men on this site are amazing with their candor…..Absolutely the best of luck to you!
65 yo. PCa Mar 21, RARP May 21 ED immediately following. VED therapy. Trimix failed with pain. Used Bimix but losing efficacy and developing scarring. Pills never worked. Implant (Coloplast Titan One Touch 18cm 1 rte 9/14/23) pre op 'BPL 5.75 G 5:25

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Re: New bloke about to go bionic.

Postby BundyBear » Sat Aug 12, 2023 12:25 am

Thanks Andriod. I know what you mean about trimix. The pain from Alprostadil was yep, like a mule kick to the groin. Urologist put me on PAP.PNA no pain but was not working all that well and not overly keen on sticking a needle in my dick each time I want sex. So I made the decision and I get my implant 13 September 2023, All the best with your journey as well.
ED since my early 40's. RARP March 2023, Zero erections since then. Pills not working, Injections hit and miss. Titan Implant September 2023

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Re: New bloke about to go bionic.

Postby Steviethompson » Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:33 am

Hello fellows, your stories are similar to mine. I also had prostate cancer surgery in March and I also want to have an implant done. I do not think I will be able to get a natural erection again. I take viaria and use the pump and I get nothing. I am a little scared because I realize that once I go bionic there is no turning back and I am worried about complications. I don’t want to have to live the rest of my life without sex. It is that important to my being. Thanks for the information and keep posting because your progress help a lot of people even if they do not post. I will see my urologist next month to discuss implant. Wish me luck. I am very nervous

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Re: New bloke about to go bionic.

Postby android912 » Sat Aug 12, 2023 8:52 am

BundyBear wrote:Thanks Andriod. I know what you mean about trimix. The pain from Alprostadil was yep, like a mule kick to the groin. Urologist put me on PAP.PNA no pain but was not working all that well and not overly keen on sticking a needle in my dick each time I want sex. So I made the decision and I get my implant 13 September 2023, All the best with your journey as well.

I'm scheduled for the 14th.
65 yo. PCa Mar 21, RARP May 21 ED immediately following. VED therapy. Trimix failed with pain. Used Bimix but losing efficacy and developing scarring. Pills never worked. Implant (Coloplast Titan One Touch 18cm 1 rte 9/14/23) pre op 'BPL 5.75 G 5:25

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Re: New bloke about to go bionic.

Postby android912 » Sat Aug 12, 2023 9:07 am

Steviethompson wrote:Hello fellows, your stories are similar to mine. I also had prostate cancer surgery in March and I also want to have an implant done. I do not think I will be able to get a natural erection again. I take viaria and use the pump and I get nothing. I am a little scared because I realize that once I go bionic there is no turning back and I am worried about complications. I don’t want to have to live the rest of my life without sex. It is that important to my being. Thanks for the information and keep posting because your progress help a lot of people even if they do not post. I will see my urologist next month to discuss implant. Wish me luck. I am very nervous

Hey Stevie...I am also nervous. Nothing like having a surgeon cut on the most sensitive part of your body. I did lose sensation from my RP. Just remember few things. Expect recovery to be long (6 months) and arduous. Pain management, cycling, the newness of it all are things we will confront and conquer. Your penis will be different. I am attempting to be as positive and optimistic as I can be. The reward will be phenomenal compared to the risk.

You are absolutely correct about the psychological implications. Currently, I have I have nothing to lose. Best of luck to you.
65 yo. PCa Mar 21, RARP May 21 ED immediately following. VED therapy. Trimix failed with pain. Used Bimix but losing efficacy and developing scarring. Pills never worked. Implant (Coloplast Titan One Touch 18cm 1 rte 9/14/23) pre op 'BPL 5.75 G 5:25

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