Hello from Georgia - Titan IPP inbound

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Hello from Georgia - Titan IPP inbound

Postby kwazywabbit » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:53 am

Hey y'all.

45 yr old Southern male, ~30° curvature - not PD, it's a chordee, had VP done. Mild ED and low T, on cream. On 5mg tadalafil.

Maybe a Titan will cure the curve and give me permanent on-demand erections. Stretched BPL 8", erect 7", erect girth 4.75", flaccid girth 4.5", flaccid length 5"

I've tried 2 different traction devices that actually did yield longer stretched length but no curve correction and only pain regardless of tension settings. Same with the Bathmate - no curve correction but I think the combination of stretching and Bathmate did give me another stretched inch.

Surgery date set to have the Titan put in and possibly a secondary procedure for the curve. But - the big question is - will my insurance cover any of it? I'm awaiting the answer : /

Glad to be here!!
45 yr old, ~30° curvature - not PD, it's a chordee, had VP done. Mild ED and low T, on cream.

Maybe a Titan will cure the curve. Stretched BPL 8", erect 7", erect girth 4.75", flaccid girth 4.5", flaccid length 5"

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