Just Told Today I'm Out Of Options

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Just Told Today I'm Out Of Options

Postby DaveKell » Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:23 pm

Hi... I'm Dave. I'm a 59 year old man, well actually I'm a 19 year old trapped in a 59 year old body. My wife has the most exciting vagina in the state of Texas but for around ten years now I haven't been able to reliably do anything with it. I've actually become suicidal over this... thankfully I don't own a gun yet or I don't know if I'd still be here. I've had six trimix injection trials in the past few months and all were a failure. My blood panel results told the story... it is very unlikely to ever happen for me. I saw one of Dallas' best urologists today who finally told me that since I am against implant surgery I am out of options. I've had 18 major abdominal surgeries over the last twenty years with some horrible complications on a few of them and have been hospitalized for up to 6 months before, so I am not mentally prepared for more surgery. I have rare times when I spontaneously have an erection when I am touching my wife. It subsides before I can penetrate her though. At those times I could easily swallow the barrel of a pistol I get so angry. I am concerned about that happening if I have an implant. What would happen if my body was trying to have a natural erection with an obstacle in the way? This is really my only concern. As well, even at my age I still have the occasional wet dream, except in my last one I turned out to be impotent in the dream. That sealed it for me as that was evidence of how firmly implanted in my psyche this problem is.I am also concerned about what sex would be like if the tip of my penis was not hard, which I gather implants don't help with? I am desperately trying to decide if I want this surgery. SOMETHING has to make sex possible for me again or I am not long for this world. I'm not a sex addict or anything. I remember well the first time this hit me. I was mortified. Over the years, ED has robbed me of my self esteem, my ego, my sense of humor I was once known for, and a host of other positive character traits. Do implants really give you satisfying sex? Does it feel so unnatural that you have to get used to a totally different feeling? Help me decide guys, I'm going nutser and nutser here.
Became DaveKell 2.0 on July 18th with Dr. Allen Morey in Dallas, TX. AMS 700 CX implant. 18cm with 5.5 RTE's.

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Re: Just Told Today I'm Out Of Options

Postby antelope » Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:54 pm

Try to find a way to reconcile your apprehensions about the surgery with the hope and promise of getting hard and getting laid. I do not mean to make light of your situation, but it really is that simple. It's not an easy decision, but it is, indeed, a simple one

One thing is for sure: you will have our prayers and support no matter what you choose.

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: Just Told Today I'm Out Of Options

Postby Bionic_by_AMS » Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:42 am

DaveKell wrote:with some horrible complications on a few of them and have been hospitalized for up to 6 months before, so I am not mentally prepared for more surgery.

The surgery itself is fairly simple ... I was in the Hospital about 4 hrs. and went home. Back to URO office the next day to remove bandages, etc.

I am concerned about that happening if I have an implant. What would happen if my body was trying to have a natural erection with an obstacle in the way?

Many of us feel a slight erection at times ... but nothing bad is going to happen ...

I am also concerned about what sex would be like if the tip of my penis was not hard, which I gather implants don't help with?

The AMS LGX model is fitted right into the head ... the "head" may not swell as much but it's hardly noticeable ... and the sex is great!

The sensations are basically the same for most of us ... and the best part is that it works every time!
Robotic Prostrate surgery - Dec. 2011 - AMS 700 LGX Implant - 21 cm/3 cm RTE - June 2012

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Re: Just Told Today I'm Out Of Options

Postby greggshere » Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:15 am

I understand what you are feeling Dave, I feel the same way sometimes. I had to have a RP two and a half years ago for prostate cancer and have not been able to have an erection since. Have you tried a VED yet? VED although not spontaneous like I would like, should produce an erection hard enough for penetration. I actually want an implant and was just told my insurance will not pay for it. I feel like there is sexual discrimination against men when it comes to problems with our male organ. Insurance companies want to sweep us all under the carpet and act like it is not really a physiological problem. Sex is a normal bodily function that God created us for and for anyone to think men do not need it and that not being able to have it will not cause mental distress is sadly mistaken. Please do not do anything drastic Dave, there are ways to improve your sex life. At least give the VED a try.

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Re: Just Told Today I'm Out Of Options

Postby buckster » Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:00 am

Urologists are great for treating physical problems. It might be a good idea to consult a mental heath specialist before going through another surgery. They may be able to improve what your working with or help you mentally prepare for the implant surgery.
Age 68. Married 49 years. Location Oregon. PCa at age 56. Open RP surgery and radiation treatment. Oral or injection drugs didn't work. Implanted 10/13/20. Titan Narrow Base 18cm with 1cm left and 1.5cm right rear tip extenders.

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Re: Just Told Today I'm Out Of Options

Postby radiodec » Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:16 pm

You too! I have just decided to go for the implant. I have known on my own that post RP I was going to be out of options at some point. The injections are not the greatest thing but did work for a while. Now I am waiting on Surgeon and implant Tech Rep along with the hospital to determine when I can carry through my decision. Apprehensive, but looking forward to the results.

I hope that you can get to the same state. You will never clear all the doubts and questions, but after a good deal of study and weighing the issue you should be able to look forward to th final result.


RP in 2000, injections until recently.
70 - married 47 years: RP - 2000, injections till 2012, AMS700LGX with 21cm tubes 2cm extenders 11/7/2012, failed 6/5/2017 --- Re-implanted 8/18/2017 with AMS 700CX -- Implants by Dr. David Morris, Hendersonville,TN

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Re: Just Told Today I'm Out Of Options

Postby bluis6214 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:57 pm

I know how you feel. I was there for ten years. Until I found this place and learned from the experience of all the guys here. I had my implant on June 21, 2012. It was a tough choice for us... We had a bad experience with penile surgery after my penile fracture in 2002. After a six week recovery my wife and I started having sex again. She says she feels like we're on our honeymoon. The sex is great. It feels natural to me, and it works everytime. What's nice is knowing we can keep going until we're completely satisfied :)
55 years old. ED since 2002 total venous leakage after penile fracture. Tried all the pills and injections all failed to help. Some success with VED, but felt too unnatural to both of us, seldom used. Implanted 06/21/12. Trying to wear IT out.

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Re: Just Told Today I'm Out Of Options

Postby bob1138 » Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:24 am


I underwent the Coloplast Titan Penile Implant Procedure in December 2007 after developing ED Post-Prostatectomy in 2004.
Thankfully, the Titan completely corrected my ED.
My wife and I love my Implant --- it restored both our sex lives and our emotional bond.
I wish the same for you and your wife.

Best of luck,


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Re: Just Told Today I'm Out Of Options

Postby DaveKell » Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:11 pm

I'm almost sold on an implant. I have doubled up on the dosage of my testosterone injections for a few weeks in a row trying to get it up. It's absolutely useless. I have an uncle who told me he has been through every kind of treatment just like I have since his dick quit working over 20 years ago in his forties. He said nothing works for him and he has given up. With his heart problems he isn't healthy enough for sex now anyway. I feel so sorry for him and my aunt for all they've missed out on during that time. They just seem like their relationship is one of tolerating the other's existence. They never look happy. I don't want to end up like that. My concern is how close to a natural erection does an implant feel? Also, it seems kind of weird to reach down to your sac and pump yourself up. To be truly a bionic boner they should be electronic with a remote control! So how about it... will it still feel as good for me?
Became DaveKell 2.0 on July 18th with Dr. Allen Morey in Dallas, TX. AMS 700 CX implant. 18cm with 5.5 RTE's.

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Re: Just Told Today I'm Out Of Options

Postby bob1138 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:41 am


I can only tell you that, going on 5 years since my Coloplast Titan Penile Implant, it still feels great to me and my wife!!!
Personally, I have more sensitivity in my penis now than before my Implant.
Like me, at the end of the day, the final decision is yours and yours alone Dave.

Best of Luck,


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