New old guy

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New old guy

Postby FredStone2020 » Wed Jan 26, 2022 3:47 pm

New here. I have read some of the post. Like most of you I have dealt with ED for along time. The pills have stopped working for the most part and now I'm looking at getting an implant and not deal with shots

I will set up my sig soon but I just turned 59 type 2 diabetic for 15 years. Its stable at 6.5 AC but the damage was done. Also I was on Lexapro for 10 plus years and I have read that can cause ED

59 struggles with Pills for 5 years but they stopped looking into implants - trying 30 uints of 5ml tri-mix (30-3-30 Papaverine, Phentolamine, PGE-1)

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Re: New old guy

Postby bldoink » Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:03 pm

Welcome to the forum.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: New old guy

Postby Spontaneous1 » Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:48 pm

Welcome Fred.
Retired 65 y.o. Married. Moderate ED since 2019. Use constriction band ocassionately to help maintain erection, or Cialis/Viagra. Nocturnal/morning erections returning with VED usage. Lower libido than before.

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