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New Member

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 8:52 pm
by williewonka
Hello to all. It's Day 9 of being in the recliner after my implant on Jan 29th. I tried to sign in the night after my surgery, but the drugs must have kept me from doing it correctly. I read this forum for a couple of weeks before my implant, and thought it was great. Scary as Hell, but very informative.
I'm 68 years old, and prostate cancer started this journey in 2018.
I'm apparently a much bigger sissy than I would have guessed, considering I not only haven't looked at anything but the top of my penis, I haven't touched anything yet. The sensitivity is off the charts, my charts, anyway
My doc doesn't inflate, and my next appointment is, I believe, March 12th, where I've been told he will inflate and instruct me a bit.
Not sure if this is mostly the pain, or the thought of my dick being so violated that's given me the heebee jeebies . Cleaning is the shower massage from a distance.
Second thoughts are a dime a dozen now.
I do have another concern that I haven't read about on the net... 5 days after my surgery, a section of my inside right leg about 8 inches long, starting just above my ankle, is sensitive beyond belief. Can't stand for the slightest brush of anything against it, yet if I ice it, or just lay my hand on it, it doesn't hurt. A thousand little knives, with an underlying slight numbness. 3 days of that now, no better or worse. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, Bill

Re: New Member

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:56 pm
by bldoink
Welcome to the forum.