coming implant surgery

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coming implant surgery

Postby bluis6214 » Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:35 pm

Hello everyone this my first time here. I have had ED for ten years now after suffering a penile fracture in 2002. The surgery to repair the damage did not go well leaving me scared penile wise and emotionally. I went from good strong 8" erections to none. Tried pills injections and pumps but nothing worked . I'm finally scheduled for implant surgery on June 21st and my surgeon is pretty sure my penis will look close to what it did before, but with at least a loss of about 2" in length due to lots of scaring I told him I would be happy just to be able to have intercourse again. I'm sure to have lots of questions once I begin my recovery. I'm glad I found this place for the type of info I'll need.
55 years old. ED since 2002 total venous leakage after penile fracture. Tried all the pills and injections all failed to help. Some success with VED, but felt too unnatural to both of us, seldom used. Implanted 06/21/12. Trying to wear IT out.

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Re: coming implant surgery

Postby gollam121 » Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:19 am

Good luck man. I only came onto the site in December and haven't posted much since.
I have suffered from a venous leak since my late teens and although I have been married and been able to have some sort of a sex life it’s never been 100%. I am now separated after 14 years and with a new partner which made me do something about and have tried a cocktail of pills that have allowed me over the last 5 months to have the best sex I have ever had, which isn’t saying much for me! However their effectiveness is wearing off because I am so dependent on them I guess and although I have tried injections with reasonable success, I don’t feel living like this is the way forward at 37!
I live in the UK and have seen a top urologist who specializes in implants. He took time to discuss my erectile state and also how I feel emotionally and deduced that at the moment things aren’t bad enough to undertake such surgery. This was end April which at the time things weren’t that bad and I was still able to have reasonably good sex at least 3 times a week. Things appear to have changed and I’m getting closer to the tipping point of going for the implant.
I am now living with my new partner who I love and she loves me, she is clearly aware that I have an issue particularly on the occasions I have lost my erection during intercourse, however she is understanding and says she doesn’t see it as an issue. For whatever silly reason I haven’t told her I have had a VL all my adult life and because I have 3 children from a previous marriage she hasn’t questioned this. The way I have got around this is by ironically saying I received a penile fracture whilst having sex with my last girlfriend last year! I’m sure as a victim of such a thing; you must be thinking I am crazy? Albeit in my mind it sounds better than saying I have had a penis that leaks blood and I have always been crap in bed! She does know I have used Viagra but not all the time as is the fact and she is not aware I have used injections on 7-8 occasions.
I suppose I have been economical with the truth if anything but at least she knows I’m under a specialist and that my condition won’t get better and will at some point require me to receive an implant. Luckily she is broad minded and this doesn’t freak her out one bit.
I really am interested to know how old you are and hope that you keep on posting pre and post surgery so that we all know how you are getting on. Who knows I may well be going under the knife myself later this year if things don’t improve soon.
All the best and good luck with everything.
42 years old, Venous leak all my life. Pills worked but not so much then I foolishly did Scerothreapy (See young guys thread). Now totally impotent and just want an implant to stop me from completely crazy.

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Re: coming implant surgery

Postby reynell » Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:37 am

Good luck

I had implant surg a week ago, it went fine. Sore and swollen at this point.
Do you know what implant you are getting?
Any questions let me know.


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Location: houston, tx

Re: coming implant surgery

Postby bluis6214 » Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:27 pm

Thanks for the best wishes. I'm 54 and was 44 when l suffered my injury. I'm not sure which implant i'll be getting. My doctor says he'll make the call once he gets in there, but he's thinking it will be an lgx that hell use unless scarring makes him have to use a narrower cylinder. I hope my wife is happy with results. She has been a real trooper the last ten years. She is skeptical after what happened with the surgery after the fracture, but she supports me becuase she knows how much I need this to feel whole again. Ten years is a long time to feel inadequate.
55 years old. ED since 2002 total venous leakage after penile fracture. Tried all the pills and injections all failed to help. Some success with VED, but felt too unnatural to both of us, seldom used. Implanted 06/21/12. Trying to wear IT out.

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