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Hi, i am new

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:44 am
by trurl1954
Hello all
I am a newbie to this forum.
my name is cristofer
i am 66 years old
I live in Poland in the city of Tychy
I have had diabetes for 20 years and have big erection problems
I am thinking of penile implants[size=150]

Greetings. Cristofer from Poland[/size]

Re: Hi, i am new

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:19 am
by GoodWood
Welcome to FrankTalk. You’ll find a lot of help here.

I don’t have an implant, so I can not offer any advise about them. But I have had good results from injecting TriMix. Finding a good urologist who can do a thorough examination and talk to you about your options would be a good start.

Re: Hi, i am new

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:00 pm
by bldoink
Welcome to the forum.
I'll second what GoodWood said.

Re: Hi, i am new

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:47 pm
by trurl1954
Please explain what is RTE?

Re: Hi, i am new

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:10 pm
by Lost Sheep
Welcome to the forum, trurl1954,

trurl1954 wrote:Please explain what is RTE?

RTE - Rear Tip Extender or Rear Tip Extenders. Since implants come in discrete lengths (about 3cm increments) in-between sizes at 1 cm increments are provided by 1 cm RTEs.

there are more definitions in a thread "Acronym List"
Best regards.

Re: Hi, i am new

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 7:37 pm
by wewokarents
Hello another newbie here. Name is Jake. Did my first Trimix today.....15 units. Results were just wood and certainly not enough for penetration. Later this week will move to 20 units and see what happens. I was curious about my determination to inject what was formerly a valuable piece of property......I did it though, no pain, simply a very minimal stick that lasted for microseconds. Doc & pharmacist sent me home with 15/64 long needles and 100 unit syringes. Any suggestions regarding when the Trimix returns me to stainless steel? :lol:

Re: Hi, i am new

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 8:58 pm
by bldoink
wewokarents ,

Welcome to the forum. You might want to post your injection questions in the "Injections" sub-forum for more results.

It's impossible to predict how long it will take to find your proper dose. However, you'll likely get happy results within a couple of weeks if not sooner.

Good luck.

Re: Hi, i am new

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:32 pm
by limpbiscuit
Welcome Christofer
Welcome Jake.

You will both find support and information here.

Christofer- Something to consider is that most urologists will want to start with the least invasive intervention to remedy the ED. That might be something like pills, a VED pump, or shots. They may work for you. As you read the forums here you may find inspiration and/or a method to manage the ED that could buy you years of service before needing an implant.

And anything you could do to improve circulation may also help the ED. (Not to sound like a nanny or anything) but smoking, excess drinking or uncontrolled glucose levels may improve the erections.

I found an informative video on YouTube that spells out good information about erections and how to improve them when they aren't working.

Re: Hi, i am new

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 3:27 pm
by malibog
Hello from another recent recruit to this forum.

I lurked for awhile, made a few posts sans introduction, but today I decided that at least a few words on the intro page would be in order. Perhaps impolite to just jump in otherwise.

My age bracket is late 60s and I have had a quite satisfactory sex life for a long time. So not much to whine about. As I have already related here in an earlier post, I went through a period of psychological ED in one relationship some years ago. I saw a doc who gave me a sample pack of 5 Viagra, 50 mg., and that worked splendidly. That was when Viagra had just come on the market, at least where I was in California.

The relationship I was in at that time ended on good terms and I was soon in a new relationship. I continued Viagra use for some months, until I realized I no longer needed it. So, next 10 years, great sex, no drugs. But, heading towards mid-60s I noticed my bone of steel starting to lose some of that ferrous metal strength. Adequate to the task, but lacklustre.

So, I pulled out some leftover Viagra that had been sitting in a drawer for 10 years or so, and it instilled my dick with new vigor and and purpose. Great for a few years, but then, again, some signs of fatigue creeping in. That's where I am today. 50-100 mg. of Viagra will provide a serviceable erection, but no longer an award-winning erection. Cialis is no better, perhaps worse. I have not tried any other, such as Levitra or Stendra. Maybe I should, I dunno. Some say some work well for some guys, where others do not. Maybe.

At present, I am just being introduced to the wonderful world of injections, so will will say more there, under that topic.

Thus far I have been quite impressed by the membership here and the large number of very helpful and supportive posts on a wide range of topics that seldom get discussed. A most valuable resource, indeed.

Thank you all for reading through my somewhat verbose intro.