Low dose Injections

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Low dose Injections

Postby steven1 » Wed Nov 20, 2019 11:23 am

No matter how much Bi mix I use I end up with 4 to 6 sometime 8 hr erections anyone else have this problem?

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Re: Low dose Injections

Postby bldoink » Wed Nov 20, 2019 2:12 pm

What comes to mind is that you need a weaker mix. However, that is for sure a question for your doctor.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: Low dose Injections

Postby Robert66 » Thu Nov 21, 2019 5:04 am

Or add more water the injectable type adding 1 ml to a 1ml dose would cut strenth in half i would think
edex and tri mix 45/1/27 26 units

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Re: Low dose Injections

Postby steven1 » Thu Nov 21, 2019 7:08 am

When I go below ten units I don’t get to where I need to be and I end up using another 5 units to get there , and then I end up with a 8 hr erection

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Re: Low dose Injections

Postby Robert66 » Thu Nov 21, 2019 8:42 am

My new mix came its 45/1/27 i started with 30 units got 1/2 hour next 42 units 3 plus hours. Next 40 then tonight 38 and.next 36units i want 1 to 2 hours
edex and tri mix 45/1/27 26 units

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Re: Low dose Injections

Postby Robert66 » Thu Nov 21, 2019 8:45 am

Right now i am at 2 hours 40 min starting to soften next i will try 36
edex and tri mix 45/1/27 26 units

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Re: Low dose Injections

Postby steven1 » Thu Nov 21, 2019 12:57 pm

My first use of TRI mix was 20 units it ended with me in the ER and now have more damage the mix I am on now is the third try at the Bi mix I’m using now it works and a lot less pain just to long of erections

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Re: Low dose Injections

Postby niarceel » Wed Dec 25, 2019 2:25 pm

I almost always have problems with the duration of my erections. They tend to last more than 4 hours no matter what chemical I inject, nor the amount, as low as 8 units.

Less time erect with Bimix, more time erect with Trimix, both create priapism for me. I've been to the ER twice to have my penis aspirated until I figured out how to end my erections.

An aside:
I've stopped using Bimix. It contains too much Papaverine, the primary, chemical scarring agent in both Bimix and Trimix. Based upon my research, prostaglandin, the additional ingredient in Trimix, has little to no chemical scarring effect: https://www.franktalk.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13722&p=119724#p119724 It does, however, cause discomfort to pain for most men, me included.

I need less Trimix than Bimix to achieve the same quality of erection. Injecting Trimix means less scarring due to Papaverine, since Trimix has less of it for the same amount of chemical injected: https://www.franktalk.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13722&p=119724#p119724

Now, I'll refocus on your problem with priapism.
Generally, physicians tell us that any erection over 4 hours is a dangerous problem. But an ER doctor told me that 4 hours is not a hard number. The amount of time a man has an erection before the penis is damaged varies from man to man, from event to event, depending on many variables.

However, at about 4 hours, the danger begins. The danger is that you will kill nerve cells in the penis because of oxygen deprivation: "Ischemic priapism can cause significant complications. Due to the lack of oxygen, there can be significant damage if priapism lasts for more than four hours. The complications include erectile dysfunction as well as disfigurement of the penis." https://www.medicinenet.com/priapism_penis_disorder/article.htm#can_priapism_be_prevented

The penis can tolerate a little-to-no-oxygen condition longer than any other organ in the body (that I know of). It's designed for this but it has limits. Once nerves are damaged/killed, they can grow back (if the damage to them is not too severe) but it is at a snail's pace, "...2 mm/day in small nerves and 5 mm/day in large nerves": http://nerve.wustl.edu/NerveInjury.pdf and

(Human penises were never designed to be used the way we are using them. It's borderline abuse, at best, but I don't care. My wife and I have an incredible love life, experiencing dimensions of love, lust, and ecstasy that we never knew were possible. At my age, 71, I'm not giving anything up to save my penis. I only want to ensure that my penis lives longer than I do. I truly wish every man, every couple could experience what I/we do.)

I can tell you unequivocally, no matter what any doctor says, that icing an erect penis will only keep it erect. It constricts both veins and arteries. I read this incorrect advice everywhere, I hear it from doctors. I don't believe it. It has never worked for me, only made matters worse. "Ice works for healing because it constricts the blood vessels that carry these harmful chemicals (the cytokines) to the injury, which in turn slows down the inflammatory process." https://gearpatrol.com/2015/08/13/how-ice-affects-muscle-recovery/

An erect penis is not an injury.

Icing is for injuries, to arrest the flow of blood and cytokines toward the site of an injury.

What we need to end an erection is heat to dilate blood vessels in the base of the penis, and allow the Bimix/Trimix that is trapped inside it, to dissipate out of the penis. I have developed a process that does this. I've done it over 100 times in the last year with 100% success.

It is not without risks which I have documented. But if you have a healthy heart and pay close attention to your response to sustained heat, you will be successful using my technique: https://www.franktalk.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13693.

I would appreciate it if you try my method, that you send me a private message telling me about your experience.
Born 1947. Live in Utah. Married 1995. 5'8". 160 lbs.
Health is very good. ED began from venous leakage (2003).
Used Cialis (2003-2017), penile injections (2018-2019), 4 implants (2020-2021), now have an AMS 700 installed.
Hobbies: Only one, my wife.

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