LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

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Re: LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

Postby tonydante » Sat Apr 02, 2022 4:02 pm

Baseballfan11 wrote:
tonydante wrote:
Baseballfan11 wrote:

Still here? Our stories are almost the same except I’m 24 now

Hey, yes, I'm still here

Good to see you man. Hopefully we can get through this

We will man! Feel free to reach out if you need to talk to somebody.
22 y.o., Eastern Europe. Worsening ED from a very young age, probably after injury. Took Accutane at 14 - probably made it worse. Meds don't work. Implanted on 19.03 by Dr Ihsan Karaman in Istanbul, Rigicon Infla 10AX, 20 cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

Postby westerntown » Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:35 pm

JustAnotherYouth wrote:Hello!

I'm very sorry for your circumstances and I feel I can relate to the anguish caused by ED at such a young age being 23 myself.

Have you tried injections? I would try those first and if they don't work or are unsatisfactory it's probably best to go with the implant.

He is 19. Injections are not reasonable for the spontaneity of the lifestyle he is going to live. I understand why you would suggest it as a more conservative first option, but its important to be realistic as well. He cant shoot up everytime he wants to sleep with a woman
Late 2020, penile injury. Hard flaccid like symptoms since. Flaccid Hourglassing. always turtled. Sever loss of rigidity. Unable to have penetrative sex with girlfriend. Cialis does not help. 21yo, Ca

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Re: LONG POST - 19 year old virgin, ED since masturbation injury at 12, considering implant

Postby westerntown » Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:44 pm

Frank Talk Admin wrote:I don't often chime on in this stuff, and I am NOT diagnosing you, but there are several red flags in your post. First, what sort of pelvic floor therapy are you doing for 2 hours a day? You say you went to a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist. Did they diagnose you with a pelvic floor disorder? What sorts of exercises are you doing? If you do indeed have a pelvic floor issue (which is certainly possible, since 20% of men have it), you should be doing pelvic floor relaxation, stretching, and stress relief. You should never be doing a Kegel or tightening your pelvic floor. But none of these exercises should take 2 hours a day.

You almost certainly do not need an implant if none of the tests have resulted in anything. Have you talked to a sex therapist?


Paul, I have down a handful of tests myself and see the appropriate amount of doctors to know this is simply one of the greatest misunderstandings of all time. I Myself, like the original poster, am truly impotent despite what these tests or our age may say. Weve tried everything in the book, and it doesnt work. When you know, you know. And its no doubt we know something is off. Youre welcome to reach out to either one of us and offer solutions, but the overwhelming likelihood is that we have tried them.

To question us, is to imply we are lazy. If a young man is willing to come to these forums to post about his situation, you bet your ass he has been more than willing so far to attempt all possible lines of treatment available to him. Weve done our PT, weve tried to take the orals, we did our tests- even if they came clean- that does not diminish our problems, it should diminish the accuracy and capture rate of the tests.

At this point, OP and myself have really put ourselves out there- and to suggest we are foolish for inquiring about the implant is outright disrespectful and flat out condescending.

And by the way, Ive spoken on the phone with you Paul. Many months ago, and I took your advice on the phone and it got me no where. If you want to follow up, please do, but I dont blame you if you dont. The entire medical world has been passing my engima along out of irritation for the fact that they cant solve it, you would just be the icing on the cake.
Late 2020, penile injury. Hard flaccid like symptoms since. Flaccid Hourglassing. always turtled. Sever loss of rigidity. Unable to have penetrative sex with girlfriend. Cialis does not help. 21yo, Ca

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