55 year old from MA. 2 Days until surgery

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Re: 55 year old from MA. 2 Days until surgery

Postby BionicMan2022 » Mon May 09, 2022 4:13 pm

frank66665 wrote:@ BionicMan2022, I also had 2 heart attacks, my cardiologist does not want me to do the implant so as not to leave the cardioaspirin for 20 days, but I am stubborn like you and I will do the implant, you have to think about getting better and thinking that now it comes best of all, get well soon

Frank, I only skipped the one dose of aspirin on the day of the surgery. I have also heard some docs don't even have you skip one. Get your implant. Life is short. Seize the day!
AMS 700 LGX implanted on 4/20/2022 at age 55 by Dr. Andrew McCoullough Lahey Clinic

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Re: 55 year old from MA. 2 Days until surgery

Postby frank66665 » Tue May 10, 2022 2:43 pm

BionicMan2022 wrote:
frank66665 wrote:@ BionicMan2022, I also had 2 heart attacks, my cardiologist does not want me to do the implant so as not to leave the cardioaspirin for 20 days, but I am stubborn like you and I will do the implant, you have to think about getting better and thinking that now it comes best of all, get well soon

Frank, I only skipped the one dose of aspirin on the day of the surgery. I have also heard some docs don't even have you skip one. Get your implant. Life is short. Seize the day!

BionicMan2022 antonini does infrapubic and wants me to leave cardioaspirin 7 days before surgery up to 2 weeks after surgery, it may be that infrapubic is dangerous for an infection I don't know, but I told antonini that the cardiologist does not want to and antonini said not to worry, this thing makes me anxious and afraid for a thrombus
56, ED since 2010, pills work but not always and well, trt in progress improved but not so much, myocardial infarction january 2016, new stent september 2016, hypertension, venous on 1/23/23 titan one touch 22, no rte dottor Gabriele Antonini Italia

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