Just beginning !

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Re: Just beginning !

Postby stephen54 » Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:05 am

Highly suggest you thoroughly explore the injectable route first, before going too far with excitement about implantation. I'm 7 weeks post implant and very upbeat and excited, but I also ran Trimix injections, in a lot of varieties/formulations, for the better part of a decade. The hardons they produced were absolutely ridiculous. Cannot even begin to explain the intensely incredible experiences those needles provided and for a long time before they, too, began losing efficacy and forced my hand in climbing that next step to implantation.

You said your doc was going to give you an in-office trial of Trimix. This is good. But be advised, the in-office trial dose may or may not be what your dick needs. Mine wasn't enough the first try in the office. It's not titrated and fine tuned to your physiology and your particulars. But it can be. And there's also in-office not a motivated, naked person next to you at that moment, further motivating you to find the right dose and to inject in the right place on your dick etc.

Just advising and hoping you temper your enthusiasm for the knife and exercise some patience and diligence around injecting first and give it a thoughtful and extended real world look first. This place is an encyclopedia of knowledge and experiences with all of that, just search it here or ask us. Good luck.
54 yrs. Blessed with highly sexual 52 yr old wife. Pills 10 years, then 9 yrs Trimix. 28 cm Titan Touch XL 2019, Laurence Levine, Rush Univ Med Ctr, Chicago. Implant = nonstop fun. Hypogonadal, so also 10+ years testosterone replacement.

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Re: Just beginning !

Postby ETGuy71 » Tue Jan 07, 2020 10:27 am

I agree with Stephen. When my urologist injected me for Doppler study to see if I had a venous leak the dose just caused swelling but no erection! Yes I was told I had a venous leak and I reviewed the images and the data obtained. I was scheduled for implant, which I was ok with, but on day of surgery it was canceled by my doctor because I had elevated WBC indicating a possible infection. Put on antibiotics and told to reschedule after a month.
I started reading during the wait period about injections and the formulations being different and having to find the right blend. I went to a men’s clinic that specializes in ED.
They did ultrasound to check blood flow and said they thought they could get me hard with an injection so they gave me a shot. In 8 minutes I was harder than I had ever been in my life! It was amazing! They said I had to stay until it went down for my protection. An hour and a half later it started going down so they let me leave. However, for whatever reason the walk from the office to car cause it to rise again. Just as big and just as hard. I drove home, 1.5 hours with my dick out covered with a towel!
Diagnosed venous leak. Going with injections rather than implant for the time being.

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Re: Just beginning !

Postby Rusty4.5 » Tue Jan 07, 2020 6:38 pm

I went to my urologist totally focused on getting an erection and my mind was set on an implant. I had studied and viewed every thing I could find on the benefit of getting an implant. I watched the videos of the operation, I seen every episode of meet the penis and and the pluses and minuses on Frank Talk. I even purchased a VED to get in shape, I love what that thing does for my little guy, looks good in that tube:)
I was disappointed when Dr Jansen suggested I try the shots. I was set on an lmplant. This week however I studied the Trimix injection. I give myself testosterone shots so that isn’t a problem, the price doesn’t sound that bad considering the amount of injections are in a vial.
I’m excited about Thursday appointment and hoping to be driving home with the first Of many injected boners.
Thanks for all the encouragement you guy have given me on this topic!
Rusty4 Hated side effects of pills, they quit working over year ago
Goal is future implant, enjoying trimix for now,
Worried, PSA number rising .

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Re: Just beginning !

Postby stephen54 » Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:08 pm

Skyduder wrote:I went to my urologist totally focused on getting an erection and my mind was set on an implant. I had studied and viewed every thing I could find on the benefit of getting an implant. I watched the videos of the operation, I seen every episode of meet the penis and and the pluses and minuses on Frank Talk. I even purchased a VED to get in shape, I love what that thing does for my little guy, looks good in that tube:)
I was disappointed when Dr Jansen suggested I try the shots. I was set on an lmplant. This week however I studied the Trimix injection. I give myself testosterone shots so that isn’t a problem, the price doesn’t sound that bad considering the amount of injections are in a vial.
I’m excited about Thursday appointment and hoping to be driving home with the first Of many injected boners.
Thanks for all the encouragement you guy have given me on this topic!

This is all good. I'm glad for you to take the time to really give injecting a fair experiment. This is entirely reasonable, and my guess is that a few months from now you'll look back, after having experienced crazy rock hard sex, and find that perspective and place of peace and acceptance of Trimix, for as long as it serves you well.

I also self inject testosterone due to primary hypogonadism. Certainly a bit different in the sense that I'm using a very large 22 gauge 1.5" needle and it's intramuscular, ie, into my butt or leg, as yours probably is. The dick needle is going to be likely something like 1/2 inch and 31 gauge, like a thick hair. So much smaller, but into your junk, not your butt. Different experience! But it's pretty amazing how quick you get used to something that seems crazy once you and your partner screw one another into unconsciousness and your dick still wants more. And more.

God bless Trimix when it's at its best.

Good luck man. Keep us updated.
54 yrs. Blessed with highly sexual 52 yr old wife. Pills 10 years, then 9 yrs Trimix. 28 cm Titan Touch XL 2019, Laurence Levine, Rush Univ Med Ctr, Chicago. Implant = nonstop fun. Hypogonadal, so also 10+ years testosterone replacement.

Cajun Jeff
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Re: Just beginning !

Postby Cajun Jeff » Mon Jan 27, 2020 10:37 am

Good luck. I did injections for 10 years till they quit working. I’m sure you will be happy to be in action.
68 years old, Married 48 years. Prostate Cancer surgery 11 years ago. Tried Pills, VED, moved to injections (EdEx) for past 6 years. Implanted with AMS 700 LGX by Dr Hellstrom in New Orleans at Tulane Medical. 1/13/20

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