Newbie from Austin TX, looking for Help and Support!

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Tx Git Slinger
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Newbie from Austin TX, looking for Help and Support!

Postby Tx Git Slinger » Mon May 07, 2012 4:23 am

Hey, been reading f talk for a while and decided to join. My severe ED is a mystery. By deduction I think it must be a venous leak. None of the usual suspects apply to me: i'm not diabetic, no heart problems/hi bl pressure etc, prostate fine, testosterone seems more than fine (i'm horny ALL the time). In fact, aside from my ED, i'm currently an exemplary specimen of health. I'm 44 but people mistake me for early 30's, I do Bikram yoga 5 days a week, swim, work-out, run, vegetarian (bordering on vegan), take lots of supplements, do acupuncture, and so on.

My ED started slowly in my mid 30's and has gotten progressively worse since. At first, Cialis and V would do the trick and then they started to lose their kick, so I'd up the dose, try them sublingually, mix with Arginine, horny goat weed, B5, Choline, Ginseng, maca, pycnogenol, you name it! I did find one certain cock ring that kept my member stiff: one of those three metal concentric (i guess you'd call it) welded together things, where the big ring goes over the whole "package", the medium sized ring over the balls, and the smallest over the schlong. That worked (and still does) but is uncomfortable and results in some bruising, and is just a pain in the arse in general! But it did save my sex life for a while.

I started Trimex injections back in October and they work wonderfully about 90% of the time. Lately I've been getting a lot of swelling and bruising, and a couple "misfirings" to where it didn't work well (which sends me into a tailspin of worry and anxiety). I'm very careful about where to inject and I use an auto-injector so I know the needle is getting to the correct depth.

Anyway, I'm going to call the pharmacist in Florida tomorrow from whom I get my supply and ask him a few questions.

Ultimately, I'd like to find a decent Urologist who can thoroughly assess my situation and listen to my concerns. Give me a doppler(?) test for a venous leak, any other pertinent tests. I just would like to know what in the hades is wrong with me!!! So exasperating and this has caused untold amounts of stress, strain and depression in my life. I feel like, in my current health condition and age, I shouldn't have to take V or C, much less inject. Been to two "urologists" here locally and they were so piss poor it isn't even funny. I know more about ED than those clowns from just having scoured the internet on the subject.

I'm wondering if maybe my condition came from chronic masturbation or from an injury with my cock ring on while I was partying heavily one night and was on one of my hedonistic marathons. Incidentally, I don't "party" anymore. Have been clean and sober for a couple years now. And, while my relapse into drug and alcohol certainly did my erectile abilities no favors, I know it isn't the culprit because I was already having trouble before my "backslide."

Sorry for the voluminous life story, but I hope this sheds some light and I hope to find some buddies so we can help each other!


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Re: Newbie from Austin TX, looking for Help and Support!

Postby imhungguy » Mon May 07, 2012 11:59 am

I see you're from Austin, but you mention a pharmacy in Florida, so maybe you get here once in awhile (I live in Ft. Lauderdale).

I am on my third implant - first two failed, and the third (Coloplast Titan) is not totally satisfactory. I therefore consulted with a urologist here at the Cleveland Clinic (Weston, FL) who was referred to me by Francois Eid, in New York, considered by many to be preeminent. I wanted an assessment of my current implant to see if yet another revision was in order. The doctor I saw is Lawrence Hakim (954-659-5188), and I was impressed. He has extensive implant experience (essential). I am not going for another revision, but Dr. Hakim did point out some problems with what I have (incorrectly installed, for sure). It is a Cololast Titan.

I have had no known cause of e.d. either. Just never got very hard - all of my life. I am well-endowed and expectations have always been high among partners, so I decided to get an implant - first one in 2000. Will be glad to fill you in on details if you wish.

I am sure there are experienced implant doctors in Austin, Dallas and/or Houston. Check on this site for posts on the subject, but, if you do get to this neck of the woods, I would highly recommend a consultation with Dr. Hakim.

Let me know if I can be of further help. I am not the least bit shy about sharing my EXTENSIVE experiences. Bill

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Re: Newbie from Austin TX, looking for Help and Support!

Postby antelope » Mon May 07, 2012 4:47 pm

Two implant surgeons relatively close to Austin who have been mentioned on the FT site by satisfied customers include:

1) Dr. Larry Lipshultz, Scott Department of Urology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
2) Dr. Gerard Henry, Regional urology Clinic, Bossier City, LA

I can't imagine, however, that there are not competent and experienced implants surgeons in Austin and/or San Antonio. There's lots of good medicine in both of those cities.

Besides, just think of all the limp dicks at the University of Texas--surely that's a market all by itself. Sorry, just couldn't pass that one up. Go Tigers!

Hey, ED is certainly no laughing matter, but sometimes we just need to chuckle at the ironies inherent in our shared situation.

Baton Rouge
Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: Newbie from Austin TX, looking for Help and Support!

Postby jn1421 » Mon May 07, 2012 5:37 pm

Git Slinger,
Welcome to FT glad you're here. Also, thanks for filling us in with your ED story, it helps us know a little about you if you ever venture into the 'Heresy Zone' (chat room). Just kidding, it is a wonderful place where you will make a lot of friends. You can talk directly to the guys who are in the same situation as you, me being one of them (venous leak).

I have decided to go another route besides getting an implant, I do manual penis exercises. To be honest, I'm fearful of getting an implant at this point in life. I want to try every other approach before getting one. Not against it, just not ready yet. The exercises have proven a life saver for me so if you want to know more about them, don't hesitate to ask. Until then here is a thread I started about 2 years ago. I provide a few links to free penis exercises sites along with a bit of info on each one viewtopic.php?f=14&t=251

Thanks for your introduction post, it was well written and a pleasure to read.


Tx Git Slinger
Posts: 55
Joined: Sun May 06, 2012 3:11 am

Re: Newbie from Austin TX, looking for Help and Support!

Postby Tx Git Slinger » Tue May 08, 2012 12:28 pm

Thx Dave. Do tell about your exercises! I do the kegels but not religiously. is your situation from a venous leak.
My venous leak has resulted in a "Venus Leak" in that it's ruining my love life. lol.
Gonna write a song called Venus Leak, I think.

Tx Git Slinger
Posts: 55
Joined: Sun May 06, 2012 3:11 am

Re: Newbie from Austin TX, looking for Help and Support!

Postby Tx Git Slinger » Tue May 08, 2012 12:44 pm

Thanks Bill (IMhungguy),

You know, even though there is DEFINITELY a predominately physical component to my ED, I think there is a psychological one that compounds it. The first few times I attempted intercourse as a teen, i couldn't get it up. That was pure nervousness because i was getting it up like a fiend when jerking. Once I got over the hump (on pun intended) and did the coitus deed for the first time, I was fine. But I think even now i psyche myself out. Like recently when i was supposed to have this absolutely stunning 22 year old over for a romp and my trimix didn't work very well, I called her and made an excuse last minute that had to help my friend whose car was broken down. That sent me into a tailspin of panic and anxiety. I (foolishly perhaps) tried a second injection on the other side of the johnson and didn't get the desired effect which exacerbated the situation even worse. I think i have some bum needles or something. Been getting an inordinate amount of bruising and swelling lately.

I had a tiny few episodes in my roaring twenties and into my 30's but very few. My ED became more episodic in my mid 30's--i'm now 44. V and Cialis did the trick for a while but then lost efficacy. Wonder why that is. I still use them and they help but i can get about half there.
Thanx ImHungGuy. I'd like to know more about your implant situation. Is is common to have complications like that? I read that satisfaction rate was near unanimous--like 93 percent. hmmm. I'm hoping it won't come to that since I am otherwise totally healthy.

Incidentally, I am also very very well endowed--like 9+ when fully erect. I think that plays a part too, -- a lot more blood needed and a lot more gravity to work against. I've had lots of guys --I'm bi--tell me "man I wish my dick was big as yours an I tell them "be happy with what you got and be careful what you wish for." I may be a tiny sliver of a minority who wishes his dick was a little smaller. For example, it precludes anal sex with most women, it just won't fit.
Which is fine i much prefer the other orifices.

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Re: Newbie from Austin TX, looking for Help and Support!

Postby thinktank » Tue May 08, 2012 3:46 pm


Being totally honest here and in an area that we guys dont like to get transparent about

But once a man experiences erectile failure and a limp dick that wont come up, the psychological element of erections is ALWAYS with him even if he rebounds to potency and learns to relax to avoid failure.

A limp dick that wont work when needed is a blow to the male psyche and in a sense that psyche is wounded and scarred. We as men learn the mechanics of good erections after failure, but again that failure and the way we felt with a dick that wouldnt perform is forever imbedded in our male psyches.

The quicker we learn to cope, the more we feel like the real men we perceive ourselves to be in our perception of ourselves.

Just my 2 cents. I seldom see men discuss this. Too painful......too vunlnerable for our male psyches and egos...........and too transparent for the run of the mill male personality.

seeking info
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Re: Newbie from Austin TX, looking for Help and Support!

Postby seeking info » Tue May 08, 2012 10:54 pm

thinktank wrote:Men
THANK YOU!! You have summed up here what I havebeen trying to put into words for a long time!! Just one failure and it remains forever in your mind and thoughts and the angst you have every time after that one failure to rise to the occasion!

Being totally honest here and in an area that we guys dont like to get transparent about

But once a man experiences erectile failure and a limp dick that wont come up, the psychological element of erections is ALWAYS with him even if he rebounds to potency and learns to relax to avoid failure.

A limp dick that wont work when needed is a blow to the male psyche and in a sense that psyche is wounded and scarred. We as men learn the mechanics of good erections after failure, but again that failure and the way we felt with a dick that wouldnt perform is forever imbedded in our male psyches.

The quicker we learn to cope, the more we feel like the real men we perceive ourselves to be in our perception of ourselves.

Just my 2 cents. I seldom see men discuss this. Too painful......too vunlnerable for our male psyches and egos...........and too transparent for the run of the mill male personality.
Medically retired. Due to very bad back issues..multiple surgeries. Implanted pain infusion system on long term opiodal meds; hypogonadism and hypothyroid as a side effect from intrathecal pain infusion system. Use low dose generic V

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