My intro to Frank Talk!

This is the place to say hi to the board. Tell us something about yourself. If you're not quite ready to post for advice, that's fine.
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My intro to Frank Talk!

Postby Ahappigui » Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:37 pm

I'm very pleased to have found this site. I am a 73 y/o gay man who has been out for 11 years, a late bloomer after 28 yrs of a happy marriage. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer six months after a thrombosis ....all resulting in dramatic changes in my life.....a prostatectomy and an assessment of life in general which led to my coming out, separation and subsequent divorce. Thankfully I am healthy now, happy and have a great zest for life. I have tried the usual enhancers for ED, including Viagara, Levitra, Cialis, Trimix and Muse....none of which have brought significant results. Perhaps the best result has been with the daily Cialis. I've always had a terrible fear or needles which goes back to a dentist during childhood who was not the gentle dentist of today. Sometimes one has to do what one has to do, I overcame the fear of needles and I have done the Trimix injections with minimal results. I do orgasm big time and for that I'm thankful. Anyone else in a similar situation? Of course not......haha! ;)

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Re: My intro to Frank Talk!

Postby LGX_Man » Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:47 pm

Dear Ahappigui. You didn't leave your name here but mine is Keith. Welcome and rest assured that you'll get plenty of answers here. Lots of us here are or have been in the same boat you are currently in. Stick around and you'll be happy that you did.

LGX_Man (Keith)
62. Retired. AMS 700 LGX implanted Nov. 18, 2013. Ask me any questions about being implanted or life afterwards.

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Re: My intro to Frank Talk!

Postby Ahappigui » Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:08 pm

Thanks for the message Keith. Sorry I missed giving my's Horace. I really have not and will not have much time to review numerous postings....I'm going to be away for three weeks and busy preparing. One observation I will make and that is that your urologists appear to be far more ready to suggest implants. I think in Canada it is fairly rare. Yes, I am Canadian. I must do a bit of research on that. Till later, hr

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