Hello from Virginia

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Hello from Virginia

Postby retiredrichard » Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:34 am

Hello from the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. When I retired in 2005 at the age of 59, I was looking forward to having great times with wife since our days were what we wanted them to be. I was experiencing ED at the time and thought pills would take care of it. Then I went to using pills and the pump, but it was totally ineffective. Then prostate cancer appeared on the scene 2 years ago. All the dreams of sexual freedom whenever we wanted that my wife and I shared went out the window. Fortunately, my urologist, Dr. Steers at UVA, discussed penile implants with me. I am in my second week after surgery and can't wait until I get the OK to try the device. The pain after surgery was much greater than expected, but seems to get better every day. The worst part is getting use to the pump in my scrotum. Everything is no longer soft - there is this hard walnut that is pressing on me all the time. Guess, I will get use to it.

Glad I found this site.

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Re: Hello from Virginia

Postby slob1934 » Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:12 pm

You are on your way to using the best invention since the light bulb!!

I think what you ar experiencing in your scrotum is swelling. Don't worry the swelling WILL go away.
When you return to normal, you will not even know the pump is there except when you use it.

Your wife will LOVE it!!

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Re: Hello from Virginia

Postby bob1138 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:49 am

Welcome to Frank Talk,

We have similar histories.
I developed ED Post-Prostatectomy in February 2004.
The "standard" ED treatments (PDE5 Inhibitors, VED, MUSE, Injections) did not work satisfactorily for me and I suffered all the negative side effects of ED for 3+ years.
Then, in December 2007 I underwent the Coloplast Titan Penile Implant Procedure and, thankfully, it completely corrected
my ED and restored my sex life and the emotional intimacy with my wife of 45 years.
I experienced the same post-surgical discomfort you are describing and, let me assure you, that it will disappear in
6-8 weeks --- different men heal at different rates.
Your body tissue will gradually grow around the device and, eventually, it will just become part of you.
After 4+ years, the only time I am aware of the device is when I pump it up and get an erection 100% of the time.
I wish you and your wife all the pleasure my wife and I have experienced with my Implant for the past 4+ years.
Also, you are now an official member of Dave's "Brotherhood of Bionic Boners". Welcome aboard.
I suggest you read the Posts of the Bionic Brothers in the Group and never hesitate to ask questions.
Hope to see you in the Chat Room.


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Re: Hello from Virginia

Postby Dave48003 » Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:10 pm

Welcome Richard! Dave here, the guy that coined the phrase "Brotherhood of Bionic Boners", or at least I said it enough it stuck and I got the credit! :lol:

I've had my Bionic Leprechaun since St. Paddy's Day last year (hence his name). I had some issues with swelling and even an infection. Had a heck of a time getting used to my limp member being twice the size it used to be, I just never had to deal with a bulge! What was almost a constant distraction a few months ago I seldom even notice now, so just relax and plan on it being the new "normal". You and your bride will be on your honeymoon all over again very soon! And I'll bet she tells you that you're like wine, you've gotten better with age!

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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