24 yo desperate guy - complete impotence

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Mr. Skin
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24 yo desperate guy - complete impotence

Postby Mr. Skin » Sun Mar 18, 2018 3:56 am

Hi together,

I am 24 years old and I am suffering from severe veno-occlusive dysfunction for 6 years after taking finasteride against male pattern baldness back then. (for 18 months, quit it back in 2012)

I do not respont to PDE-5I, Injections or anything else. I had not have sex since then and it really puts a burden on me. It s really life altering as I cannot be in a relationship and all the people around me start to get in relationships and it get s more and more difficult to distract myself from my problem.

I have tried TRT, continous PDE5-I therapy, alprostadil etc. I am currently using a VED on a daily basis to avoid further fibrosis and daily tadalafil.

My next option apparently should be an implant, but my insurance in germany does not cover it, so I have to come up with 20-30k $.

just my current situation.

ED since 2012
no medication works
considering implant (maybe with previous venous embolization for glans engorgement)


Re: 24 yo desperate guy - complete impotence

Postby Larry10625 » Sun Mar 18, 2018 8:36 am

jp3399 wrote:Hi together,

I am 24 years old and I am suffering from severe veno-occlusive dysfunction for 6 years after taking finasteride against male pattern baldness back then. (for 18 months, quit it back in 2012)

I do not respont to PDE-5I, Injections or anything else. I had not have sex since then and it really puts a burden on me. It s really life altering as I cannot be in a relationship and all the people around me start to get in relationships and it get s more and more difficult to distract myself from my problem.

I have tried TRT, continous PDE5-I therapy, alprostadil etc. I am currently using a VED on a daily basis to avoid further fibrosis and daily tadalafil.

My next option apparently should be an implant, but my insurance in germany does not cover it, so I have to come up with 20-30k $.

just my current situation.


Using the vacuum is a really good idea. It will protect your length and girth until you are able to get the implant. Is there any way that you could purchase supplemental private insurance that covers it and then drop it?? :)


Mr. Skin
Posts: 13
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Re: 24 yo desperate guy - complete impotence

Postby Mr. Skin » Sun Mar 18, 2018 11:30 am

Nope, unfortunately not. Already checked that out. Not possible as insurance in Germany is obligatory, and the price for private insurances which would cover an implant is absurdly high.
ED since 2012
no medication works
considering implant (maybe with previous venous embolization for glans engorgement)

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Re: 24 yo desperate guy - complete impotence

Postby bldoink » Sun Mar 18, 2018 11:41 am

Yeah, stick with the VED use.

You said you tried alprostadil. Was that the injections or the suppository or gel?

If you haven't tried it, alprostadil injections combined with cock rings might be worth a shot.

Good luck.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: 24 yo desperate guy - complete impotence

Postby softtohard » Sun Mar 18, 2018 12:04 pm

Hey we are in the same boat. But I´m from Sweden.
I´m a bit older and Viagra still works a bit but not fully.

Have been thinking of implant för over a year now and I guess it´s time.
BUT like you I have to come up with the money.

I really understand your pain and the struggle of keeping positive
even thou you know your situation and you see life around you in a different perspective.

I have noting to say that can help you other than I want you to feel my support!
We are both from europe so we have kind of the same circumstances.

If you want, lets keep in touch for support.
ED since 22 years old now 36 years old. 18/July/2019, Coloplast 22 cm Dr Eid New York.
From Sweden, Stockholm, Girlfriend

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Re: 24 yo desperate guy - complete impotence

Postby francisco » Sun Mar 18, 2018 3:35 pm

I´m from Argentina, and on the same boat yo are guys.

Try tu use the pump, it really helps to the prevent from shrinking

peace bros!
Male 26 years old, From Bs. As. Suffering from ED since April '17.

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Re: 24 yo desperate guy - complete impotence

Postby young_and_impotent » Sat Jun 09, 2018 12:38 am

A little off-topic.

If you can get one full erection per day, do you still need to use a pump?
28 year old with severe lifelong ED.
Implanted in New Delhi on 26/12/19 with AMS CX (15x12) + 4cm RTE
Post op length 4.5 inches from ~ (5.5 to 6) inches. Disappointed!
Wish to have a revision to LGX some day.


Re: 24 yo desperate guy - complete impotence

Postby Larry10625 » Sat Jun 09, 2018 7:08 am

Mr. Skin wrote:Hi together,

I am 24 years old and I am suffering from severe veno-occlusive dysfunction for 6 years after taking finasteride against male pattern baldness back then. (for 18 months, quit it back in 2012)

I do not respont to PDE-5I, Injections or anything else. I had not have sex since then and it really puts a burden on me. It s really life altering as I cannot be in a relationship and all the people around me start to get in relationships and it get s more and more difficult to distract myself from my problem.

I have tried TRT, continous PDE5-I therapy, alprostadil etc. I am currently using a VED on a daily basis to avoid further fibrosis and daily tadalafil.

My next option apparently should be an implant, but my insurance in germany does not cover it, so I have to come up with 20-30k $.

just my current situation.


Did you at least get your hair back?? :)


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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2018 11:57 pm

Re: 24 yo desperate guy - complete impotence

Postby evndocsuffer » Sun Jun 17, 2018 8:03 pm

Greetings. I empathize with you. I, too, was young when I had my first surgical implant. It failed after ten years, and I had another one implanted in 2016. Having an implant is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It literally changed my life sexually. You cannot understand the peace and confidence you will have knowing you will ALWAYS be able to perform! To your point, implants are expensive. My advice, have the procedure done in India, or somewhere the Urologists have done hundreds of these procedures and are willing to do the procedure for much less. Less money doesn't necessarily equate to poor quality of medical care. Do some investigating, and I believe you can solve your problem for as little as $10,000.


Re: 24 yo desperate guy - complete impotence

Postby Larry10625 » Sun Jun 17, 2018 8:31 pm

young_and_impotent wrote:A little off-topic.

If you can get one full erection per day, do you still need to use a pump?

I would say no because you are still keeping things stretched out.


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