New to site, considering options for PD/ED

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New to site, considering options for PD/ED

Postby purcelldds » Tue May 01, 2018 3:49 pm

Hi all, first post to the site but I have been lurking for some time and have learned a lot. I'm 51 years old, married 25+years, fit, healthy, active, Crossfitter type. I started having ED symptoms about 3 years ago. Started testosterone replacement, I was at about 200, and started Viagra/Cialis as needed. Both definitely helped. Over time the Viagra has been sometimes less effective. About one year ago developed Peyronies symptoms with pain and nodules and bending, likely from penile trauma during sex. Pain decreased but the plaque is definitely present and I have a moderate 30-45 degree doral/lateral bend with a significant weakening hinge mid shaft and softening of the glans. Getting and maintaining erection is difficult and penetration is difficult due to soft glans. Overall my erection is very weak, even with oral meds, and unstable and makes sex tentative at best. A couple of months ago during sex I had a serious buckling during sex that actually resulted in bleeding from the urethra. Completely freaked us out. Went to ER and follow up with urologist, diagnosed with penile fracture. No treatment and no sexual activity for 6 weeks. It has definitely marred my confidence and joy of sex and has left me very fearful of a repeat incident.
Due to the Peyronies, the resulting unstable erection and ED, I almost feel like sex is dangerous. I have appointment with my Men's Health Urologist in a couple of weeks. We are going to do an intracorporal injection test to map out the extent of the Peyronies. He has urged me to consider other methods such as VED, injections for ED and surgical procedures such as plication etc prior to considering implant. I think this is prudent advice on one level but none of those options are very appealing to me. I guess with this condition there are no really appealing options at all. My concern is the Peyronies. Many on here have said the Peyronies progresses with more calcification and loss of length etc and they wish they had addressed it sooner than later with an implant. My doc says I'm young but 51 really isn't that young. My profession doesn't give me the luxury of frequent doctor visits, multiple procedures/surgeries and recoveries. I want a definitive solution that is going to address all of the issues, realizing that nothing is perfect and there are always pro and cons.
I have been emailing Dr Kramer in Baltimore. He has been excellent and gracious in communication. He thinks an implant is indicated and would do the procedure. The question is, in my situation, implant now or try alternatives and implant later? Thoughts?
Last edited by purcelldds on Tue May 01, 2018 5:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
55 years old, fit, healthy, married. Mild to mod ED 3 years. Peyronies for one year, history of trauma/penile fracture. Pills no longer working well. Implanted by Dr Eid with a 22cm Titan on 12/19/2018. Started cycling day 4. Sex on day 24.

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Location: Philly Burbs

Re: New member, considering options

Postby radioradio » Tue May 01, 2018 4:11 pm

First, welcome to FrankTalk. It's a terrific resource not only for information, but also for providing a space to discuss perhaps the most intimate parts of our lives with guys who can relate. That's hard to come by outside this arena.

I have not had to deal with Peyronies, thankfully, and I am not a doctor....

From the personal experience I have had and what I have read here from guys who have suffered from Peyronies, I would encourage you to pursue the implant now. I personally know that ED will not get better, and have read here that worsening Peyronies is terrible.

Age 51... You probably have a long time ahead of you with a non- or poorly functioning penis and a worsening condition. Or you could have a long time ahead of you enjoying a fulfilling sex life. Having gone through my own decision process, I know how monumental and scary it is. But I think Greg1956 has said it best -- when even a bad outcome would be no worse than what you've got, what do you have to lose?

One other thought. The mental/emotional toll that ED takes can get worse with the passage of time. Dysfunction in this vital area can ruin a man's overall self esteem, affecting his whole life, his relationships, and can contribute to unhealthy decisions and behaviors.

I wish you the best in your journey. Feel free to PM me any time.
Born '52. Married '79. RALP 3/1/17. ED 50+% prior to surgery even w/ meds. VED, Injections, ineffective. Considering implant even before PCa diagnosis. Dr. Kramer 8/2/17. LGX 21cm+0.5 RTE. Kramer replaced/repositioned pump 12/13/17. Willing to Show/Tell.

Posts: 76
Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:27 pm

Re: New to site, considering options for PD/ED

Postby purcelldds » Tue May 01, 2018 10:44 pm

Thanks Bob for the warm welcome and very thoughtful reply. I like the way you said it regarding how I can spend the hopefully many years ahead of me.
55 years old, fit, healthy, married. Mild to mod ED 3 years. Peyronies for one year, history of trauma/penile fracture. Pills no longer working well. Implanted by Dr Eid with a 22cm Titan on 12/19/2018. Started cycling day 4. Sex on day 24.

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