I am glad I found this forum

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Re: I am glad I found this forum

Postby danny1553 » Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:42 pm

Thanks a lot Dave for such a detailed answer.
How your did your uro measure the implant length? Was that against the flaccid penis? If so that would be a fiasco for me. I am the guy who has the very short flaccid dick (less than 3”) that goes 5 1/2 “when fully erected which is almost doubled. I wish I was one of those who have virtually no difference in length when flaccid vs. erected, jest the girth and firmness.

If you notice that you overinflated is that possible to partially deflate it; or it has to go fully “release” mode first?

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Re: I am glad I found this forum

Postby Dave48003 » Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:28 pm

Gollam & Danny:

First, Gollam I would find it strange to use a pump in a new relationship. It would probably freak out any woman to have me get out of bed and put that contraption on my penis! It could be a very funny comedy skit! The pump absolutely helps with the health and dimensions. Docs are just now getting informed on this. Trust me, you will find more relevant advice on just about any aspect of the ED issue on this site. The docs know the medical side, but they don't (generally) have first hand experience (especially with implants) and they tend to view everything very clinically, not practically. That is the reason I progressed from injections, which worked quite well, to the implant. I wanted the spontaneous sex to return. None of the other solutions allow you to roll over and hop on, so to speak.

Danny, there is equipment provided by the manufacturer of the implant that is used to measure the actual chamber dimensions after the incisions are made. Each device is sized during the surgical procedure. I jokingly told my doc before surgery to not short change me. It was said in a joking manner, be he understood what I meant. With the LGX, the ability to gain length is there, providing the doc doesn't decide to be "cautious" and go a bit shorter, figuring that the LGX will expand and compensate. That's not what I was after, nor most guys. I am 1/4" longer than before surgery. If I would have pumped regularly before surgery, I might have gained even more.

Also, most of us "growers" turn in to "showers" after surgery. My penis would all but disappear before surgery. Now, I have a nice bulge in my pants and present a pretty good sized penis at the urinal. Check out my pictures, you will get an idea of what I'm talking about. Before and after are there. I still have problems getting everything to fit comfortably in my pants without putting pressure on it or pinching, which was not an issue before. Some guys are concerned about the locker room appearance, because they think they might appear aroused. I think, and my wife agrees, that in my case at least, I just look like a guy who is hung a little more than most. I hang below 45 degrees, so I think I would be safe, though I haven't tried it yet. I've caught a couple of guys doing the double peek at the urinal, but I suspect it was admiration and nothing more. (One of the things you will learn on this site is that most, if not all guys are curious and look and admire other males. Fact of life, we tend to accept it here though few will admit it outside of this site.)

Deflating, yes, it can be done. With the AMS pump at least, gently pushing the button will allow it to slightly deflate. The instructions say to press and hold the button for 4 seconds to fully deflate. I sometimes have to push again after it goes down, before I give it the squeeze treatment to get it to go completely flaccid. (Or at least as flaccid as it gets.)

We might consider taking this to the implant forum in the future. These are all issues most guys are curious about.

Think hard! :D

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: I am glad I found this forum

Postby gollam121 » Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:14 pm

Hi Dave,
So I think tonight I start my quest to become bionic! When everything else has failed the solution of last resort doesn't sound too bad. Come to think of it when you consider brave young American and British soldiers fighting in Afghanistan coming back bodies broken when in the prime of their lives it seems like a piece of cake!! I know it’s a bit more involved than that but I’m sure you understand what I’m trying to say.
Now that I’m of the view I’m going to see this through I’m going to get impatient more than anything really and wish I could have this done tomorrow! I am not concerned one bit about explaining it to women so long as it works and I avoid infection, being bionic makes you unique and will make me that way also. Unlimited erections sound like a dream worth pursuing and embarrassment what embarrassment? I have done this to death already lol!
Tell me how long did you have off work after the opp? Sound like you went through the mill but I guess everyone is different. Also I would like to continue to play sports as I’m only young and would hope that the implant doesn’t restrict physical activity (within reason).
P.s I have thought hard and intend to stay hard in the future so time to man up lol :D
42 years old, Venous leak all my life. Pills worked but not so much then I foolishly did Scerothreapy (See young guys thread). Now totally impotent and just want an implant to stop me from completely crazy.

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Re: I am glad I found this forum

Postby danny1553 » Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:10 pm

Hi Gollam
Are you considering extender and/or pump for the purpose of length before going bionic?
Indeed, unlimited erection on demand sounds like a dream and who cares if it is artificial as long as the difference is only inside your body…
I think I am no longer freaked out about the procedure, just want to make sure I am prepared so I wouldn’t lose any valuable inches.
Dave rocks for cheering up :)

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Re: I am glad I found this forum

Postby gollam121 » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:38 am

Hi Danny,

I think I will take my Uro up on the pump, he offered me this before the injections but I declined because as I said to Dave I couldn't seeing it working with a new relationships. I will clearly only use the device on my own to help with preserving length after the opp.

Lets both dream and stay in touch every step of the way, men like Dave deserve a lot of credit for sharing their experiences so I would like to to think I can offer the same to other guys during my quest for hardness. :D


P.s. You are getting on the right track Danny as you are now talking positive which is good.
42 years old, Venous leak all my life. Pills worked but not so much then I foolishly did Scerothreapy (See young guys thread). Now totally impotent and just want an implant to stop me from completely crazy.

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Re: I am glad I found this forum

Postby Dave48003 » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:32 am

Guys - you have made my day, not because I made a "convert" to bionic, but because of the hope I now see in both of you! Get those pumps, do some research on here in the pumping forums and boards, and start "working out" to get in shape for whatever lies ahead.

My journey was not bad, just a couple of bumps in the road. I wasn't concerned about the infection, as I said, it seemed to scare my doctor worse than I. I had t. he surgery on Thursday and returned to work the following Tuesday, 5 days off including the day of surgery. My doc originally told me 2 weeks, to which I objected. When I explained my job requirements were pretty much sitting at a desk with a laptop in front of me, he backed down to a week. I think he thought I would be too sore. I never told him i went back in 5 days!

Go back in the implant archives and read some of the threads in there. There are many stories. Most are positive, there are a couple of not so good outcomes, and there are some that had the ups and downs. It is actually quite emotional reading this stuff. Us guys are pretty attached to our little buddies, and our emotional well being is amazingly tied to how well our little buddy is doing.

Keep us posted in your journeys. You have a whole support team here, about 1000 guys now I believe. Many don't get involved, just read, which is fine. But we are all pulling for each other, it is an amazing "Band of Brothers", this Society of the Limp Dick. Hopefully, you will soon progress to something a little more firm, but we all remember why we're here, and don't forget our "roots" and the guys still at the early stages.

Best of boners! :mrgreen:

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: I am glad I found this forum

Postby gollam121 » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:29 pm

Thanks Dave, Its real comforting to know there are others looking out and routing for you. :D

I know my questions will pop up as and when they come into my head, but just one for now which is when did you first tell the lady that is now your wife you had ED and how did she react?

42 years old, Venous leak all my life. Pills worked but not so much then I foolishly did Scerothreapy (See young guys thread). Now totally impotent and just want an implant to stop me from completely crazy.

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Re: I am glad I found this forum

Postby Dave48003 » Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:44 pm


I could have sworn I answered this, but apparently not. Sorry!

My wife has always been supportive. From early on, I'm sure she detected I had some difficulty staying hard. It only got worse with age, but she claims I've always taken care of her. I personally think she's stretching it a bit, but that's the kind of lady I have. Now, with this bionic boner, she's in 7th heaven! I'll have to get her one of those hand counters so she can keep track of her orgasms! Hey, she deserves it!

Merry Christmas!

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: I am glad I found this forum

Postby bob1138 » Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:07 am

Welcome to FrankTalk Danny and Happy New Year.

I think that the best way for me to provide you with some info about ED is to share the story of my battle with ED.
I developed ED Post-Prostatectomy in February 2004 at age 65 and had never experienced any problem prior to that.
Viagra, Cialis, etc. did not work for me.
After much research and having the opportunity to speak with 2 men who underwent the Coloplast Titan Penile Implant Procedure, I had my Titan Implant Procedure December 13, 2007.
The Titan Penile Implant completely corrected my ED and restored both my sex life and the emotional intimacy with my wife of 45 years.
I became a Coloplast Patient Educator in January 2008 in order to share my Pre-Implant and Post-Implant experiences with men still suffering from ED and its devastating side effects.
I just celebrated the Fourth Anniversary of my Titan Implant December 13th and my wife and I could not be happier with it.
The FT Group has a bunch of great guys who are always willing to reach out to other men suffering with ED.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or just want to talk.


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