New guy on the block

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Joined: Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:36 pm

New guy on the block

Postby abletoplease4 » Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:21 am

First I nseed to set the record first. I have been married for 44 years and it has been sexless for 37 of those years . I love my wife and will never make love to another woman. I have played with men though massage, lite touch, oral sex and the like. I HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER HAVE ANAL SEX. I used to masturbate when ever I wanted but now at the age of 67 cannot reach an errection unless I am with another guy. I have no problems being naked around another guy at the gym but when I meet a friend for oral pleasures I am hard before my pants go down. How can I get an erection for masturbation when I am alone ? Thanx

Posts: 26
Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:05 pm

Re: New guy on the block

Postby bluene » Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:00 pm

Hi, abletoplease4,
First of all, we make no judgements on this site regardless of what you have or have not done. We are here to offer help for your sexual problems whatever they may be. Personally I can't identify with your exact problem, but please don't hold that against me. My prostate has been removed, and I couldn't get a hard-on if a parade of beauties all tried out their blow job skills on me, but it doesn't prevent me from being turned on or from having a great orgasm. You might try masturbation techniques other than the standard up and down method. I find a sideways motion with one or two hands works well with a soft member. Adding some lubricant provides that pleasant slippery feeling. Also I find that a vibrator can send me through the roof in a short time. Have you tried some porn while masturbating? If you have to have an erection, there are many methods discussed on this site to achieve it, the simplest being Viagra (or equivalent) or a vacuum pump. Good luck and happy masturbating.

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