Intro - New - Houston TX - Hello

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Intro - New - Houston TX - Hello

Postby darknight » Wed Jun 14, 2017 11:18 pm

Hello guys. Just joined this forum. Thanks moderator!

A bit about myself….I am 38 years old. Been dealing with ED for about 5 years. It started gradually, and I believe it had something to do with me tearing a disc in my lower back sometime in 2011. This has been a very frustrating experience that I have had difficulty openly discussing for a long time.

I have used several ED meds, the usual suspects-cialis, stendra, and most reliably-viagra. Effectiveness of the Viagra has been the best but it’s been hit and miss when I use it. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. The doctor recently suggested again that I try the trimix injections, and if those don’t work for me to consider getting an implant (AMS 700 series). I just don’t feel comfortable sticking a needle into my penis frequently so I have not been successful with the injections, and now considering an implant.

Been looking for a forum to share and gain from others experiences, and finally found franktalk this week. I have many concerns about getting an implant (from my age, to size, feel, function and more) and I noticed from the posts I read that many people seem to “speak” freely about it on this forum, which is great! I will do the same.

Still getting familiar with franktalk and the topics. I’ll probably spend time reading some of the older posts and eventually jump into discussions. Look forward to getting to know people on here :)
38 year old guy. Been dealing with ED for about 5 years... Due to venous leak. Tried pills previously and currently on trimix injections. Now trying to decide whether to get an implant.

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Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:54 am
Location: Houston TX, USA

Re: Intro - New - Houston TX - Hello

Postby cincinnatus1951 » Thu Jun 15, 2017 1:54 pm

Howdy. I am in Houston also, Clear Lake area. Have an implant s of Jan'16. We are very happy with it. I'd be glad to talk with you and/or meet and discuss. I'll PM you contact info.
Age 79, Wife 77 Married 52yrs RPP Dr Brian Miles, Houston Methodist, July 2013. Used VED, pills, MUSE, and trimix with no or mixed results. 18cm Titan, one RTE by Dr Mohit Khera, Baylor, Houston, Jan 2016

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Re: Intro - New - Houston TX - Hello

Postby fordman44 » Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:42 pm

Welcome to FrankTalk darknight where you will find plenty of guys, including myself, that are suffering from ED problems and are eager to listen and advise you any way they can.

I am quite a bit older than you at 73 but have suffered from ED and PE for some 15 yrs so I can certainly understand what it can do to anyone having these issues. The normal route taken for correcting ED is Pills, then Injections ,and when all else fails then a Implant is the usual remedy. I can relate to your hesitation to "stick a needle in the little man" but I can assure you from experience that once over the anxiety of injection you will be amazed at how reliable they are. I had the same reservations but after dealing with the expense, unreliability and side effects of the pills I was ready for some solution to the problem.

Injections can be done with an Auto Injector where you won't even see the syringe and is is so fast that there is absolutely no pain and you will have an erection within 5 - 10 minutes after the injection that will last 2+ hrs even after ejaculation. You will need to find a Uro that is familiar with treating ED with Injections and can write the Rx for you and train you how to administer the injections.

To sum up, I would not recommend an Implant at you age until you explore the injection route. I am sure others will post their opinion(s) as there are plenty that have gone the Implant route so again, welcome aboard and I look forward to your progress.
Born 7/10/1944, Married, started ED issues in late 50's. Used Viagra, Cialis with some success but unreliable, expensive and side effects not acceptable. Started using Trimix 11/2016 and having very good results now.


Re: Intro - New - Houston TX - Hello

Postby Larry10625 » Thu Jun 15, 2017 7:56 pm

darknight wrote:Hello guys. Just joined this forum. Thanks moderator!

A bit about myself….I am 38 years old. Been dealing with ED for about 5 years. It started gradually, and I believe it had something to do with me tearing a disc in my lower back sometime in 2011. This has been a very frustrating experience that I have had difficulty openly discussing for a long time.

I have used several ED meds, the usual suspects-cialis, stendra, and most reliably-viagra. Effectiveness of the Viagra has been the best but it’s been hit and miss when I use it. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. The doctor recently suggested again that I try the trimix injections, and if those don’t work for me to consider getting an implant (AMS 700 series). I just don’t feel comfortable sticking a needle into my penis frequently so I have not been successful with the injections, and now considering an implant.

Been looking for a forum to share and gain from others experiences, and finally found franktalk this week. I have many concerns about getting an implant (from my age, to size, feel, function and more) and I noticed from the posts I read that many people seem to “speak” freely about it on this forum, which is great! I will do the same.

Still getting familiar with franktalk and the topics. I’ll probably spend time reading some of the older posts and eventually jump into discussions. Look forward to getting to know people on here :)

Hello Darknight;
I was a paramedic for 15 years until a serious back injury ended my career. Herniated disk at L5/S1 compressing the sciatic nerve... so sciatica 24/7. My back injury had nothing to do with my ED, so maybe yours was caused by something else. Anyway, welcome to Frank Talk. I am from Ontario, Canada. One thing I really love about this site is that there are no shy guys here. We all are fairly open because we all suffer from the same thing, only the treatment is different.

Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:37 pm

Re: Intro - New - Houston TX - Hello

Postby darknight » Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:17 pm

Guys thanks for responding to my post. It's great to have support.
@Larry10625...I also had my back issues in the L5/S1 region and had a lot of shooting pains down to my legs for many years. But back to the ED…I will go to the implants section and pour out all my questions there! It’s very positive that you are giving it a second attempt after having to take the first one out. I wish you the best with the next one.
@Fordman44…I appreciate the honesty. I have an order of the trimix at home and may try it this weekend. I agree with you that the auto injector will be easier to deal with than a regular needle. But somehow I don’t think the needle would be the long term solution for me, but I’ll let you know how it goes after I have tried it for a while.
@Cincinnatus1951…I would like to hear your experience and will contact you directly. Thanks.
38 year old guy. Been dealing with ED for about 5 years... Due to venous leak. Tried pills previously and currently on trimix injections. Now trying to decide whether to get an implant.


Re: Intro - New - Houston TX - Hello

Postby Larry10625 » Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:01 am

darknight wrote:Guys thanks for responding to my post. It's great to have support.
@Larry10625...I also had my back issues in the L5/S1 region and had a lot of shooting pains down to my legs for many years. But back to the ED…I will go to the implants section and pour out all my questions there! It’s very positive that you are giving it a second attempt after having to take the first one out. I wish you the best with the next one.
@Fordman44…I appreciate the honesty. I have an order of the trimix at home and may try it this weekend. I agree with you that the auto injector will be easier to deal with than a regular needle. But somehow I don’t think the needle would be the long term solution for me, but I’ll let you know how it goes after I have tried it for a while.
@Cincinnatus1951…I would like to hear your experience and will contact you directly. Thanks.

I tried the trimix... it was cold, it hurt like hell, the thought of sticking a needle in my dick was a total turn-off and the shit was expensive and not covered by my insurance. Go for the implant, you'll never regret it.


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