My jouney begins tomorrow!

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C coggin
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Joined: Thu May 11, 2017 6:13 am

Re: My jouney begins tomorrow!

Postby C coggin » Fri May 12, 2017 3:51 pm

Sta tough Ceaser it gets better quickly

Posts: 13
Joined: Fri May 05, 2017 11:35 am

Re: My jouney begins tomorrow!

Postby Freemase » Tue May 16, 2017 4:27 pm

1 week anniversary

So it has been 1 week since my implant. I am so ready to be back to normal. For you guys contemplating this surgery, it is important you guys know and 8understand all the ramifications, especially during the post op stage.

The swelling finally started going down this past Sunday. But I still ws suffering from GIANT BALLS! That sucks! I went out and bought a pack of 1 size too small briefs because I was goiung back to work this past Monday.

Tjhis part 9is disgusting so if you not into poop talk, skip to next paragraph. Post-op I wasn't able to poop until day 3. The constipation was due to the Vicodin. Stool softeners would not work. I only pooped a little log. So that feeling pof having go poop still stayed with me. It ois so uncomfortable, on top of having big balls. Saturday night I took 2 dulcolax. Wife warned me it would giver me cramps. No cramps and no poop. Sunday morn I took 2 more. Finally that afternoon I strained liked child birth and finally crapped more than I ever had in my life. I'm talking fiull adult size logs. It was a 3 flusher. Felt better but still felt like more ws in me. Went a few more times that day but those were loose and nasty. Sigh, that night, around 2ish I woke up feeling unnatural. I pooped in my sleep and it was very very loose. Disgusting. Wife was pissed and disgusted. e had to change sheets, I had to shower, etc. So no more dulcolax for me. Now I am back to being backed up. Haven't pooped since Sunday.

So I still take Vicodin to0 dea;l with the pain of heavy balls, but only when I am home. I may stop tonight since the swelling has gone done a lot. But here's something that is driving me crazy. At work when i sit on the toilet, my balls dip n the water. That is freaking me out because it is a public bathroom. I keep baby wipes to wipe my balls every time. since I cant poop and have the feeling, I am on the bowl damn near every half hour. The surgery incision is close to the bowl dipping point and I am terrified of what kind of infection I could get. So if you are a germophobe, you need to know this, it is very important.

Well that's it for now. I probably will not be posting another updater until I go for checkup a week from today. Unless there is a major development, later ,my peoples!

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Re: My jouney begins tomorrow!

Postby David_R » Tue May 16, 2017 4:31 pm

Freemase, I would suggest sharing this with your doctor (urologist or primary care) rather than try to guess what would work and what wouldn't be a good idea. Just a suggestion.


Re: My jouney begins tomorrow!

Postby Larry10625 » Wed May 17, 2017 5:29 am

Freemase wrote:Greetings everyone!

I am brand new to this forum and never even imagined I would post to it, but here we go. I am married to the woman I have dealt with since I was 19. I am a 47 year old African American with type-2 diabetes. Over the last 10 years my diabetes has produced Peripheral Neuropathy, mostly in my feet and lower legs. For those that are unfamiliar with that condition, it is basically the feeling of having hundreds of little gremlins armed with saws, knives, pickaxes and flame thrower constantly going to work on my feet and legs 24 hours a day. The pain is excruciating and at times made me borderline suicidal. What happens is the nerves are dying in my feet and that is why all forms of pain radiate from those areas. The odd part that continues to baffle medical experts is Neuropathy is supposed to dull feelings to the point where those suffering end up having their feet removed due to the loss of feeling and basic life! My sh!t was the opposite. You do not want that pain! After months of trial and error with different medications and being a part of a research study at a medical university regional trauma center, and even close to dying from an allergic reaction to one medication they tried, we settled on high dosage of Lyrica to make the constant attack on my feet tolerable to continue my day to day. Side eff4ects of Lyrica you may ask yourself? Oh yeah. Lyrica basically is an anti-seizure medicine and tricks your brain into thinking there is no pain. But it also dulls feeling in other places…..yeah…….
So that slowly became an issue. I started alternating dealing with constant attacks on my feet so I can have sex with my wife, or ease the pain and just stare at my wife. That eventually became too much. I need to screw my wife...but the pain!!!!! Through some research I found something called r-lipoic acid which actually works to repair damaged nerves and I started using it. Surprisingly I was able to slowly reduce the need of Lyrica to almost not needing at all now.

Meanwhile, my sexual dysfunction started getting worse at it is determined it is s8impk,y due to diabetes just destroying blood vessels in that area. We tried Cialis. It worked at first then became useless. I tried a, these so called wonder pills and etc. and no luck. I tried Viagra and the3 normal dosage somewhat worked but the side effects were it totally clogs my sinuses and makes me slightly light headed. But damnit I need to screw my wife. We went away on a trip and I took 3 times the dosage of Viagra, because, well, I need to screw my wife. The end was she almost took me to the ER because I was so closed up, I almost couldn’t breathe. It was scary. So Viagra is off the table.

Finally, the urologist I had been seeing, Dr. Sergei Rome in NJ suggested injections and ultimately the 3 piece pump if that doesn’t work. I just couldn’t bring myself to the thought of having to stick a needle in my penis every time I want to screw. The thought is scary, not romantic, and not happening. And the thought of a permanent surgery with a button in my balls that needs to be pushed to get a hard on was absolutely ludicrous! This was summer of 2016. Well, at the end of the winter this year, the joke about a button in my balls went from being ludicrous to a viable option, and in large part thanks to the stories I found on this very forum. Plus, I need to be screwing my wife!

Here we are, May 8, and tomorrow morning, May 9, I go under the knife for my pump implant. I have done exhaustive research on this. I am trying to be mentally prepared to deal with potential weeks of pain and discomfort, but I have and still live neuropathic pain so I think I am ready for more pain. I am trying to wrap my head around what I am about to undergo. Can I deal with potential, failure? Potential loss in size (I was proud of my hard on state in the past)? Risks associated with any type of surgery? My wife is my rock! She has been behind me 100% every step of the way from the beginning. She is supporting whatever. Although she claims to be fine if I do not get this procedure, I know deep down she is feeling the pressure of her sexual needs is not getting met. I have used my tongue so much on her, my tongue can bench press a ton. But I know what she is missing, what I am missing.

I plan to try report my day to day progress after tomorrow. All I ask at this point is for those of you that do, just keep us in your prayers. My journey continues….

You could always try a dildo. I have to wait 6 months to get my second implant and then another 6 weeks after implant to use it. I don't my wife having to wait that long. You can get a decent dildo for about $60. Good luck on your procedure. Take hot sits bats with Epsom Salts init. Keep very clean and dry and pat urine off your dick bag, wherever it goes to keep bacteria outta that area.

Posts: 13
Joined: Fri May 05, 2017 11:35 am

Re: My jouney begins tomorrow!

Postby Freemase » Wed May 17, 2017 4:24 pm

Tried the dildo route. We bought one that was torpedo shaped. She didn't really enjoy it. We were supposed to go and get a natural penois shaped dildo, of course smaller than my usual state, but we never did. She basically started mentally to shut down her sex drive.

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