My jouney begins tomorrow!

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My jouney begins tomorrow!

Postby Freemase » Mon May 08, 2017 10:02 am

Greetings everyone!

I am brand new to this forum and never even imagined I would post to it, but here we go. I am married to the woman I have dealt with since I was 19. I am a 47 year old African American with type-2 diabetes. Over the last 10 years my diabetes has produced Peripheral Neuropathy, mostly in my feet and lower legs. For those that are unfamiliar with that condition, it is basically the feeling of having hundreds of little gremlins armed with saws, knives, pickaxes and flame thrower constantly going to work on my feet and legs 24 hours a day. The pain is excruciating and at times made me borderline suicidal. What happens is the nerves are dying in my feet and that is why all forms of pain radiate from those areas. The odd part that continues to baffle medical experts is Neuropathy is supposed to dull feelings to the point where those suffering end up having their feet removed due to the loss of feeling and basic life! My sh!t was the opposite. You do not want that pain! After months of trial and error with different medications and being a part of a research study at a medical university regional trauma center, and even close to dying from an allergic reaction to one medication they tried, we settled on high dosage of Lyrica to make the constant attack on my feet tolerable to continue my day to day. Side eff4ects of Lyrica you may ask yourself? Oh yeah. Lyrica basically is an anti-seizure medicine and tricks your brain into thinking there is no pain. But it also dulls feeling in other places…..yeah…….
So that slowly became an issue. I started alternating dealing with constant attacks on my feet so I can have sex with my wife, or ease the pain and just stare at my wife. That eventually became too much. I need to screw my wife...but the pain!!!!! Through some research I found something called r-lipoic acid which actually works to repair damaged nerves and I started using it. Surprisingly I was able to slowly reduce the need of Lyrica to almost not needing at all now.

Meanwhile, my sexual dysfunction started getting worse at it is determined it is s8impk,y due to diabetes just destroying blood vessels in that area. We tried Cialis. It worked at first then became useless. I tried a, these so called wonder pills and etc. and no luck. I tried Viagra and the3 normal dosage somewhat worked but the side effects were it totally clogs my sinuses and makes me slightly light headed. But damnit I need to screw my wife. We went away on a trip and I took 3 times the dosage of Viagra, because, well, I need to screw my wife. The end was she almost took me to the ER because I was so closed up, I almost couldn’t breathe. It was scary. So Viagra is off the table.

Finally, the urologist I had been seeing, Dr. Sergei Rome in NJ suggested injections and ultimately the 3 piece pump if that doesn’t work. I just couldn’t bring myself to the thought of having to stick a needle in my penis every time I want to screw. The thought is scary, not romantic, and not happening. And the thought of a permanent surgery with a button in my balls that needs to be pushed to get a hard on was absolutely ludicrous! This was summer of 2016. Well, at the end of the winter this year, the joke about a button in my balls went from being ludicrous to a viable option, and in large part thanks to the stories I found on this very forum. Plus, I need to be screwing my wife!

Here we are, May 8, and tomorrow morning, May 9, I go under the knife for my pump implant. I have done exhaustive research on this. I am trying to be mentally prepared to deal with potential weeks of pain and discomfort, but I have and still live neuropathic pain so I think I am ready for more pain. I am trying to wrap my head around what I am about to undergo. Can I deal with potential, failure? Potential loss in size (I was proud of my hard on state in the past)? Risks associated with any type of surgery? My wife is my rock! She has been behind me 100% every step of the way from the beginning. She is supporting whatever. Although she claims to be fine if I do not get this procedure, I know deep down she is feeling the pressure of her sexual needs is not getting met. I have used my tongue so much on her, my tongue can bench press a ton. But I know what she is missing, what I am missing.

I plan to try report my day to day progress after tomorrow. All I ask at this point is for those of you that do, just keep us in your prayers. My journey continues….

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Re: My jouney begins tomorrow!

Postby Donnie1954 » Mon May 08, 2017 10:49 am

Prayers for you surgery freemase. Keep us posted. Welcome.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: My jouney begins tomorrow!

Postby bldoink » Mon May 08, 2017 11:12 pm

You've got prayers!
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: My jouney begins tomorrow!

Postby cincinnatus1951 » Tue May 09, 2017 2:17 pm

Welcome Freemase. WE've been praying. Let us know how you are doing once you are home and navigating. Some fee advice for the first few days post op. First is ice, ice, ice. Try and get by without the opiod painkillers if possible. They just get you constipated and disoriented. I used advil and tylenol after the first night home. Keep activity to a minimum. Don't get cocmerned about the appearance of your "junk" it will be bruised and swolen and will start appearing normal again in about a week. WElcome to bionicsville and hang in there.
Age 79, Wife 77 Married 52yrs RPP Dr Brian Miles, Houston Methodist, July 2013. Used VED, pills, MUSE, and trimix with no or mixed results. 18cm Titan, one RTE by Dr Mohit Khera, Baylor, Houston, Jan 2016

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Re: My jouney begins tomorrow!

Postby Freemase » Thu May 11, 2017 9:46 am

Day of and day 1 coming soon. Thank you for prayers, it was successful so far....but my GOD!!!! :shock:

C coggin
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Re: My jouney begins tomorrow!

Postby C coggin » Thu May 11, 2017 2:29 pm

stay tough bro, i am 9 days post op and have . been basically pain free since day 5, only mild discomfort from the semi pumped state im in since surgery and slight discomfort from weight of pump in scrotum, keeping ice pack on it for first several days did wonders, i stopped taking pain medicine on day 4 or 5 as no longer needed it, i take tylonol to prevent swelling and to take the edge off. i did loose some length i think , but hey, if it works it will be wonderful and much more than i had without implant as medications did not work for me. Prayers to you buddy, hang in there. its not as bad as we all thought it would be lol

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Day 1

Postby Freemase » Fri May 12, 2017 9:29 am

Day 1 - The morning of..

I am going into details so that those of you who will go through this will have an idea of what to expect.

To start with, me and my wife always had a nickname for my buddy down there. So from now on I will be referring to it as Jake. So the morning of the surgery past Tuesday, I was a mess. I was terrified, could not sleep and all thoughts of things going wrong was in my head. I was so paranoid, when my cat was rubbing my legs that morning, I told my wife cats knows things ad she is rubbing me goodbye forever. I was told to shut up and get in the car.

40 minute drive to the hospital. After checking in, stripping to that ass-out gown and filling out form after form, I started crying and couldn’t stop. I looked at my wife and said “What the hell am I about to do?” She said say the word and we can leave right now. I sucked it up and stayed. As they wheeled me away to the OR I started crying again. In the OR, a nurse whispered in my ear “Don’t worry, think of all the fun you are going to have”. I laid there thinking about it. The anesthesiologist asked me if I was ready, said something else, I blinked and was suddenly in recovery room. Was told it is over all went well :lol: but my blood pressure was too high :o . I had to sit there for over an hour until they got it under control, then they took me to where my wife could see me. The whole time I was sitting there trying to get my blood pressure straight I had the severely intense feeling of having to pee. ‘they said it is pain. They gave me a piss bottle but I couldn’t pee. Now pay close attention.

When I was back in the room with my wife, they said I had to stay until I can show I can pee. I said cool no problem, I wasn’t feeling any real pain so far, just a heaviness and pressure to go to bathroom. Wife helped me to the bathroom to pee in the bottle. Fellows, I had a catheter put in during surgery and removed after, no one told me :oops: . The minute I tried to pee, the pain was excruciating to the point I dropped to my butt :roll: . To quote the little girl from the Exorcist, “IT BURNS, IT BURNS :twisted: ”. I refused to pee. I laid there and cried again asking my wife “What the F did I do?” She is my rock! For the next hour my mind refused to let me go through that pain so I couldn’t pee. They called the surgeon and he said put a catheter in me and I can go home with a pee bag. I said F you :evil: , I am not doing that. I will go pee now. I had a nurse on one side, my wife on the other, and after some screaming, I filled the bottle. I was able to go home.

I get home and time to inspect Jake. I kept reading about expect swelling. My balls looked like there are grapefruits in them. Jake looked impressive as it looked nice and thick and longer in its flaccid state. I told my wife, “Yeah it is on when I heal!” ;) I was in pain, but Vicodin to the rescue. Had to stay on my back.

This ends day 1. Days 2 and 3 coming shortly,

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    Re: My jouney begins tomorrow!

    Postby cincinnatus1951 » Fri May 12, 2017 9:37 am

    Hey man. The worst is behind you. It is all uphill from here. Remember ice, ice, ice is your friend
    Age 79, Wife 77 Married 52yrs RPP Dr Brian Miles, Houston Methodist, July 2013. Used VED, pills, MUSE, and trimix with no or mixed results. 18cm Titan, one RTE by Dr Mohit Khera, Baylor, Houston, Jan 2016

    C coggin
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    Re: My jouney begins tomorrow!

    Postby C coggin » Fri May 12, 2017 9:42 am

    Im day 11 post op bro, it gets better quickly, keep ice on the scrotum, it did wonders for me. If it helps at all i am almost completely pain free and only very slight discomfort remains from pump in scrotum. Had my first full un interupted night of sleep last night and every day gets progressivlly better. when you can tolerate it (if your dr allows) warm showers are almost heavenly experience as at least in my case the hot water running over the wounded area had a pain relieving effect

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    Re: My jouney begins tomorrow!

    Postby Freemase » Fri May 12, 2017 1:27 pm

    Day 2

    My balls are comically huge. I have to walk around like Caesar from Planet of the Apes. Also since my daughter is doing her finals in college, she hasn't been home much so I can walk around swinging freely. Still impressed with the size of Jake. Stayed home and wife stayed tending to my needs. The burning while pissing finally went away. Nothing earth shattering, just pain and pain pills..God bless vicodin. One major problem however is I cannot do #2. Or in other words, I cannot take a crap. I have that feeling or that pressure but cannot go. It is frustrating and uncomfortable. I know it is due to the vicodin. Stool softeners are not working. I just want to take a crap. Surgeon called to check on my progress. A nurse from the hospital also called. That was nice,. May have to send some Edible Arrangements after I get back to screwing. Wife getting scared at how I am going to go all in :P !

    Another major problem you contemplaters need to take note. Since is now bigger and seems to be hard, when I sit on the toilet, Jake rubs the inside bowl. Yeah one can be proud to make that claim but we both got skeeved at the thought of Jake rubbing the inside bowl at public bathroom at work!! That is disgusting. Wife went and bought some baby wipes. the plan is to cover tip when on the bowl at work with a wipe and toss away.

    Day 3

    Here we go....First I decided I can go to work. Against my wife's wishes, I went to work. I sit behind a computer all day so no strenuous or heavy lifting at all. It is a 40 minute drive. I put a pillow on the seat. Still was difficult to drive comfortably due to large sore balls. Couldn't take vicodin because you know why. I wore briefs so I can sort of keep my balls lifted and wore looses fitting pants. I get to work and prayed noone is starring out any windows at my Planet of the Apes walk. Got to my desk and settled in. Mind you I have not taken a crap since the day before surgery. So every 15-20 minutes or so I waddle to the bathroom, line the bowl, wrap Jake in a baby wipe, kinda cup my balls as I lower myself on the seat and try. Nothing!

    I got to work at 7:30 AM. At 10:45 AM I went to do my bathroom thing and when I was at the baby wipe wrapping stage I almost fainted at what I saw and felt. The area on Jake' right under the head on the shaft look like some one put an air pump and blew it up. I said "WHAT THE F!!!" It was malformed, huge and scared the hell outta me. My first thought was, I got infected. This wasn't here 15 minutes ago. I called the surgeon, His secretary said I can come in at 1:30. Whatever! Told my boss I am infected and flew out of there. Dr. is an hour and half away and basically a straight shot on highway. Speed limits meant nothing to me. Dr. calls me while I was driving to ask what is happening. Told him in a panic and said when can I get there, said flying the now! I get there, I drop my pants jump on the table scared as hell because now bulge is bigger, the shaft is now swollen and the head looks like a messed up mushroom. Here comes the tears. He checked it out, squeezing things, took of the covering on the op site, and said I am not infected :D . It is normal swelling. He was concerned a tubing in the shaft may have poked out the skin based on my description. He said I am perfectly ok and he said he warned me me there would be swelling. I read on thIs group from others there would be swelling. When I saw my balls swollen day 1, I thought that was what you all meant. I did not know you guys meant Jake himself would be swollen. THANK YOU JESUS!!!!

    I went home, got under some ice took a vicodin and went to sleep. I was very reluctant to show my wife because I did not want her to be disgusted at how Jake look. I don't want anything to interfere when it comes time to do what we are gonna do. She assured me it would not. She is my rock!

    Day 4

    Working from home, laying butt ass naked letting this missappen thing hang while typing this. What was interesting yesterday was the surgeon took the dressing off and said just keep putting neosporin and let it air heal :?: Surgery was Tuesday and he took the dressing off already! I told my wife either he is a quack or the best damn surgeon in the world. At this point I have to trust him. She can see the stitches but cannot tell what kind. Nothing else new today. Thanks for reading and I will put up info now if anything develops or answer any questions. Oh yeah, took my first crap this morning :D Never felt so happy about crap!

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