Way too young for all this crap

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Way too young for all this crap

Postby Larry10625 » Sun Apr 16, 2017 2:07 pm

When I was 3, I needed an emergency circumcision for phimosis. When I was 18, I had this red rash on my glans. I was told I had BXO (aka LS) and I needed a circumcision. I said I had one and the doctor said not a complete one. Of course, I was living with my future wife and 18 year old men are almost always horny... oh well, it had to be done. Then, at 42 my BXO was a lot worse. I was told I needed a circumcision. Are you kidding me? When the surgeon came out of the OR, he apologized to my wife. He said he did the best he could do and I was to come see him when I healed. Once healed, I went to see him. By this time I had a flaccid penis of about 2". The doctor sent me to a urologist and a plastic surgeon. I went to the OR again and they took off all the shaft skin and rebuilt me a shaft with my scrotum. Before surgery I asked what about hair and the plastics doc said we will deal with that after. I spent the summer of 2014 in a huge amount of pain and on very heavy duty narcotics. The surgery was a total mess and my penis was shorter than before surgery and I was almost always in pain and had to sit to pee because of the way the plastics guy built it. I first had Viagra, then tried the injectable trimix (which hurt like hell), finally 2 Viagra's (which worked). I didn't like the lack of intimacy needing 30 minutes notice to take the pills. I was so unhappy I went back to my urologist and he sent me to a great urologist and plastic surgeon in London Ontario (Dr Brock and Dr Gan). On March 30, 2017 I went back to the OR where they were going to undo and redo the mess the other two did. When they got in there, there was things they could do to prevent completely undoing the first surgery and the implanted an 18 plus 1cm three piece AMS 700 penile implant. I am still very swollen and oozing stuff from the incision. I am partially inflated and should be starting to cycle (inflate and deflate) but I can't find the release valve. I hear that lots of people say they are smaller with the implant... I can't get smaller unless I have a vagina. I seriously hope they are wrong. I am now 50 and this will be my last kick at the cat. My wife is very understanding (or she is good at acting the part. This better work.

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Re: Way too young for all this crap

Postby joe456 » Sun Apr 16, 2017 4:40 pm

Im get my implant June 1 2017 from Dr Brock great guy. I hoping not to loose lenght . He told me He could maybe put in 22 cm implant Good luck with your The best of the world to you and your wife.

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Re: Way too young for all this crap

Postby jonbaldbg » Sun Apr 16, 2017 5:27 pm

Larry Allen,

First off, sorry for your long, difficult road in life.

Second, if you are oozing around the incision, you should get medical attention. Infection is one of the great dangers with an implant and you don't want that.

Regarding finding the release valve . . . I had to have a revision which resulted in much scrotal swelling and internal swelling. For a month, I couldn't get to pump to manipulate it or find the release valve. My surgeon assured me it would improve because the surgery put me through a lot of trauma that just took time to heal. He said to be patient.

So, I continued the sitz baths and tried to be patient. He was right eventually everything shrunk and loosened up and now I can get pumped and manipulate the release valve.

So, I am hopeful you will too, given time. I hope things work out better for you. Thanks God for a good wife!
62 years old. ED for years. High BP and meds have done me in. AMS 700 CX /3.0 cm RTE Implanted by Andrew Kramer on 10/12/16. Involved revision to relocate tubes and pump performed 12/29/16 by Dr. Knoll of Nashville, TN.

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Re: Way too young for all this crap

Postby ED2013 » Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:07 pm

With a 19cm implant you should have an erection of about 5 inches. Keep in mind it's just a ballpark estimate.

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Re: Way too young for all this crap

Postby David_R » Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:59 pm

Hope it works for you, brother.

Posts: 2518
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Re: Way too young for all this crap

Postby Donnie1954 » Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:18 pm

I've been implanted for 6 months and have absolutely no regrets. Don't put it off. Find a urologist you trust and get it done. Prayers.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.


Re: Way too young for all this crap

Postby Larry10625 » Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:54 pm

jonbaldbg wrote:Larry Allen,

First off, sorry for your long, difficult road in life.

Second, if you are oozing around the incision, you should get medical attention. Infection is one of the great dangers with an implant and you don't want that.

Regarding finding the release valve . . . I had to have a revision which resulted in much scrotal swelling and internal swelling. For a month, I couldn't get to pump to manipulate it or find the release valve. My surgeon assured me it would improve because the surgery put me through a lot of trauma that just took time to heal. He said to be patient.

So, I continued the sitz baths and tried to be patient. He was right eventually everything shrunk and loosened up and now I can get pumped and manipulate the release valve.

So, I am hopeful you will too, given time. I hope things work out better for you. Thanks God for a good wife!

After all the shit she is going through, I love my wife now more than ever. Dr. Brock tells me that the oozing is old blood draining from a haematoma. He too says I need to be patient and once the swelling goes down I will be able to find it. I have just had so much bad luck, I am impatient and want things right now. I read a lot of horror stories about guys losing length.... shit I hardly had any to begin with so I really can't afford to lose any length unless I get a vagina.


Re: Way too young for all this crap

Postby Larry10625 » Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:56 pm

ED2013 wrote:With a 19cm implant you should have an erection of about 5 inches. Keep in mind it's just a ballpark estimate.

I hope you're right, I would really enjoy a 5" dick... it would be nice if that 5" was flaccid, that way I wouldn't look like a 3 year old in the pool locker room.


Re: Way too young for all this crap

Postby Larry10625 » Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:57 pm

David_R wrote:Hope it works for you, brother.

Thanks David


Re: Way too young for all this crap

Postby Larry10625 » Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:59 pm

ddbryan1972 wrote:Brother,
I've been implanted for 6 months and have absolutely no regrets. Don't put it off. Find a urologist you trust and get it done. Prayers.

I had it done March 30. I trusted my doctors fully.... just swollen and impatiently waiting so I can start cycling.

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