Glad To Find This Great Site!

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Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:55 pm

Glad To Find This Great Site!

Postby Professor54 » Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:24 pm

Hello, everyone, I just received my "welcome" email from Paul a few moments ago, so I'm anxious to post and introduce myself. Coincidentally, I just got home from a visit with my urologist, so it seems even more timely to say "hi."

Despite the username, I'm actually 59 years old. Unbelievable as it sounds, until three weeks ago I had been celibate for the last 26 years (yes, the doc about fell out of his chair!). Call it lack of experience, my combination of medications (HBP, etc.), or just plain old performance anxiety, but I'm experiencing a bout of ED for the first time in my life. The doc ordered T-level testing, but seemed to think this ED may just be a temporary response to the new situation.

Anyway... he was about to prescribe Levitra when he noticed that I take Isosorbide daily. That, Viagra and Cialis are definitely out. He indicated that we would talk about alternative treatments (some mechanical, he said) at our next visit in 3 weeks. Meanwhile, he recommends I try to attain a full erection at least 3 times a week--daily even better--on my own. He asked me to try and maintain this for at least 10 minutes each time.

Also (and this is one of the issues I'll be searching around for here), he asked me what I thought my percentage of full erection is currently. Frankly, I was stumped--I mean, really, how does one determine that? I'm having penetration issues so he volunteered that I sounded at "less than 70%" level. Is that the magic threshold?

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to poking around the site and doing some reading on the discussion topics--just a great amount of info here and you members seem very helpful and supportive. I welcome any advice or discussion.

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Location: Indianapolis

Re: Glad To Find This Great Site!

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:36 pm

Hey Pro:

Welcome to the clan. It is good to have you with us and I enjoyed our conversation in the chatroom last nite. This is a good place and if you are leaving the celibacy behind there will nothing but cheers and go-fors here. The truth about our penile situation is we WILL loose it's abilities if we don't use it. Attaining a fuller erection on a regular basis is a very good thing. And following doc's orders and maintaining the stroke for 10 min- well, penile rehab can be fun. . . . You might, if you are new to this area look under pumps at the Prelude. It is a "soft pump"; not good for sex but a nice way to draw blood into the shaft. They are not expensive and it would be a nice start. The Prelude comes in 2 sizes depending on your girth not length. The people there are wonderful and easy to work with. I got one when I first joined and found it a great help and fun to use. It will make 10 minutes fly by.

Oh, we heartily believe in "poking around" with consent of course so have at it. This site has a lot of info and personal experiences. These guy, as you noticed last nite are open, accepting, friendly, funny and very supportive. This is a good place!!

Again welcome!


PCa-surgery 10/06

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Joined: Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:08 am

Re: Glad To Find This Great Site!

Postby capybara » Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:55 pm

You should also talk to your internist or cardiologist to see if it's possible to get off the isosorbide, so that you could use Viagra/Levitra/Cialis.

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