Hello From Another New User

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Posts: 62
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:05 pm
Location: Houston, TX

Hello From Another New User

Postby retexan599 » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:51 pm

Hello. Thanks to all who make this site work. The information is very helpful. As an elderly gentleman, help and advice is welcome for sure. I had prostate cancer brachytherapy in 1999. Today I use the electric Encore Impo-Aid pump, with the conical head to apply the Encore silicone ring to the tube. I am reading the comments about the foam sleeve which I had not known about and will look into that.

A small point that I did not see covered anywhere: I do use a water based lube. I had started out with a silicone based lube (as it did not require frequent replenishment). However, the silicon based lube deteriorated the silicone rings and they broke after a few uses. So I switched to water based, and the rings last many months. That may be of interest to anyone who has had a problem with the rings breaking.
Age 86, divorced, single.
Prostate seed implant radiation (brachytherapy) 1999.
Like a ship without sailors: 'No seaman'. ;)
No implant.
Use electric Encore Impo-Aid vacuum system. #4 & 5 size cock rings.
Generic water based lube.


Re: Hello From Another New User

Postby PFracture » Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:55 pm

Hi there! that is a nice piece of information. Might be beneficial no doubt. Welcome!

Posts: 62
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:05 pm
Location: Houston, TX

Two Rings Better Than One

Postby retexan599 » Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:36 pm

There were several threads/posts that pointed out the benefit of using two rings at the same time instead of just one. I tried that today and it made a big difference right off. I was able to slip both #4 Encore rings onto the Encore tube in the space made when the sleeve is turned to its lowest position. Then, both snap on the penis at the same time when the sleeve is rotated. I found an immediate result with a very straight, stiff erection, and it lasted as long as I wanted to (i.e., reduced or no venous leakage). Yes, two are more difficult to remove than one, but the strong result is worth that effort.

So thanks to those who suggested using two rings!
Age 86, divorced, single.
Prostate seed implant radiation (brachytherapy) 1999.
Like a ship without sailors: 'No seaman'. ;)
No implant.
Use electric Encore Impo-Aid vacuum system. #4 & 5 size cock rings.
Generic water based lube.

Posts: 844
Joined: Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:41 pm

Re: Hello From Another New User

Postby JimStars » Sat Sep 17, 2016 8:29 pm


Don't forget to try the Osbon rings instead of the ones that come with the erecaid... those are pretty inferior.

Lots of threads on Osbon too.

And one just recent thread on where to find the best price -- since they are pricey but you should not have to buy them again for a year or two -- they last a lonnnng time.

RP 2008 ... MUSE 2008-9 .. TriMix Gel 2009 .. Trimix 2009-2015 ... PGE-1 2016-2019 ..Misoprostal 2019 Onward. All worked.

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