Another New Kid on the Block

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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby antelope » Sat May 28, 2011 8:05 am


I've lost some weight recently, so now I can actually see Little Gregory wihtout looking in the mirror. Prior to losing the weight, I woud stand in fr)ont of a mirror to give my injection. I do so still, it helps me see what I am doing. Give it a shot. (Ha ha)

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby barfinkl1 » Sat May 28, 2011 9:02 am

Lou...seems like it varies from vial to vial. My last one seemed to start petering out (No pun intended) at 4 months, though the did say 3. So I just upped it about ten units and it was good. Eventually, I got to 50 at the end.

Good luck with the shots. They're great and the erections are like they were when you were 18.

Age 63 married 41 years...2 kids and 2 grandkids. Had robotic RP in Apr 2008. Negative PSA since then. Suffered ED initially from Type II diabetes and then the RP. Had AMS700 LGX implant on 7 Nov 11.

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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby padraig1001 » Sat May 28, 2011 9:30 am

loumac46 wrote:antelope,
My wife is no help at all, she can't remove a sliver without fainting, so giving an injection is out of the question. But, I will keep practicing and in time maybe I can get UP to the skill level of you more experienced guys . . . By the way, has anyone ever told you that a pun is the lowest form of humor. That's why I love them so.

I tried, unsuccessfully, to use the injection method, Lou, and I do remember the clumsiness of trying to hold on to that sucker with one hand and inject with the other. My wife would be unable to inject me as well, however, she could hold the prize in her hand to steady it for me. Maybe you could try that?


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Units, left vs right, etc.

Postby Dave48003 » Sat May 28, 2011 1:52 pm

OK guys, the engineer in me is coming out. Units are defined as 1/100 of a cc or ml. That is a standard, it doesn't vary based on the size of the syringe. So a unit is a unit, period.

Left vs. right. I was an injection user before my implant. I also seemed to respond better to injections on the left side. I had veinous leaks, so it's entirely possible the left doesn't leak as bad, in my case. Try using a cock ring while injecting to hold the mixture in. Massage it around for 3 or 4 minutes, and take off the ring just before sex.
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby loumac46 » Sat May 28, 2011 5:07 pm

Greg, I have used a mirror but I have a hard time (pun intended) with the guy looking at me in the mirror. He's left handed and every move he makes is bass ackwards. I don't know how people like dentists and hygienists can work. I'll keep trying it, but I think I'll have a better chance loosing weight.
Steve, OK, thanks for info about the expiration and losing potency. Right now I'm hoping I won't have anything left over after every 90 days, but we'll have to see what my wife says about that (and my right hand).
Pat (aye, you must be another true son of the auld sod), I think the only way I could even get my wife to participate in an injection would be to tie her down and blindfold her. Hmmm, now that I think about it, it just might work after all. If nothing else, it might interesting after the injection starts working.
Dave, thank you. So there may be something to my right side problem besides my own clumsiness. I'll keep working with the VED and cockring to see if that helps and I will ask the uro about it.

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Postby Dave48003 » Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:50 pm

I forgot to address that issue. Lexapro took away my ability to climax. Talk about frustrating. My doc put me on Wellbutrin instead. Seems to work fine for the depression and I can cum again!
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby loumac46 » Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:16 am

Dave, Wow, I can see where that would be frustrating, kind of like getting all dressed up to go to the prom and your date stands you up, EVERY WEEK. Glad to hear there are alternatives & everything is working out for you.

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