Another New Kid on the Block

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Another New Kid on the Block

Postby loumac46 » Thu May 26, 2011 7:40 pm

Greetings all, I recently found this forum while doing a search for info about trimix/bimix. I'm 64 years old, married, had RRP in November 2008. Like the rest of you, nothing has been the same since. I've tried the three popular pills, Muse(somewhat painful but better results than the pills, and a good VED(best results of the bunch but still not satisfactory for intercourse). I recently got a prescription from my urologist for bimix, (he doesn't like trimix, says it can be dangerous?) but I'm still experimenting with the dosage. Using a diabetic syringe, I started with 5 units and worked my way up to 15, increasing by 2 1/2 every 2nd time. At 12 1/2 it started to feel like it was working a little, 15 was even better, and I will try 20 tonight to see what happens. It also seems like it works better when I inject on the left side, anybody have a similar experience?

Cajun Jeff
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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby Cajun Jeff » Thu May 26, 2011 10:19 pm

Loumac, Welcome to FT. Well I am a fellow bimix user. Actually I have used Caverject, Bimix and Trimix. All work great for me. I am a PCa guy as well Oct 208. Most guys have difficulty explaining the dose that they use.

For BiMix and Caverject I use .125 for trimix I use .09. If you look at the syringe mine is a 1cc diabetic syringe. So for the Trimix I am just before the 1 on the syringe, and on the other 2 drugs it is past the number 1 and 1/4 of the way up to the #2.

If you are using 5 units your using 1/2 of a full syringe. Is that what your telling us. There are a couple of techniques that can help you out. I you would like I can send you that info. I have my e-mail link open in my profile if you click on my screen name.

Cajun jeff
68 years old, Married 48 years. Prostate Cancer surgery 11 years ago. Tried Pills, VED, moved to injections (EdEx) for past 6 years. Implanted with AMS 700 LGX by Dr Hellstrom in New Orleans at Tulane Medical. 1/13/20

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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby JimStars » Thu May 26, 2011 10:28 pm


If you are using 5 units your using 1/2 of a full syringe. Is that what your telling us.

Ack! don't send us down that rathole again with units vs mls and cc's and full syringes and whatnot.

If it is a diabetic syringe it will usually be 1 ml and 100 units and therefore 5 units is a tiny amount -- 50 units would be 1/2 the syringe and is a pretty huge amount.


What did your doc mean about trimix being more dangerous? Priapism? or Peyronie's?
The Pap and Phen are supposedly more likely to cause Peyronie's although even that is supposedly a very small percent of users. The PGE-1 in trimix less so -- at least from what I read.

But I think you'll have Liftoff tonite with the 20 units..

Report back in with the results!

RP 2008 ... MUSE 2008-9 .. TriMix Gel 2009 .. Trimix 2009-2015 ... PGE-1 2016-2019 ..Misoprostal 2019 Onward. All worked.

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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby loumac46 » Fri May 27, 2011 12:58 am

Thanks for replies, JimStars & corvetteman. I found some info for the syringe I'm using from the manufacurer. Each 10 units is 1/10 of a ml so 20 units would be 2/10 ml. My 5ml bottle would be good for about 25 doses at 20 units/dose. Cost about $3.40/dose, and since my insurance no longer covers ED drugs, it beats the hell out of Caverject at around $35-40 (a little less if you save the leftovers). I hope the rathole wasn't too deep, but at least now I understand what I'm measuring .
The 20 units worked wonders, best wood since my surgery. It's been almost 2 hours and it's just starting to go down, next time I may cut it back to 17 or 18. I also injected into the left side, I wonder if I'm missing the target when I do the right side.
I never did find out what exactly was dangerous about trimix, he got called out of the room for a minor emergency just about the time we started talking about it and he had his PA write the scrip for bimix and fax it to the local compounding pharmacy. It must be something about the Papaverine because the bimix I'm using has PGE and Phentolamine. I'll have to ask the next time I check in with him, I really thought I wanted the trimix. But Hey, if the bimix keeps working like it did tonight, I'm happy.
Corvetteman3, I'll check in with you tomorrow for your advice, it's 1:00 AM here and I'm gonna cuddle up to my better half and get some sleep

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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby antelope » Fri May 27, 2011 6:08 am


So glad to hear of your success with bimix injections. "Wood like I have seen" sounds familiar! My first injection of trimix was in November in the doctor's office He started me with 0.3 ml or 30 units. I'm telling you that erection brought tears to my eyes--first time old Spike had been that excited in a long long time. It took about a month for me to settle of the right dosage for me and it turned out to be right at 6 units or 0.06 ml. Not sure if that small dosage is a reflection of my short pecker or the fact that my ed is from diabetes. Or maybe FINALLY something's going right down under. In any case, I couldn't be happier given the circumstances. As far as left or right, I can't tell any difference. My instincts tell me you should mention your situation to the doctor. I don't think it means anything big, just saying.

Keep UP the good work.

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby barfinkl1 » Fri May 27, 2011 7:46 am

ah...another happy injection user. I use Trimix and have for a bit over 2 1/2 years now. I alternate sides when injecting to eliminate scarring as much as possible. My uro has never said trimix was "dangerous" or he wouldn't have given it to me. Each uro has their own thoughts on treatments and medications. Some won't prescribe injections at all. Others, only one product or another. I've tried all the pills and don't wanna try Muse. The pills just don't work for me. So i'm left with injections or possible an wife and I are seeing my uro this morning to talk about one. Not sure I wanna do that, but we'll see. Those that have them love them. I've seen where some guys also eventually don't respond to injections, so at that point, if that were to happen, an implant would be the only recourse.

my wife isn't interested in sex anymore, mostly since my surgery 3 years ago, so I inject solely for therapy and to have something to hold on to when I masturbate. But I don't think I want to go thru with an implant unless she says it'll make a difference. Otherwise, I end up with a very expensive toy. But she takes an anti-depressant that kills her interest in sex. It's Lexapro, so stay away from that if you can avoid it. I took it for a couple months following my surgery and from the very first pill, my genitals were numb. REALLY bad news. I came off it 'cause I just couldn't stand losing my ability to masturbate too, on top of the prostate.

With the injections, you'll have to continue experimenting. I now use about 30 when I inject. As the mix gets older, I have to increase the dose. I don't use it a lot, but enjoy it when I do. It's so nice to see it standing at attention. Pre-surgery, you just took it for granted (or I did), and never thought it would "go away". I imagine this stuff needs to go on the injections site and the moderator will probably move it.

Have a good day and good luck with those injections.
Age 63 married 41 years...2 kids and 2 grandkids. Had robotic RP in Apr 2008. Negative PSA since then. Suffered ED initially from Type II diabetes and then the RP. Had AMS700 LGX implant on 7 Nov 11.

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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby JimStars » Fri May 27, 2011 8:17 pm


Now that is an interesting thing: 'Bimix' using PGE+Phent.

Just shows it does help when you ask for and get extra details.

So, we cannot call what you are taking Bimix because that is reserved for Pap + Phent,

And you are almost using Trimix .. minus the Pap. So I guess you should just refer to your prescription
as Trimix-Minus-Pap for now on .. so as not to confuse the natives.

So now we know what your doc meant when he said Trimix was dangerous. He does not like to use Pap -- which is
a major ingredient in Trimix (10-30 mg/ml??) and supposedly that is one of the ingredients that could promote fibrosis -- but rarely I would say. So your doc just left that out of the prescription. So it is no doubt the PGE-1 that is doing all the heavy lifting in that mix you have -- and if you have no aching from it just keep on using it.

2 hrs is a fine amount of time. I would not try for anything less!

RP 2008 ... MUSE 2008-9 .. TriMix Gel 2009 .. Trimix 2009-2015 ... PGE-1 2016-2019 ..Misoprostal 2019 Onward. All worked.

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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby loumac46 » Sat May 28, 2011 12:51 am

thanks for your sUPport. It is ecouraging to hear from others who are in the same situation and have RISEN to the challenge. I will consult with Dr. about right vs. left, but I think it's me missing the right area for the injection on the right side. I'm a short, sort of round guy and I have very poor vision of anything below the beltline. I'm a little awkward when holding my little buddy with my left hand and the syringe in the right, so I have to question my accuracy when it's time to stick the needle in. My wife is no help at all, she can't remove a sliver without fainting, so giving an injection is out of the question. But, I will keep practicing and in time maybe I can get UP to the skill level of you more experienced guys
By the way, has anyone ever told you that a pun is the lowest form of humor. That's why I love them so.

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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby loumac46 » Sat May 28, 2011 1:07 am

I will keep in mind your advice about Lexapro (and avoid it like the plague).
How old is the Trimix when you have to adjust the dosage? My scrip says it has a 90 day expiration when properly refrigerated, does it begin to weaken before that?
I did use Muse for 6 months, then my insurance changed and they dropped all coverage for ED treatment. I decided I didn't want it bad enough to pay retail for it. It was kind of painful, but I was afraid of needles. Wow! Was I dumb! Injections are much better with less pain. And the retail cost is about half per dose of what my copay was for Muse.
Good luck if you go for the implant, let us know how it works out. I think it's a pretty drastic step, but if Dr. said it was my best option, I'd look real hard at it too. No pun intended this time.

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Re: Another New Kid on the Block

Postby loumac46 » Sat May 28, 2011 1:35 am

I will try to remember, it's Trimix-minus-Pap. I can see where it could get confusing when you can have mutiple combinations using 2 ingredients with 3 to choose from (or even 4 if you consider Quadmix).
I did have a minor aching for about the 1st 10-15 minutes but I think it was more because of the sudden increase in both length and girth. When I use a VED, I pump a little and relax, pump again and relax, etc. With the injection there was no relax, only steady growth until it peaked out. Bigger than it's been in years, even before the RP, and hard as a rock. The ache was nowhere near as bad as with Muse and it went away soon after the growth seemed to stabilize. I think if I use a pump first to get the tissue stretched out before the injection(besides the plumping factor), I don't think I will have a problem.
I was a little worried about the 2 hour erection because it was the first real success I had since starting the injections and I thought that maybe increasing from 15 to 20 units might have been too much of a jump when I had been going up by 2 1/2 units at a time. At about the 2 hour mark it started to go down and by 3 hours the turtle was back in his shell, so I guess it was all good.
Thanks for your help and info, Lou

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