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Joined: Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:03 pm

Hello New Member

Postby EvilUncleEarnie » Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:33 am

This forum was recommended to me when I brought up the subject on a medical website. I think my problem started back in the late 80's. I slowly lost interest in sex and pretty much everything. I ended up going to a shrink and got put on anti-depressants. Looking back, this made the problem worse and the more anti-depressants they tried, the worse it got. Finally in early 2000, I went and has my testosterone check and it was almost nonexistent. The doctor put me on testosterone patches and I got my libido back and my energy. Unfortunately, I think due to the anti-depressants, I was only able to get an erection now and then. Later the doctors put me on other meds and I pretty much lost the ability to have sex. The Testosterone puts me in the mood but that's as far as it gets.

I am not sure if these meds cause the problem"

Bupropion HCL (Welbutrin)
Nortryptyline (for severe nerve damage in my left leg.)

The doctors have given me an Rx for Cialis, Viagra & Levitra and none of them work. I went to a Urologist and they found nothing physical and I got an Rx for an electric pump. I never have gotten the damn thing to work right.

I am getting very frustrated. And have run out of ideas. I am hoping I can get some new info from people here.

Posts: 413
Joined: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:43 am
Location: Michigan. Email Ohohiakane@yahoo.com

Re: Hello New Member

Postby ohohiakane » Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:00 am

Welcome to the site that no one likes to need...

I, like you, have gone through the pills, and the pump thing, and 4 years ago my urologist recommended trimix injections. I am so glad he told me about them, and it you are interested, you can see my results at:


you may want to let your urologist know (if you are interested)

I realize that the needle in little Earnie will make you cross your legs just thinking of it. Look at the positive side though.

Ask me any questions, private or here on this forum.

75 Year Old guy in Michigan, married in 1958, ED since late '90s, then surgery in 2008 (not prostate or other genital) damaged some nerves making the ED worse. Now on trimix

Personal email Ohohiakane@yahoo.com
am always willing to discuss stuff and help

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