Boilermaker but ED

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Boilermaker but ED

Postby hoosierphilly » Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:54 am

Cause? Smoker for many years, non for 10....I have had stent implants, blood pressure good, hypothyroid, low testosterone using supplement spray to maintain low normal levels, type two diabetic with low A1C's, enlarged prostate stopped prescription meds and using a saw palmetto blend. Recently stopped St Johns Wartm as we have read in limits some sensations for some and contributes to ED. Take low level daily cialis, and additional pills as needed. Does not always work. Have been to 9 urologists trying to learn why I might have unexplained pain during many irrections. I believe Cleveland Clinic did some research they may finially be published regarding Flomax....apparently some men may get crystals forming and the closest we came to maybe what is happening. I quit taking it and the pain cease for guite awhile. In Oct I had a bad prostrate biopsy became anemic and that may have just adjusted back to somewhat normal blood levels. My diabetic med were changed a bit about the same time and they are protect my kidneys with yet another med and added low level blood pressure pill. Something since Oct has reducted by permance abilities. The endochronolgists says its the diabetes. My wife does not believe it. I do not have any serious neuropathy. But maybe this is the warning of the beginning. She thinks its the meds. We are fairly open to experimenting, but interested in others experiences. This is not a subject most MD feel is life threatening and don't get detailed about. If there is no money in researach, no promo, no edu. Then don't forget all must market products for the money, so it takes personal experience to try to understand the possiblilities.
I hope you have a section for ED and diabetes as well, maybe type II (if not please start one). You site is the most serious one we have found. If you include women you may reach more men. We don't all initiate and talk so well (get us to a MD and open up, if he will listen, if not get us to change MD's). Just read where there are some new drugs coming in 2012 ???or marketing.....Rivera and zydena. One is Korean and one is already in testing here.

One of my diabetic web site's just gave the following painful question and answer info for your fyi....
If you weigh 150 pounds, it takes about two hours before one ounce of alcohol leaves your system, and the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) may continue for eight to 10 hours. This is why it's important to closely monitor your blood sugar, and when you go to bed, set an alarm so you can test your blood sugar two to three hours later and eat something if needed.

A low blood sugar episode can look remarkably like alcohol intoxication -- confusion and slurred speech mark both conditions. Be wise about proper and clear identification and always make sure that those you're drinking with know what to do if a problem arises.
Alcohol overdose is the leading cause of death due to hypoglycemia in the United States. Be sure you take precautions, limit the amount of alcohol ingested, never drive, and don't drink if you are pregnant or underage.
Alcohol can be toxic to nerves. Heavy or prolonged alcohol use can cause nerve damage in people with and without diabetes, and some studies show that even light, regular drinking (two drinks per week) can cause or aggravate nerve damage.
Alcohol is a unique substance. The body processes alcohol before it metabolizes fat, protein, or carbs. A 5-ounce glass of wine typically contains 110 calories, 5 grams of carbs, and about 13 grams of alcohol (which accounts for 91 of the calories). These numbers are roughly the same as you will find in a 12-ounce light beer or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor. Most people experience a dip in their blood sugar after consuming alcohol; the glycemic index of beer, wine, and hard liquor is zero.
Many people who have diabetes have high levels of triglycerides -- a type of fat found in the blood -- which is an independent risk factor for heart disease. Alcohol interferes with the liver's ability to clear triglycerides from the blood, and it also increases the production of triglycerides. Even light drinking (two 4-ounce glasses of wine a week) may raise triglyceride levels.
When you drink alcohol, your liver stops producing glucose and switches over all its resources to the job of clearing the booze from your bloodstream. Without any food delivering glucose to your blood and no supplemental glucose coming from the liver, you are at very high risk for hypoglycemia.
All hard liquor is distilled and thus contains no carbohydrates. (Beer and wine are fermented, and fermentation results in some amounts of residual sugars.) Though liquor is derived from high-carbohydrate substances such as sugar, molasses, potatoes, and grains, once these things are distilled all that is left is ethyl alcohol, a zero-carb liquid. It does, of course, contain calories. Mixers, also, can be very high in both carbs and calories, so choose wisely.
When you exercise, your body uses more glucose than it normally does, and this alone can cause blood sugar to drop too low. And this effect can last for hours after you finish exercising, as your body continues to work in recovery mode. Add alcohol to this mix and it's a recipe for hypoglycemia.
Alcohol can be toxic to nerves. Heavy or prolonged alcohol use can cause nerve damage in people with and without diabetes, and some studies show that even light, regular drinking (two drinks per week) can cause or aggravate nerve damage.

However, people with type 2 diabetes who take oral medications that lower blood sugar are at risk for hypoglycemia when drinking alcohol, especially on an empty stomach or after exercising. It's always important to carry a source of fast-acting carbs in case of a low blood sugar.

Glucagon shots may not be as effective in helping to remedy severe low blood glucose levels caused by drinking, according to the American Diabetes Association. Glucagon shots treat very severe lows caused by too much insulin. It works by getting your liver to release more glucose into your blood. But alcohol shuts down this process. You need to be able to treat your hypoglycemia with a carbohydrate, such as oral glucose tablets or gels. If you are unconscious or having a seizure, those around you should find you immediate emergency medical attention. You will probably require intravenous glucose.

In fact, non-alcoholic beers are generally higher in carbs than regular beer -- some are almost double in carb content. O'Douls Amber contains 18 grams of carbohydrates, while a regular beer has about 13 grams. Light beer and low-carb beer weigh in almost equally, with about 3 grams of carbs in 12 ounces.

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Re: Boilermaker but ED

Postby antelope » Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:04 am

Good info, Hoosier. Like you my ED is caused by Type II Diabetes. Same is true for several of the guys on the site. As you have time, go back and read all the old posts. There are tons of info woven in those exchanges. Also, come join us in the Chat Room. You will get immediate and direct answers to your questions. Besides we have a blast.

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: Boilermaker but ED

Postby franglais » Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:51 pm

Last edited by franglais on Sun May 22, 2011 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Boilermaker but ED

Postby hoosierphilly » Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:38 am

I just prepped a long, info filled reply....I think it timed out and it has been lost. I will have to do this later again as must work now. This should not time out so fast to submit.

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Re: Boilermaker but ED

Postby hoosierphilly » Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:43 am

Simple for now Andro Gel, a spray pump form....prescription. Experiement to get right dosage .....not too high or it is not good for personality or prostrate.

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Re: Boilermaker but ED

Postby JimStars » Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:16 pm

I goes without saying that penile performance (or lack of performing) has long been known to be the early indicator of a variety of troubles. Doctors have long known this too -- at least they should.
Heart disease (and associated High Blood Pressure), Type 2 Diabetes ... Low testosterone are the Big Three. I am pretty sure Enlarged Prostate - BPH(when it gets so large that it starts pressing against the penile nerves that run underneath the prostate (anterior)) is another.

I have only had ED issues with BPH (and I had a whomping 100+ gm prostate at the time of removal) but it was affecting performance for sure -- getting periods of deflation during sex or cycling erections during stimulation. (Of course also ED AFTER the prostate was taken out -- oh well -- but sure is nice to PEE like an 18yr old even if not erecting like one -- and I pee a lot more than i need to erect, so .. kind of a OK trade off I suppose).

So you have lots going against you. Hard to say which to work on? I suppose the Type-2 might be somewhat reversable with reduced weight, changed diet, exercise. Same with heart disease. Did you ever read The China Study? I am trying to embrace some of that idea -- less meat, less dairy, more veg and grains etc. But hard to so in our society. The ideas are Controversial and will never be adopted by mainstream docs (and certainly never promoted by Food, Inc), but something to consider and it would be YOU taking direct action -- not just popping pills and checking glucose forever more.

Hey, the trick to NOT losing your post it to copy and PASTE it somewhere BEFORE you hit submit. i would lose my postings a LOT if I did not do that trick every time.

RP 2008 ... MUSE 2008-9 .. TriMix Gel 2009 .. Trimix 2009-2015 ... PGE-1 2016-2019 ..Misoprostal 2019 Onward. All worked.

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Re: Boilermaker but ED

Postby hoosierphilly » Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:43 pm

I should have mentioned that I have been repeatedly solicited to participate in a study for therapy with testosterone.....
My wife finally called them to say I was not willing to be the placebo part and was disqualified since I already was doing it.

I threw that card out....

I believe it was Montefiore in the Bronx (NYC) and run by a Norman Fleisher MD (a great endochronologist but does manage diabetes) his office number was 718-405-8260. I am sure they should be able to direct you to the reasearch department. If I locate that number will repost.

Good if you near NYC and can't afford testosterone meds. But don't forget parking cost something here.

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Re: Boilermaker but ED

Postby hoosierphilly » Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:46 pm

Research try this number
The Division of Endocrinology maintains a robust basic and clinical research program in thyroid diseases and particularly in the area of obesity and diabetes. Many Divisional faculty members are participants in the Einstein Diabetes Research Center. This research center is a major site for NIH funded basic and clinical trials. These include the landmark Diabetes Control and Complications Trial which proved that good control of blood glucose levels prevents the complications of diabetes, the Diabetes Prevention Study that demonstrated that attention to diet and modest exercise can reduce the development of diabetes and many others. These studies and other research endeavors are not only perpetuating our goal of preventing and managing endocrinology-related illnesses, but they are also changing the landscape of our national healthcare system to ultimately provide patients with the knowledge and tools to live fuller, healthier lives.

In addition to patient education, the Division of Endocrinology has a commitment to training the Endocrinologist of the future. Doctors who have completed their training in Internal Medicine are eligible to apply for a Fellowship in Endocrinology.

Norman Fleischer, MD
Director of the Division of Endocrinology
1-866-MED TALK (866-633-8255)

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Re: Boilermaker but ED

Postby Josh_14_11 » Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:17 am


You wrote:
"This is not a subject most MD feel is life threatening and don't get detailed about. If there is no money in researach, no promo, no edu. Then don't forget all must market products for the money, so it takes personal experience to try to understand the possiblilities."

You're right about that. I've seen different urologist who are content to write a prescription and leave it at that; it's taken research online and talking with other guys (like here at FT!) to find some alternative solutions.
60's. Married. Occasional ED offset by a variety of methods (VED pumping, foreskin restoration, edging) with Cialis and/or pills sometimes for sex.

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